Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:25 am

Sorry if it is a double post, if it is go ahead and delete it.

I was on one of the blogs this morning and i think you have to read it!

There is a guy/girl "Unbreakable" that claims she was a part of the Dome Project.

He starts posting: Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:31 am ET

here is the link:

Last edited by shirley-grace on Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by DreamsComeTrue Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:53 am

Very interesting...Thanks for posting...

I like this one...

October 3rd, 2009 11:45 am ET

Michael trusted the wrong people.

He was warned about Martin Bashier, but wanted to clear his image so bad he went ahead and did it anyway.

he trusted MB because he did an interview with Princess Diana years before.

Many advised him not to…


Trust me on this though…

Michael knew what he was doing 98% of the time. Do not believe the rubbsih you hear about people controling him.

Michael was a skilled planner.

Some of his plans may have back fired, but that does not mean he did not know what he was doing.

Michael knew the folks he could not trust, for the most part, but sometimes there was little he could do to stop things.

when you surround yourself with so many people as he did, you have to expect that someone is there for thier own reasons.

MJ did not trust Tohme…But Jermaine insisted on this man.

MJ called several of his close friends, people he trusted , to get advice.

Two weeks before he died, MJ fired Tohme..

adn this upset him, greatly.

Mj was no fool, he tried to weed out the bad and keep the good. He really did.

But many stabbed him in the back. To this day, they are still doing it.

But do not let the media fool you into thinking he was being controled. because MJ always pulled the strings.

He was very wise…

we all know the saying..

“keep your friends close and your enemies closer”

I must go for now..

I will resume later on
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by DreamsComeTrue Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:59 am

**mj**October 4th, 2009 1:03 am ET

S T I M U L A T E D . T V


L.O.V.E.U. Michael

What is this? Does anyone know about this?
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by DreamsComeTrue Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:17 am

**mj** October 3rd, 2009 9:06 pm ET


L.O.V.E.U. Michael
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:29 am

Unbreakable October 2nd, 2009 5:36 pm ET

just so you know, the lyrics to that song are alreaady on the internet..

I must have missed it, anybody got the lyrics?
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by ILuvUMoreMJ Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:51 am

I don't know if this person's believable, but it's interesting...

Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 6:47 pm ET
Since this is going to be my last post here on LKL I will say a few more things.

First, YES Michael knew his true and dear fans loved him for WHO he was not WHAT he was.

My occupation outside of being a mother is a free lance photographer and set designer that works with CG things.

I worked with Michael on his HIStory tour breifly and on other things other the years.

I was contacted by someone in his camp to help with The Dome Project that Michael had been working on.

The two months prior to his passing I was in CA working on this with him amung others.

My job was to help with still photography and working with the sets and green screens and things related to CG aspects.

I saw Michael nearly everyday before he passed.

I was even blessed with the privelage of seeing the rehersals.

And seeing my work come to life. It was amazing.

Over the years I have had the honor of meeting most of Michael’s siblings as well as his children.

My work on the Dome Project brought me such joy and pride because Michael Jackson asked for ME. Not many people can say that.

The day Michael died was a horrifying day. I was to see him at rehersal that evening because we were having some glitches with some of our CG projects for the tour..

The day before he pased I saw him around 9pm and he asked me about the gliches we were having..I was pissed because I could not fix it. I told him I would stay all night to get it right, and he told me to go back to my hotel and get some rest and that we would worry about it in the morning.

When I left I told him I was so mad I was going to step on every bug I saw on the way..(it was a inside joke) and he told me

“you better not, or im gonna getcha”

Than we had a laugh and hugged and he kissed me on my cheek and told me not to stress out about the issues we were having.

I told him I would try not to, but i was still going to kill all the bugs.

I than told him I loved him and that I would see him tomorrow.

He than told me I was a bug killer but he loved me anyway.

And that was the last I saw of him.

Micheal was eating, i saw him eat many times, and eat candy, the man LOVEd candy, he always had a sucker in his hand unless he was singing or dancing..

He was not frail or sickly.

When I would talk to much he woud often tell me to go find his sucker stash and suck on it so I shut my mouth.

He was the funniest and warmest man I knew.

When we were working on The Dome Project we would sing songs together..

( I am a self proclamied karaoke queen and I told him every chance I got)

One day while we were waiting for someone to show up with some crap we needed, he said he wanted to hear the karoake queen in full mode.

