Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by CantStopLovingU Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:36 am

STUDY @ MJHD - YOU ARE A GENIUS!! This is an amazingly well done analysis / theory. If this is indeed true, get ready because TII (Thriller II a.k.a. This is It) is going to BLOW THE SOCKS off of the world. Leave JAWS on the floor, and have people SLEEPLESS at night because of what they saw (all MJ quotes!)


After getting many very positive replies to my previous posts, I’m back with one more "curtain call" post. This might be a record long post on the whole MJHD forum, but it is even more convincing than the first three; so it’s well worth taking the time to read (10 or 15 minutes). This (post) should settle the question for all but the most die-hard skeptics; and even for them, This Is It (movie) will surely settle the question.

This post is the fourth in my series. The first three are relatively short, and for those who haven’t read them yet: in order to get the most out of this post, you should read those three first (read at least the main posts, even if not the replies). Here are the links for the first three in the series:

"1998" & "7" Codes Cracked!!! MJ "Resurrection" on 9-9-09 {click here}

"Soon and Very Soon, We Are Going to See the King"—How Soon? {click here; if the text is cropped, copy and paste it into your own word processor. Also, be sure to read my update on reply #28.}

"This Is It"—TODAY is the "Final Curtain Call" Day: 9-9-09 {click here}

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Did the 9-9-09 Prediction Come True?

This post is for the purpose of showing that the prediction did indeed come true, even though the general public does not know it yet. Those of us who are paying close attention may know it now; but the general public won’t know until the movie comes out.

Since my prediction was posted on 9-7-09, two days before 9-9-09, some who did not read the prediction in advance may even think that it was actually posted after the fact—and then the date/time of posting was manipulated. Therefore, for the sake of the skeptical: will everyone who read the prediction prior to 9-9-09 please post a reply on this thread, testifying that you did read it before 9-9-09.

For those who think that the prediction did not come true—because the mass media never showed MJ jumping out of his grave just before midnight (on 9-9-09)—let me quote from my previous posts. As detectives, we need to be paying attention to the details; so notice the details in what I said, and what I did not say (quoting from the first three in the series).

The first (posted 9-7-09): "… we may hear about it on 9-9-09, or it might not be publicized until the Thriller 2 (TII) movie at Halloween (This Is It)".

The second (posted 9-8-09): "Some say that he will return this December, around the holidays. But does Christmas or New Years fit the Thriller theme? Don’t you think Halloween would fit better—which is when the movie is coming out."

The third (posted 9-9-09): "Soon and very soon, we are going to see the man behind the (final) curtain (call); the King of Hoax! So can we expect the MJ ‘resurrection’ today—the big ‘This Is It’, ‘Final Curtain’, 9-9-09 day???"

In the third one there (on 9-9-09), I said "we are going to see" MJ "soon"—I did not say that we would "see" him "today"! Sure, I did leave it open for that possibility: for the sake of the suspense (thrill); but I really did not expect it. What I did say about 9-9-09, was that it was the big "resurrection" day; however, we probably won’t actually see MJ "coming back to life" until we see it in the movie (which is what I said at the very beginning of this series).

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"This Is It"—the Solution to the Kaufman and Skaggs Dilemmas

Think about it! What if MJ showed up at NBC and said: "Hi, I’m Michael Jackson; I did not really die, it was just a hoax." What would happen? Would they instantly broadcast it? No! They would say: "You are an imposter, get out of here before we call 911."

Or what if the family came along, and said: "This is the real MJ, it was all a hoax." Would the media then believe it? Maybe; maybe not. They would wonder which report from the family was accurate: the death report, or the hoax report. See for example the death of the comedian Andy Kaufman, who wanted to hoax his death; then he died, and then 20 years later the media reported that he was back and never died—after that it was reported that the death hoax report itself was a hoax. {click here; also click here, and click here}

And what if the mass media became convinced the MJ is still alive, but they did not want to admit it? This is exactly the problem that Joey Skaggs has run into; whenever he tries to reveal any of his hoaxes: the media does not want to admit it! {click here; also click here}

Let’s even imagine what would happen if the mass media did publish that MJ is still alive—what would the world think? Many would be confused, not sure if the death was real or a hoax. Some would see him on TV and say: yes, I know it is for sure MJ—the real MJ fans can tell that it is him! Others would say: I am positively certain that is not MJ, it’s merely a double—and anyone who believes that it’s MJ is not a real fan. In fact, this is the very thing going on right now in this forum over whether the O2 guy in London was real or a double; and also the shots of MJ in the TII movie trailer, etc.

