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I´m gonna post some of the screenshots i made from BACK of mjjcommunity, which are REALLY IMPORTANT in my eyes!!!
tHE nEW 7 (dAY) tHEORY
Post of a User
June 25th2006 Meaning : Art = Michaelmania
Crystal ball Meaning: To see into the future, and to focus on a moment in time = a date, a moment in history
of course Michaelmania and a Moment in History because of his fake "death" carried out with PERFECTION
Is it cooking, does it smell good? -----> Meaning: Perfection ?
Is the temperature set to 3+4+0 degrees and set for 7 + 0 Minutes?
-----------> 3+4+0= 7 could refer to a month ----> July and 7+0 Minutes -----> could be the day 7th
Mystery Meaning = conspiracy
777= 7th July 07.
On 7th July 2007 Michael Jackson will appear on TV which will be broadcast around the globe, to announce the release of his new album.
The announcement will be made to the world after his defeat of the biggest conspiracy in entertainment history.
7-7-09 <---- was the Memorial broadcasted all around the world ....
MYSTERY777 is also a name of a user from mjjcommunity ... with a lot of weird posts too... could be also MICHAEL
The Theory OFFICIALLY BEGINS 26-10-2006
Post of User
The 7 Day Theory is a conspiracy theory spurred by the death of 2PAC. This theory claim that the left clues that he faked his death.
Seven albums have been released posthumously, fueling more interest in the possibility that Shakur is still alive. There are several references to the number seven (hence "The 7 Day Theory") His album, The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, was named so for the fact it was completed in a seven day period.
read about it here:
OK, stay with me..
and This is it Poster :
Post of a User with the name FRIEND
Back always refers to time, but it may not be a date, it could be referring to something else
None of the numbers 62, 76, 813 or 21 don't have a common GCF, so there must be some other relationship between the numbers, but it is not referring back to any individual number.
he capitalizes IME in Time, and he also capitalizes the letter N, the letters HEORY, in some moments he capitalizes only the letter O, but in others he capitalizes OMENT, and EEP in Keep
Taking the capitalized letters IME N HEORY and EEP
Maybe these letters are scrambled?
IMENHEORY -- together, change the H with M = memory
Maybe "In Memory" if you change the letters around and subsitute?
If so you have Omen which is something that points to a Future Event
In Memory, something that points to a past event, related to someone significant - Tupac <----------NOW we know that it is about Michael himself!!!
It's a brighter day once the scab fickles and dissapates to matter. -
the scab will be scraped off, the people will see the truth - could be an indication of some unknown thing coming to light perhaps, that will reveal the truth for all
As the earth continues its' axis rotation, day to night, night to day, the human beings of said planet witness the continuance of the trance we call time. Time is of the essence, so they say. Time is the checkmate of life. Forever spinning in this globe-cast of many different elements, there comes a tIME when time itself takes a backseat to the mOMENT.
More of back's characteristic references to time, i dont get it other than to acknowledge that time may in a sense "stand still" for something of huge significance,
but that seems to be the point of this whole thing
We, as intelligent beings, decipher and choose when to allow the moment to suspend time. As with the Killuminatti, iN tHEORY, 72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell
MOMENT is the word he often used in his posts
MJ´s (or who ever it was *lol* London Press Conference Speech :
This is the Moment! This is it!
I´m gonna post some of the screenshots i made from BACK of mjjcommunity, which are REALLY IMPORTANT in my eyes!!!
tHE nEW 7 (dAY) tHEORY
Post of a User
June 25th2006 Meaning : Art = Michaelmania
Crystal ball Meaning: To see into the future, and to focus on a moment in time = a date, a moment in history
of course Michaelmania and a Moment in History because of his fake "death" carried out with PERFECTION
Is it cooking, does it smell good? -----> Meaning: Perfection ?
Is the temperature set to 3+4+0 degrees and set for 7 + 0 Minutes?
-----------> 3+4+0= 7 could refer to a month ----> July and 7+0 Minutes -----> could be the day 7th
Mystery Meaning = conspiracy
777= 7th July 07.