He found a working mic and handed it to me and told me to “wow him”

So i grabbed the mic and told him I did not know any good songs worth singing.

(poking fun at him)

We than had a tiny karoaoke session and he told me that was the most fun he had had all day.

I told him it was not even noon yet, so that was not saying much.

Michael Jackson was a gift.

I was lucky enough to had known him for 12 years and to work with him as many times as I did.

What happen to him was a tragedy.

I have no idea if this is a hoax or not. I tend to think it is not.

I tend to think he was murdered and it is a dirty dirty murder with many people involved.

I am sorry for posting here, and making some people anrgy for whatever reason.

I never had any intention of ever saying I knew him. I have been coming here for months and reading comments. And have wanted so many times to shout out..THAT IS NOT TRUE.

But I did not.

I felt it was my time to get this off my chest.

This is not something I speak freely about for many reasons.

I was even asked months ago by LK staff if I wanted to particapte in a show where they were talking about MJ condtion before he died.

I declined.

To me, that would have been going against everything Michael stood for. Others did.

But now that 3 months have passed and we still have no answers and there are these reports he was frail and being spoon fed, I just wanted it to be known that those are all lies.

I want to tell you every MJ story I have, because it feels good to talk about him.

He was a wonderful father and an upstanding human being.

I think I have made my peace and I want to move on.

I don’t think justice will be served.

So there you all go. That is my story.

I will not post anymore in here as I feel it has been counter prodcutive.

Michael I love you and I’m going outside right now to smoosh every bug I see.

Aantal berichten : 977
Registratiedatum : 2009-10-02

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Truth_or_Dare Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:01 am


October 3rd, 2009 9:40 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael

**mj** October 3rd, 2009 9:30 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael

**mj** October 3rd, 2009 8:06 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael

This guy is saying he's MJ and everyone there seems to believe him.I wonder what the LKL crew thinks when they read the comments! LK Live blog very interesting Lol
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Truth_or_Dare Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:09 am

**mj** October 2nd, 2009 5:57 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Truth_or_Dare Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:16 am

Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 12:21 am ET
I know ALL about Michael Jackson the fact he was working on a movie. Trust me on this.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by ziffes Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:40 am

no matter if she is believable or not. i do like what she is saying.. Very Happy
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:55 am

I like that she doesn't rule out the possibility of a hoax.

Maybe we should invite her over here?
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 4evermichael71 Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:17 am

I need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:25 am

4evermichael71 wrote:Friends,
I need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
What would we do without the papers eh?!

I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

I guess we don´t have to go on analysing:

- eyes,
eyebrows, adams´ apples, fingers, thumbs, fingernails, nailbeds, hands,
wrists, wigs, hairstyles, sideruns, ears, noses, hats, dresses, pants,
glasses, micros, bracelets...
- voices, messages, speeches, lyrics, notes, phone calls, pictures, videos...
- brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, nephews, children, impersators,
doubles, friends, ex-wives, secret girlfriends, unknown memorial
- the history and geography of Germany and Austria (since the roman empire)...
- google, u tube, wikipedia, anagram genius...
- post codes and dialing codes from several countries...
- all castles and palaces in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania...
- old songs, new songs, unreleased songs...
anymore?? Do we??
Gold Member
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Aantal berichten : 315
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by ILuvUMoreMJ Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:30 am

I'm sorry you're feeling down. I have off days too...it's hard to keep believing sometimes. But I think it's healthy to look at both sides honestly. I really hate to say it, but there is a chance he is gone, and we'd be foolish not to consider that. On the other hand, there are so many inconsistencies and outright ridiculous stories that it's almost hard to believe he didn't fake his death. All I know is that if anyone was going to pull something like this off it's our Michael. Smile And he seemed to have a lot of reasons why he would need to do this. So keep the faith!

Edit: Shirley-grace that's brilliant!! cheers

Aantal berichten : 977
Registratiedatum : 2009-10-02

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 4evermichael71 Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:36 am

shirley-grace wrote:
4evermichael71 wrote:Friends,
I need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
What would we do without the papers eh?!

I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

I guess we don´t have to go on analysing:

- eyes,
eyebrows, adams´ apples, fingers, thumbs, fingernails, nailbeds, hands,
wrists, wigs, hairstyles, sideruns, ears, noses, hats, dresses, pants,
glasses, micros, bracelets...
- voices, messages, speeches, lyrics, notes, phone calls, pictures, videos...
- brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, nephews, children, impersators,
doubles, friends, ex-wives, secret girlfriends, unknown memorial
- the history and geography of Germany and Austria (since the roman empire)...
- google, u tube, wikipedia, anagram genius...
- post codes and dialing codes from several countries...
- all castles and palaces in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania...
- old songs, new songs, unreleased songs...
anymore?? Do we??