All of these problems would create confusion at best, regarding whether the "real" MJ had died or not. And all of these things would greatly reduce much of the intended effects of the hoax.

But MJ thought of all these problems in advance, and came up with an ingenious solution: document the hoax, "the making of", step by step, and put it in a movie! Don’t tell the public that the movie is about the hoax, let them find that out when they watch it. And this way the media won’t be able to intercept the information—because the whole world will already know about the movie, months before anyone sees it.

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Thriller 2 (TII): The Dome Project Completed on 6-9-09

Now we are ready to start looking at some very strong evidence pointing to 9-9-09 as the MJ "resurrection" day. Keep in mind that at least some of the "resurrection" may have been filmed on another day—just like some of the "death" photography may not have been done on 6-25-09, and possibly some of the funeral / "burial" footage may have been recorded sometime other than 9-3-09. But according to the hoax plan, and the movie script: the "death" was 6-25-09, the funeral & "burial" was 9-3-09, and the "resurrection" was 9-9-09.

The following report is from the MTV website: "… Michael Jackson completed a mysterious video production known as the ‘Dome Project’ two weeks before his death … details on the project are hard to come by due to confidentiality agreements signed by those who worked on it … it was shot, from June 1-9 [ending on 6-9-09, exactly three months before 9-9-09!]. Four sets were constructed for the video, including a cemetery similar to the one from the singer’s famous 1983 ‘Thriller’ video. Other sets included … a simulated lush jungle … In addition to the ‘Dome’ project, AEG Live is reported to have filmed 100 hours of rehearsals for the London shows …" {click here; also click here, and click here}

Now that the movie trailer is out, we can see that "This Is It" will include video from the Dome Project. {click here; also click here; and see the jungle shot at 0:49, click here}

Why was the Dome Project a mysterious secret, unless it’s about MJ coming back from the dead? Why does it include Thriller type shots, unless the movie is indeed Thriller 2 (TII, "T" for "Thriller" and "II" for Roman numeral 2; also TII for This Is It)? And if it is Thriller 2, then wouldn’t the movie include coming back from the dead—just like the first Thriller video??

And why was it "coincidentally" completed, only two weeks before his "death"? Doesn’t this sound more like a plan to finish the Dome Project first, and then go into the "death" phase? And most amazing: why was it completed on 6-9-09, exactly three months before 9-9-09? Again, just turn that first "6" upside down, and you have: 9-9-09!!!

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"This Is It" Poster Posted on Wednesday 9-9-09

There are three main steps in the process of revealing this movie to the public: the movie poster, the movie trailer, and the full movie. Let’s look at the timing of all three steps.

Although the poster may have surfaced unofficially a little early: it was not posted on the official http://www.michaeljackson.com/us website, until Wednesday 9-9-09! {click here; for a higher resolution poster, click here}

For the sake of publicity, the movie trailer was released at the MTV VMA. The timing here is controlled by MTV, and the VMA has only once been held on a Wednesday September 9. {1992; click here}

The movie itself was originally scheduled to open on Friday, October 30; but they moved it to Wednesday, October 28. {click here} Although movies do open sometimes on a Wednesday, Friday is the more common day. {click here}

Notice that 9-9-09 was a Wednesday, and the movie opens on Wednesday (10-28-09)—exactly seven weeks after 9-9-09!! Also, the movie runs for only two weeks—which would bring it up to nine weeks from 9-9-09!!! And from the original Thriller: "… see you next Wednesday!" {Thriller video at 3:31, click here} "The line [‘see you next Wednesday’] is also mentioned in the opening scene for Michael Jackson's ‘Thriller’ when the police decode a message from Jackson’s werewolf character." {click here; also click here; and click here}

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Jermaine in LONDON on 9-9-09

Yes, Jermaine had his MJ Tribute press conference in London on 9-9-09! {click here; also click here, and click here} London??? Yes, London—exactly where "This Is It" concerts were originally scheduled; and also where the "final curtain call" statement was made. {click here, at 4 min, 35 sec} London is also where the MJ Tribute has been moved to (from Vienna, and postponed until June 2010). {click here; also click here}