Thank you so much! That did make me feel better :-)
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Aantal berichten : 1326
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Leeftijd : 53
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 4evermichael71 Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:53 am

ILuvUMoreMJ wrote:I'm sorry you're feeling down. I have off days too...it's hard to keep believing sometimes. But I think it's healthy to look at both sides honestly. I really hate to say it, but there is a chance he is gone, and we'd be foolish not to consider that. On the other hand, there are so many inconsistencies and outright ridiculous stories that it's almost hard to believe he didn't fake his death. All I know is that if anyone was going to pull something like this off it's our Michael. LK Live blog very interesting Icon_smile And he seemed to have a lot of reasons why he would need to do this. So keep the faith!

Edit: Shirley-grace that's brilliant!! LK Live blog very interesting Icon_cheers

Thank you for your kindess:-) I know we do have to look at both sides. You're right about the inconsistencies, there are too many! Yes, if anyone can pull this off it is our Michael..our "Earth Angel". We love him so and I believe he knows that!
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Aantal berichten : 1326
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-29
Leeftijd : 53
Woonplaats : The Place My Heart Lives


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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Truth_or_Dare Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:21 am

shirley-grace wrote:
4evermichael71 wrote:Friends,
I need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
What would we do without the papers eh?!

I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

I guess we don´t have to go on analysing:

- eyes,
eyebrows, adams´ apples, fingers, thumbs, fingernails, nailbeds, hands,
wrists, wigs, hairstyles, sideruns, ears, noses, hats, dresses, pants,
glasses, micros, bracelets...
- voices, messages, speeches, lyrics, notes, phone calls, pictures, videos...
- brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, nephews, children, impersators,
doubles, friends, ex-wives, secret girlfriends, unknown memorial
- the history and geography of Germany and Austria (since the roman empire)...
- google, u tube, wikipedia, anagram genius...
- post codes and dialing codes from several countries...
- all castles and palaces in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania...
- old songs, new songs, unreleased songs...
anymore?? Do we??

LK Live blog very interesting Lol LK Live blog very interesting Lol LK Live blog very interesting Lol
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Aantal berichten : 536
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by The Little White Bird Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:16 am

shirley-grace wrote:
4evermichael71 wrote:
need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to
believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then
I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so
sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today
is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his
rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors
bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of
Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the
Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a
lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who
thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an
hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5
miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was
in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild
wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and
went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and
looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that
of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease
similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest
lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be
buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad
woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is
both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
What would we do without the papers eh?!

I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

What kind of weirdo would write something like that.....
......no wait........
oh! Wink
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
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Aantal berichten : 185
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Guest Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:19 am

oh man... since last friday ive been having really bad days.....
i think we lost Him.... for good...... LK Live blog very interesting Icon_sad
i feel like....oh..just listen...


For U Michael...Ur Moon.... LK Live blog very interesting Icon_sad

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:21 am

The Little White Bird wrote:
shirley-grace wrote:
4evermichael71 wrote:
need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to
believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then
I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so
sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today
is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his
rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors
bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of
Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the
Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a
lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who
thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an
hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5
miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was
in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild
wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and
went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and
looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that
of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease
similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest
lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be
buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad
woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is
both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
What would we do without the papers eh?!

I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

What kind of weirdo would write something like that.....
......no wait........
oh! Wink

That was you wasn't it? I could'nt rememer. Excellent, that's why I saved it.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by The Little White Bird Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:27 am

That was you wasn't it? I could'nt rememer. Excellent, that's why I saved it.