Maybe now we can understand why Jermaine has made some strange statements, such as these: "And I am sure that somehow he [MJ] will find a way to be with us on this [Tribute] evening, singing and dancing along—just like he always did." {click here, at 2:37} "… for THE TRIBUTE Michael Jackson will come on stage one last time. Just the way his fans worldwide loved him. … And millions of fans worldwide will witness that this is possible." {from the 2009 Tribute website, before it was changed to 2010; also click here}

Does this description really sound like a hologram projection of MJ? Wouldn’t a more fitting description of a hologram performance be something along the lines of: "Like You’ve Never Seen Him Before" (which is the description on the movie poster). {click here; also click here}

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9 + 9 = 18 … Coincidences?

Let’s review, including what we have learned from all four posts in the series. There were 9 parallels between the Joey Skaggs "Final Curtain" hoax, and the MJ "This Is It" Thriller 2 hoax. We also have 9 clues pointing very directly to 9-9-09 as the MJ "resurrection" day (and decoding these clues does not take algebra, calculus, trigonometry, etc—the average person can easily calculate them).

#1. 1998 / 3 = 666; turn 666 upside down (or add 333, the Dangerous formula) and you have 999 (9-9-09).

#2. 1998: add the first digit to the last three, 1 + 998 = 999.

#3. 9-9-09 is a catchy date, and easy to remember (like 6-6-06, and 7-7-07, etc).

#4. 9-9-09 is 77 days from the "death" on 6-25-09 (inclusive reckoning).

#5. 9-9-09 is 7 days from the funeral / "burial" on 9-3-09 (inclusive reckoning).

#6. The Dome Project (Thriller 2 filming) was completed on 6-9-09.

#7. "This Is It" poster was posted on 9-9-09.

#8. "This Is It" movie opens on a Wednesday, 7 weeks after 9-9-09 (and closes 9 weeks after 9-9-09).

#9. Jermaine MJ Tribute press conference was in London on 9-9-09.

So 9 Final Curtain parallels, plus 9 things pointing clearly to 9-9-09, equals 18 … uh, "coincidences"??? And yes, 1 + 8 (18) = 9 (and today is 9-18-09). For those who think that these are all just amazing coincidences: please notice the dates and times that each one of the four topics in this series were posted. Do you think that these were also just coincidences—or were they part of a plan?

And if these are not a bunch of coincidences pointing to 9-9-09: then they must be planned, which means that the "death" was also planned (a hoax). And then we need to ask what is the significance of 9-9-09 in the plan, if it’s not the "resurrection" day? Surely the plan would include something significant for this date!

We should also ask what day would be the "resurrection", according to the plan, if not 9-9-09? The original Thriller made all-time records in both the album, and the music video. {click here; also click here, and click here} Well then, in the Thriller 2 movie (TII), surely MJ would not forget to include scenes of the dead coming to life (just like in the original Thriller)—especially since this is the ultimate in the "dead" coming back to life (MJ himself).

So if an MJ "resurrection" is part of the plan and movie, what day would it be: would it be prior to the funeral (on 9-3-09)? Of course not. During the funeral wouldn’t even fit with the original Thriller, because the dead did not hop out of their caskets during a funeral—no, they came out of their graves.

What about Halloween? That would be too late, because Halloween is after the movie comes out. The filming has to be done before the movie comes out—so it couldn’t even be on October 28; it would have to be weeks before the movie comes out, so that there would be time to edit the shots, etc. There is of course a real nice date which comes after the funeral / "burial", and yet is several weeks before the movie opens: it is 9-9-09!

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The Movie Is "Not Yet Rated"—So You Rate It!

All these clues, codes, and plans, were not merely so that MJ could go into permanent hiding; he could have done that without all this extra ingenuity. In fact, MJ has already shown that he can dodge the media and the public when he wants to: using doubles, and/or disguises, etc; so he really wouldn’t need to hoax his death at all, merely to hide from the media and the public.