Guilty! I'm happy it cheers you up, when you're down hun! x
The Little White Bird
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by marsheliamorgan Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:42 am

I'm sorry you're feeling down. I have off days too...it's hard to keep believing sometimes. But I think it's healthy to look at both sides honestly. I really hate to say it, but there is a chance he is gone, and we'd be foolish not to consider that. On the other hand, there are so many inconsistencies and outright ridiculous stories that it's almost hard to believe he didn't fake his death. All I know is that if anyone was going to pull something like this off it's our Michael. And he seemed to have a lot of reasons why he would need to do this. So keep the faith!

this is what i find happening,i start thinking,OK,maybe,just possibly,I am the one who is living with denial,and just dont want to face what the truth,maybe he is gone,and then,I start thinking of ALL the inconsistencies,and think,i could excuse a few misplaced lyrics in a song (grief?)but,when i start thinking and looking at ALL THE SEVERAL ones it just doesnt add up,we have what now?the scenerio of the death,where EXACTLY he was found,how he was found,the laspe in time on calling 911,NO MENTION of his name in 911 call,the different camera angles and what they caught at the ambulance,THE SLOW moving ambulance,(as if WHOEVER was backing that up,WHY not go forward and turn around and come out facing front,OR rumour had it that the drive circled around)(or why not let someone EXPERIENCED BE DRIVING or turn around BEFORE the "body is put in ambulance)Pic of "body" that does not look like michael in recent years,but,years younger,not to mention,NO ONE (PARAMEDICS DID NOT REconginize him,COME on this is THE king of pop)the allegations of what he appeared to look like,why they couldnt/didnt recongnize him,and of course we could go on and on. If he was murdered,then,once again,there wouldnt/shouldnt STILL have been all the inconsistencies and double completly different comments made from all from family to "close"friends,and yes i understand about coming out of the blue,and planning a funeral when not expected BUT,why the YOUNGER pics and etc. instead of MORE recent pics.and if murdered,lapd should have been QUICK to jump on sealing house as crime scene,AND if latoya THOUGHT from the first she heard of passing THIS WAS MURDER,then WHY would she and janet go into house and start removing stuff,WHY would she NOT have questioned,ok, LAPD you need to be here,seal house off and do your investigation things BEFORE WE REMOVE ANY OR WHAT COULD BE EVIDENCE.?so i get where you are coming from with your doubts,its a rollercoaster and one day at one moment i think,i am just being silly and hopeful,and wishing on that star,and then the next moment i go to thinking of all these things and more that DO POINT to a hoax,thats why i am so glad that there is this forum and we can talk things over and discuss these issues. I know this is LONG post,but,i guess i just need to say THANKS for being here and available. shelia
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by CantStopLovingU Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:50 am

I definately without a doubt believe everything she said.

LKL has been instrumental in this from the beginning so it makes alot of sense that some of the folks who worked with Michael would read / comment. People just do not make up details like that when they are lying.

I dont think she said anything that would cause any kind of trouble. She did confirm that Michael was not frail and sickly. That goes directly against what the "followers" said and I believe what Karen F said (I have to check on Kaen though)

Even Michael - if he is alive, which you all know I believe he is, I think he would have a very hard time containing himself. Remember even if he were to post on a blog or forum, the world at large thinks he is gone! The automatic assumption will be that someone else is posing as Michael. They would never believe it to be him because they think he is done and that we are all insane.

Michael is ALIVE - I have no doubt in my mind that he is ALIVE. We have to have faith - What is faith? Faith is believing in what you cannot see. Just because we dont see the Lord God walking down the street doesnt mean we dont believe HE is there. All we have to do is look at HIS wonderous creation as a reminder that HE IS ALIVE.

I think there have been so many clues I'm telling you we have so much evidence that he is still with us - We have no evidence that he is gone.

Just hang in there everybody! Michael knows what he is doing.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 4evermichael71 Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:15 am

Thank you all for making me feel better :-) This is a great place and great people:-) I believe what she said too and I'm hoping against hope that it is really Michael that's posting and not a poser playing with our emotions.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by lou Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:51 am

ILuvUMoreMJ wrote:I don't know if this person's believable, but it's interesting...

Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 6:47 pm ET
Since this is going to be my last post here on LKL I will say a few more things.

First, YES Michael knew his true and dear fans loved him for WHO he was not WHAT he was.

My occupation outside of being a mother is a free lance photographer and set designer that works with CG things.

I worked with Michael on his HIStory tour breifly and on other things other the years.

I was contacted by someone in his camp to help with The Dome Project that Michael had been working on.

The two months prior to his passing I was in CA working on this with him amung others.

My job was to help with still photography and working with the sets and green screens and things related to CG aspects.

I saw Michael nearly everyday before he passed.

I was even blessed with the privelage of seeing the rehersals.

And seeing my work come to life. It was amazing.

Over the years I have had the honor of meeting most of Michael’s siblings as well as his children.

My work on the Dome Project brought me such joy and pride because Michael Jackson asked for ME. Not many people can say that.

The day Michael died was a horrifying day. I was to see him at rehersal that evening because we were having some glitches with some of our CG projects for the tour..

The day before he pased I saw him around 9pm and he asked me about the gliches we were having..I was pissed because I could not fix it. I told him I would stay all night to get it right, and he told me to go back to my hotel and get some rest and that we would worry about it in the morning.

When I left I told him I was so mad I was going to step on every bug I saw on the way..(it was a inside joke) and he told me

“you better not, or im gonna getcha”

Than we had a laugh and hugged and he kissed me on my cheek and told me not to stress out about the issues we were having.

I told him I would try not to, but i was still going to kill all the bugs.

I than told him I loved him and that I would see him tomorrow.

He than told me I was a bug killer but he loved me anyway.

And that was the last I saw of him.

Micheal was eating, i saw him eat many times, and eat candy, the man LOVEd candy, he always had a sucker in his hand unless he was singing or dancing..

He was not frail or sickly.

When I would talk to much he woud often tell me to go find his sucker stash and suck on it so I shut my mouth.

He was the funniest and warmest man I knew.

When we were working on The Dome Project we would sing songs together..

( I am a self proclamied karaoke queen and I told him every chance I got)

One day while we were waiting for someone to show up with some crap we needed, he said he wanted to hear the karoake queen in full mode.

He found a working mic and handed it to me and told me to “wow him”

So i grabbed the mic and told him I did not know any good songs worth singing.

(poking fun at him)

We than had a tiny karoaoke session and he told me that was the most fun he had had all day.

I told him it was not even noon yet, so that was not saying much.

Michael Jackson was a gift.

I was lucky enough to had known him for 12 years and to work with him as many times as I did.

What happen to him was a tragedy.

I have no idea if this is a hoax or not. I tend to think it is not.

I tend to think he was murdered and it is a dirty dirty murder with many people involved.

I am sorry for posting here, and making some people anrgy for whatever reason.

I never had any intention of ever saying I knew him. I have been coming here for months and reading comments. And have wanted so many times to shout out..THAT IS NOT TRUE.

But I did not.

I felt it was my time to get this off my chest.

This is not something I speak freely about for many reasons.

I was even asked months ago by LK staff if I wanted to particapte in a show where they were talking about MJ condtion before he died.

I declined.

To me, that would have been going against everything Michael stood for. Others did.

But now that 3 months have passed and we still have no answers and there are these reports he was frail and being spoon fed, I just wanted it to be known that those are all lies.

I want to tell you every MJ story I have, because it feels good to talk about him.

He was a wonderful father and an upstanding human being.

I think I have made my peace and I want to move on.

I don’t think justice will be served.

So there you all go. That is my story.

I will not post anymore in here as I feel it has been counter prodcutive.

Michael I love you and I’m going outside right now to smoosh every bug I see.

I think the above statement is interesting. I truly believe that MJ was not "frail and sickly" and I find it hard to believe that he, being a health counscious man, would beg a doctor to inject him with anaesthetic. It sounds odd to me... LK Live blog very interesting Icon_scratch
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by See Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:06 am

shirley-grace wrote:
4evermichael71 wrote:Friends,
I need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
What would we do without the papers eh?!

I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

I guess we don´t have to go on analysing:

- eyes,
eyebrows, adams´ apples, fingers, thumbs, fingernails, nailbeds, hands,
wrists, wigs, hairstyles, sideruns, ears, noses, hats, dresses, pants,
glasses, micros, bracelets...
- voices, messages, speeches, lyrics, notes, phone calls, pictures, videos...
- brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, nephews, children, impersators,
doubles, friends, ex-wives, secret girlfriends, unknown memorial
- the history and geography of Germany and Austria (since the roman empire)...
- google, u tube, wikipedia, anagram genius...
- post codes and dialing codes from several countries...
- all castles and palaces in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania...
- old songs, new songs, unreleased songs...
anymore?? Do we??

Thanks for that Shirly-Grace.... You know what they say :
Chaos always wins, because it's better organized ...
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by illusionist Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:25 am

I don't know about you guys, but there's someone by the name of Eli who comments on LK blogs - He's a real prick! LK Live blog very interesting Icon_smile
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by illusionist Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:28 am

Unbreakable October 2nd, 2009 3:39 pm ET
I was not in his circle and I really know nothing more than anyone else.
I will not claim to be someone I am not..that’s not how I roll.
Just a heartbroken fan is all I am..
nothing more.