So if MJ is not in permanent hiding: then either he is actually dead—which doesn’t fit with the 9 + 9 = 18 "coincidences" (as well as a lot of other evidence here on the MJHD website)—or else he is going to be coming back. And if he is coming back: how soon? {click here}

As already mentioned above: the only way to come back without major confusion at best, and possibly even media interception, is to reveal it in the movie. Then, after everyone knows for sure that he is alive, then he can perform in London (in 2010). But he won’t wait until London to reveal himself; that could be a confusion scenario, or it could be too long to keep the hoax a secret. Apparently the LA chief of police knows that the movie will reveal the truth, which explains why he suddenly announced that he is retiring three years early at the end of October 2009 (when the movie comes out)! {click here; also click here, and click here}

For those who doubt the hoax because of legal issues: please go to the MJ official website {click here}, and then click on the "Terms and Conditions" at the bottom of the home page. Please read carefully the disclaimers, such as: "SME [Sony Music Entertainment], ITS AFFILIATES, AND ITS SPONSORS ARE NEITHER RESPONSIBLE NOR LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING IN ANY WAY TO THIS WEBSITE … YOUR SOLE REMEDY FOR DISSATISFACTION WITH THIS WEBSITE … IS TO STOP USING THE WEBSITE … SME DOES NOT WARRANT … CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE." {click here} Also TMZ, the first media agency to report the "death" of MJ, has similar disclaimers. {click here; also click here}

At the end of the movie trailer (and currently on the bottom of movie website home page), it says: "This film is not yet rated." {click here; also click here} So we want you to rate the movie.

Considering everything that has been presented above: what do you think will be in the movie, "This Is It"? Do you think it will only be rehearsals, and behind the scenes production—which would indicate that MJ is really dead? Or will there be more clues that he is alive, but no positive indication that he will ever come back? Or will it reveal the entire hoax and plan? Which will it be? Here are the rating categories:

"G" = MJ is Gone forever (actually dead)
"PG" = MJ is Probably Gone forever (in hiding, and probably will never return)
"PG-13" = MJ will Probably be Gone for 13 years, and then he’ll come back (LOL!)
"R" = MJ Resurrection (9-9-09), MJ Return, MJ hoax Revealed!!!

Vote here in this thread, which one of the four rating categories you think fits best. Let’s see how many "R" votes we can get between now and October 28; tell your friends, even the skeptics, to check out this thread and then help rate the movie. Also, don’t forget to mention if you read the "1998" & "7" codes prediction before 9-9-09.

Again, this will probably be my last post. But I will be watching; Kenny is also watching—perhaps even MJ is watching!?! Yes, this whole hoax and plan is for a bigger purpose than just exposing the media. It is time for everyone to STUDY peace {click here}: peace in our own lives, and peace in our world. Search for clues about the truth in the Bible, just as you have done with this hoax investigation. Pay attention to the details, and follow "The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by just_friend Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:55 am

wow...brillian mind! FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_smile
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by AugustMoon Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:13 am

very wellthought out,do you think the post it notes were a clue?
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by rowdyangel Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:51 am

Wow! I have just read all of the posts and it is amazing. Great work by Study @MJHD. Really interesting. bounce
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:02 pm

A while ago I read a post from someone, not sure which forum that said: "Remember, a "6" is just a "9" upside down."

"Again, just turn that first "6" upside down, and you have: 9-9-09!!!"

:~ Who Wants POPCORN??? !! ~:
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by sammymj Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:15 pm

wow i'm amazed.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by yaya Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:44 pm

wow, that is VERY interesting! 1 more week til tickets go on sale, yay!!
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by Guest Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:46 pm

Ofcause he is alive.

Can you feel it??

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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by ishealive Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:02 pm

Wow this is brilliant, very well thought out and this person is clearly very intelligent.
I love this and I do believe MJ will be back.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by Keiko Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:48 am

Hmm. I have to disagree with STUDY. As far as I know, all movies have to go through test audiences, movie critics, etc before they are released to the general public. Ratings are included, it needs a rating before it can be released...I suppose they could just give it a "NR", but I think it will just end up being PG (but I do believe he will come back, and soon!).

If the movie revealed he was alive, there would be no way all those people would be able to keep a secret that big quiet!
I'm not sure how he'll do it, but I really don't think it'll be through the movie...unless it's one of those really discreet clues that only we seem to pick up. FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_wink
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by Guest Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:52 am

Im confused after reading this post. I kinda lost it along the way FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Lol

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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by GirlSaturday Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:19 am

My head is spinning again from these new revelations. FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_scratch

I do like the TII = Thriller 2 part. The ratings suggestion is interesting too.