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="585"><tr><td style="font-size: 10px;" valign="top" width="138">
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by illusionist Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:35 am

Some others from Unbreakable

October 2nd, 2009 4:32 pm ET
Let me ask this..
First I’m going to start off saying I have been a vistor to LK blogs
way b4 MJ died..just rarely ever said anything, as there was not much
to say really.
But I would like to get some of your thoughts on this “Informant” and the one who goes by *mj*
Are they bogus, or should we listen to them?
Just wondered what the majority rule here was..
And as far as the folks from the MJDH site copying from someones webite, didn’t she just copy her stuff from here?
All anyone has to do is come here and do the same thing, not sure what the big is..

October 2nd, 2009 5:16 pm ET
I’m not a hoax believer, unless something BIG leads me to that,
however, the look on Kathrine’s face to me seemed to be alook of
anger,not grief.
The children looked bored.
I honestly thought if MJ were to pass away, that it would kill her..literally…
Than we he did..(which is still a shock) she seemed to handle it
better than I thought, like shopping at Target a day later and such.
just odd things like that..
Again, I’m not a hoaxer, just an observer.

and then from *mj*

October 2nd, 2009 5:48 pm ET
“Time’s glory is to calm contending kings, to unmask falsehood and bring truth to light.”
William Shakespeare

October 3rd, 2009 12:28 am ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:00 pm

Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 12:27 pm ET

I am going to share on story, as it is nothing too personal.

Some people have questioned my name..many know it is a MJ song off his last album.

At the start of May I had to fly home for a surgery..My birthday was May 2 and my surgery was to be May 4th..I flew home Saturday the 3rd..had my surgery Monday and flew back to LA on Wed to get back to work.

The next day I returned which was the 6th I think, I was having a very bad time, I was in pain and not feeling good and missing my kids as I had not really spent any time with them in weeks.

I was sitting on the floor next to the mens room..(cause there was no one around) and I was crying..(yes, I AM a baby)

Before I knew it I felt someone sit next to me, My head was between my legs being cradled by my hands…SO i did not see who sat but could feel someone did,

So me, being me, and by that I mean I am a bit*ch sometimes, I said..”leave me alone, nothing to see here”

Than I heard these words.

“make me”

I knew it was him.

He asked me what was wrong, as he knew I had just had surgery.

I began to cry and told him I was in pain, I was tired, I was worried about fuc*king up hios masterpiece, I felt lots of pressure, I missed my family and I thought I was falling apart.

I than loooked him in the eyes and said..”you seem so unbreakable and here I am crying over nothing”

He than wrapped his arms around me..

(and boy, it felt good)

he told me that I was the one who was unbreakable and he can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from my kids, as he can’t go a day without his..he told me that he had faith in me and that he did not question or doubt my ability to do this project with him.

An from then on, he always called me Unbreakable..

he would often say..

“somene get unbreakable some dish soap her mouth needs a good rinsing”

I tend to drop swear words like they are gospel.

Mother Day weekend was the following weekend and Michael arranged, behind my back, for my family to fly out for the weekend.

So my kids and my husband got to finally meet him. He was very kind to my family and tried teaching them the moonwalk and also gave them money to play every game in an arcade near by..

So these are the sorts of things I want to say..

That is the kind of heart he had.

and that is why I have this name.

Because that is what he called me.

But really, it applied more to him. In my eyes.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by shirley-grace Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:04 pm

Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:04 am ET

Michael Jackson’s children are beautiful and I am glad to see they are doing well.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by amber Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:25 pm

4evermichael71 wrote:Friends,
I need your help. Today is already a roller coaster day for me. I want to believe so badly Michael is still alive and most of the time I do. Then I'm overcome with emotion and fear that he's never coming back. I'm so sorry. I'm not a doubter, I do have depression already and maybe today is just an off day...sorry for bothering you all...

Don't worry it happens to me too.Just keep in mind what we found out so far.

It must be the moon!

Read this I saved it on my PC, hope it can chear u up some, it works with me.

Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on lol? thank you shirley this made my night its super for our bad days LK Live blog very interesting Icon_cheers
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 4evermichael71 Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:41 pm

Yes, thank you again Shirley!
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 2000watts Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:53 am

Did anyone happen to catch the fact that someone posted a comment under her name that she did nOT? Something only her and MJ knew about? Alos if this *mj* is REAL, would he not call her out if this was a lie?