The numbers 9-9-9 play such a prominent role in the theory. Why wouldn't that date have been targeted as the resurrection date? Your thoughts?

After so much discussion about the movie, we are just one week away from the movie ticket sales. There is definitely going to be plenty of attention on Michael soon. The media will be monitoring how the ticket sales go as the fans anticipate the October 28th debit of this very special movie.

Hopefully many of us will be able to break through the online chaos and madness to purchase tickets.
FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_cheers
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by CantStopLovingU Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:55 am

Keiko wrote:Hmm. I have to disagree with STUDY. As far as I know, all movies have to go through test audiences, movie critics, etc before they are released to the general public. Ratings are included, it needs a rating before it can be released...I suppose they could just give it a "NR", but I think it will just end up being PG (but I do believe he will come back, and soon!).

If the movie revealed he was alive, there would be no way all those people would be able to keep a secret that big quiet!
I'm not sure how he'll do it, but I really don't think it'll be through the movie...unless it's one of those really discreet clues that only we seem to pick up. FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_wink

I know, I have thought of this as well ... If on the first day the movie is in theaters it reveals the hoax - then what - but what if, on the LAST DAY it is in theaters they play a different version of the movie? There has to be some reason why it will only be out for 2 weeks.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by justafan Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:07 pm

nothing camde t´rue except some number crap sorry.

I could do this with 10-10-10 and I would be as right.. sorry but BIG BS
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by annieisnotokey Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:09 pm

I don't want to sound really thick here, but I read all the posts and I still don't understand...

What is EXACTLY the prediction that came true?

This post is for the purpose of showing that the prediction did indeed come true, even though the general public does not know it yet.

I think I belong in the general public category. lol!
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by justafan Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:11 pm

nothing camde t´rue except some number crap sorry.

I could do this with 10-10-10 and I would be as right.. sorry but BIG BS
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by hungry Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:38 pm

I lost it half way through, and when I tried to re-read it nothing made sense. It's just one of those times when you finish reading something, and you have no idea what it was about. It goes out through the other ear, in a sense.
And it seems like we're over-analyzing everything with all these numbers.. but I could be wrong.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by annieisnotokey Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:46 pm

hungry wrote:I lost it half way through, and when I tried to re-read it nothing made sense. It's just one of those times when you finish reading something, and you have no idea what it was about. It goes out through the other ear, in a sense.
And it seems like we're over-analyzing everything with all these numbers.. but I could be wrong.

I had the same feeling.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by Sweet1 Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:52 pm

annieisnotokey wrote:I don't want to sound really thick here, but I read all the posts and I still don't understand...

What is EXACTLY the prediction that came true?

This post is for the purpose of showing that the prediction did indeed come true, even though the general public does not know it yet.

I think I belong in the general public category. FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Lol

Ditto! Also put me in the general public category! FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_lol Keep the Faith!
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:29 pm

:~ FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_sunny ~:
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by mysticallymagestically Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:36 pm

No offense to anyone but sometimes I feel like this numerology stuff can go in the direction of John Nash in the movie A Beautiful Mind.
Regardless of that though, this theory is quite intricate and there is some substance to it that makes sense involving the "documentation of the hoax" ---something I was actually thinking myself.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by queenpanther55 Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:37 am

Great minds. great works.

Go can play around with numbers.

I just want to know if its really possible that MJ would have the time to compute the dates he needs so he could incorporate the incident as coincident?

I can use the same numbers for any coincident that happened in my life.

That is why the theory of mathematics is proposed. So as to give justice in using those numbers. As they all repeat the same as 0-9. You can play around all the numbers if you want to.

DONT OVERANALYZED. In making a theory one has to gather all pertinent data and compile it so you can evaluate on what fits in your theory. Make an objective on your theory. Above all , and as I kept on saying DONT OVERANALYZED.
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FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Empty Re: FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive?

Post by Eva R Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:04 am

woooowooowooow!!! To many words!! I don't understand it! FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_redface Sorry I am dutch so... So whatzupwit number 9? FROM MJHD - EXCELLENT! The 9-9-09 Prediction DID Come True!!! This (Is It) Settles the Question: Is MJ Alive? Icon_question Can somebody explain?
Eva R
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