Also..someone asked *mj* if he knew Unbreakable and to give a sign if he did..

than the next day someone posts something under her that only her and MJ knew about..

Go read thru all the comments...

Tell me that u think..

Also this Informer has not come around to say its bull shit either..So either its real, or this informer is full of crap!

either way, we shall soon find out..
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 2000watts Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:56 am

Another thing..

She said she talked with people she worked wiht on the dome prject and they advised her not to post again...

and she has not been back since..

These are my three theories on this..

She is telling the truth..

she is testing to see if the informer is real..if the informer vouches for her, and says its true, than this unbreakable knows the inforemer is bull crap...But if the informer says this person is a fake, than maybe the infomer is real..

they are both full of crap..

those are my theories...
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by See Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:14 am

Could you give a link???
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by THE JACKSONOLOGIST Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:18 am

shirley-grace wrote:Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 12:27 pm ET

I am going to share on story, as it is nothing too personal.

Some people have questioned my name..many know it is a MJ song off his last album.

At the start of May I had to fly home for a surgery..My birthday was May 2 and my surgery was to be May 4th..I flew home Saturday the 3rd..had my surgery Monday and flew back to LA on Wed to get back to work.

The next day I returned which was the 6th I think, I was having a very bad time, I was in pain and not feeling good and missing my kids as I had not really spent any time with them in weeks.

I was sitting on the floor next to the mens room..(cause there was no one around) and I was crying..(yes, I AM a baby)

Before I knew it I felt someone sit next to me, My head was between my legs being cradled by my hands…SO i did not see who sat but could feel someone did,

So me, being me, and by that I mean I am a bit*ch sometimes, I said..”leave me alone, nothing to see here”

Than I heard these words.

“make me”

I knew it was him.

He asked me what was wrong, as he knew I had just had surgery.

I began to cry and told him I was in pain, I was tired, I was worried about fuc*king up hios masterpiece, I felt lots of pressure, I missed my family and I thought I was falling apart.

I than loooked him in the eyes and said..”you seem so unbreakable and here I am crying over nothing”

He than wrapped his arms around me..

(and boy, it felt good)

he told me that I was the one who was unbreakable and he can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from my kids, as he can’t go a day without his..he told me that he had faith in me and that he did not question or doubt my ability to do this project with him.

An from then on, he always called me Unbreakable..

he would often say..

“somene get unbreakable some dish soap her mouth needs a good rinsing”

I tend to drop swear words like they are gospel.

Mother Day weekend was the following weekend and Michael arranged, behind my back, for my family to fly out for the weekend.

So my kids and my husband got to finally meet him. He was very kind to my family and tried teaching them the moonwalk and also gave them money to play every game in an arcade near by..

So these are the sorts of things I want to say..

That is the kind of heart he had.

and that is why I have this name.

Because that is what he called me.

But really, it applied more to him. In my eyes.

OMG. If this story is true then Im going to cry. Can you imagine feeling sad like she did and having MJ refuse to leave your side? And then pay for your fam to come visit you? And to give your kids money to play games?

OMG! Im SOOOO in love with this man.

This is the most sweetest thing.

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 2000watts Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:19 am


there are a LOT of comments, and you really should read them all..esp ones Unbreakable makes...near the end is when it gets good.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by jpresley Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:44 am

Everyone around me at work thinks I've lost my mind! I've been sitting at my desk laughing hysterically w/ tears in my eyes. Thanks Shirley-Grace for posting what Little White Bird wrote. I, too, am going to save it to my PC so that I will have something to lift me up when I'm feeling down.
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by jpresley Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:46 am

OMG. If this story is true then Im going to cry. Can you imagine feeling sad like she did and having MJ refuse to leave your side? And then pay for your fam to come visit you? And to give your kids money to play games?

OMG! Im SOOOO in love with this man.

This is the most sweetest thing.

Oh God, me too. How I can love someone this much w/o actually ever meeting him?? Don't know and don't really care, because I absolutely fall more in love w/ him every damn day!
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 2000watts Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:49 am

If you read all the posts, if they are true, he was very very funny!

I'm skepical still..

I think it is someone trying to see if the informer is legit...
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Smelly Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:50 am

jpresley wrote:
OMG. If this story is true then Im going to cry. Can you imagine feeling sad like she did and having MJ refuse to leave your side? And then pay for your fam to come visit you? And to give your kids money to play games?

OMG! Im SOOOO in love with this man.

This is the most sweetest thing.

Oh God, me too. How I can love someone this much w/o actually ever meeting him?? Don't know and don't really care, because I absolutely fall more in love w/ him every damn day!

Me three, I thought I was slowly starting to lose my mind lol. Glad I'm not the only one
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by jpresley Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:53 am

Smelly wrote:
jpresley wrote:
OMG. If this story is true then Im going to cry. Can you imagine feeling sad like she did and having MJ refuse to leave your side? And then pay for your fam to come visit you? And to give your kids money to play games?

OMG! Im SOOOO in love with this man.

This is the most sweetest thing.

Oh God, me too. How I can love someone this much w/o actually ever meeting him?? Don't know and don't really care, because I absolutely fall more in love w/ him every damn day!

Me three, I thought I was slowly starting to lose my mind lol. Glad I'm not the only one

We're all a bunch of damn nutters!! LOL. I'm proud to be an MJ nutter though!
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Smelly Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:55 am

Power to the nutters girl lol
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by jpresley Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:02 pm

Okay, so I've been on that LKL site for a bit and there is actually a lot of good discussion going on there. My problem is that there isn't enough time in the damn day to read/comprehend every blog/comments section/article about Michael. Some days, I feel like I'm losing my damn mind from the endless amount of information there is to sift through. As the Jacksonologist knows, I've been completely worthless at work for 3 months LOL and I STILL can't get to everything. Grrr. Plus, I have to leave at 3 today for a dental appt which SO is gonna cut into to my surfing/obsessing time! LK Live blog very interesting Icon_bounce LK Live blog very interesting Icon_biggrin
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by ziffes Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:05 pm

im seriously living in my own little MJ world... drunken drunken drunken

so i have the same problem as you have
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by Guest Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:06 pm

Smelly wrote:
jpresley wrote:
OMG. If this story is true then Im going to cry. Can you imagine feeling sad like she did and having MJ refuse to leave your side? And then pay for your fam to come visit you? And to give your kids money to play games?

OMG! Im SOOOO in love with this man.

This is the most sweetest thing.

Oh God, me too. How I can love someone this much w/o actually ever meeting him?? Don't know and don't really care, because I absolutely fall more in love w/ him every damn day!

Me three, I thought I was slowly starting to lose my mind lol. Glad I'm not the only one

Me four-forever! Very Happy

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by city.gal1 Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:13 pm

Smelly wrote:Power to the nutters girl lol

Oh god...this comment made me laugh so hard.

I've become obsessed with all of this as well and this is as someone who hadn't even been "following" Michael closely over the last 15 years or so. But things didn't seem right to me at the 02 announcement although just sort of dismissed it at the time. Never mind all of the weirdness since his "death".
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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by THE JACKSONOLOGIST Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:13 pm

jpresley wrote:Okay, so I've been on that LKL site for a bit and there is actually a lot of good discussion going on there. My problem is that there isn't enough time in the damn day to read/comprehend every blog/comments section/article about Michael. Some days, I feel like I'm losing my damn mind from the endless amount of information there is to sift through. As the Jacksonologist knows, I've been completely worthless at work for 3 months LOL and I STILL can't get to everything. Grrr. Plus, I have to leave at 3 today for a dental appt which SO is gonna cut into to my surfing/obsessing time! LK Live blog very interesting Icon_bounce LK Live blog very interesting Icon_biggrin


LK Live blog very interesting Lol LK Live blog very interesting Lol LK Live blog very interesting Lol

I especially HATE it when my boss is in the office cus THAT cuts into my surfing/obsessing time!!!

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LK Live blog very interesting Empty Re: LK Live blog very interesting

Post by 4evermichael71 Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:15 pm

Smelly wrote:
jpresley wrote:
OMG. If this story is true then Im going to cry. Can you imagine feeling sad like she did and having MJ refuse to leave your side? And then pay for your fam to come visit you? And to give your kids money to play games?

OMG! Im SOOOO in love with this man.

This is the most sweetest thing.

Oh God, me too. How I can love someone this much w/o actually ever meeting him?? Don't know and don't really care, because I absolutely fall more in love w/ him every damn day!

Me three, I thought I was slowly starting to lose my mind lol. Glad I'm not the only one

Me four!
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