On 7th July 2007 Michael Jackson will appear on TV which will be broadcast around the globe, to announce the release of his new album.
The announcement will be made to the world after his defeat of the biggest conspiracy in entertainment history.
7-7-09 <---- was the Memorial broadcasted all around the world ....
MYSTERY777 is also a name of a user from mjjcommunity ... with a lot of weird posts too... could be also MICHAEL
The Theory OFFICIALLY BEGINS 26-10-2006
Post of User
The 7 Day Theory is a conspiracy theory spurred by the death of 2PAC. This theory claim that the left clues that he faked his death.
Seven albums have been released posthumously, fueling more interest in the possibility that Shakur is still alive. There are several references to the number seven (hence "The 7 Day Theory") His album, The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, was named so for the fact it was completed in a seven day period.
read about it here:
OK, stay with me..
and This is it Poster :
Post of a User with the name FRIEND
Back always refers to time, but it may not be a date, it could be referring to something else
None of the numbers 62, 76, 813 or 21 don't have a common GCF, so there must be some other relationship between the numbers, but it is not referring back to any individual number.
he capitalizes IME in Time, and he also capitalizes the letter N, the letters HEORY, in some moments he capitalizes only the letter O, but in others he capitalizes OMENT, and EEP in Keep
Taking the capitalized letters IME N HEORY and EEP
Maybe these letters are scrambled?
IMENHEORY -- together, change the H with M = memory
Maybe "In Memory" if you change the letters around and subsitute?
If so you have Omen which is something that points to a Future Event
In Memory, something that points to a past event, related to someone significant - Tupac <----------NOW we know that it is about Michael himself!!!
It's a brighter day once the scab fickles and dissapates to matter. -
the scab will be scraped off, the people will see the truth - could be an indication of some unknown thing coming to light perhaps, that will reveal the truth for all
As the earth continues its' axis rotation, day to night, night to day, the human beings of said planet witness the continuance of the trance we call time. Time is of the essence, so they say. Time is the checkmate of life. Forever spinning in this globe-cast of many different elements, there comes a tIME when time itself takes a backseat to the mOMENT.
More of back's characteristic references to time, i dont get it other than to acknowledge that time may in a sense "stand still" for something of huge significance,
but that seems to be the point of this whole thing
We, as intelligent beings, decipher and choose when to allow the moment to suspend time. As with the Killuminatti, iN tHEORY, 72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell
MOMENT is the word he often used in his posts
MJ´s (or who ever it was *lol* London Press Conference Speech :
This is the Moment! This is it!
Last edited by Pammy on Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:01 pm; edited 7 times in total
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Does this "back" still post at the forum?
Does this "back" still post at the forum?
hungry- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 635
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-30
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
that is really interesting! altho i'm a little confused. are they referring to the biggest conspiracy in entertainment history as the hoax? and what is with the june 25 2006, the crystal ball, is it cooking and all that stuff about?
yaya- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 786
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Central Texas
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
ok...the User FRIEND posted this also :
and now the thought occurs to me, nothing to do with tupac, cause it's titled the new 7 day theory, the old one referred to tupac,
but this is new ..... the nEW = take off the t - leaves He, and the empahsis on EW = Knew - He Knew
Here is something interesting, if you take the numbers from the 6/25 post
62, 76, 813 or 21 and instead of writing them as he has,
but write them as you would if this were all one long number, you'd get the number
627, 681, 321
if you take this number in its parts they all have a divisor of 3
627/3 = 209
now if you look at the key, one of them is 29 take out the 0, and you get 29
681/3 = 227
321/3 = 107
Now in Tupac's 7 day theory, much of the theory had to do with things indicated at certain points within a song, for example,
In the song "Only Fear of Death," in his R U Still Down? (Remember Me),
Shakur says, "Never will I die, I'll be back" at the end of 2:41 mark. (2+4+1=7).
This states that he's still alive and he'll be back.
In the song "All Out" in his "Until the End of Time" album,
Shakur says, "I'm in Jamaica sipping..." at the 1:33 mark. (1+3+3=7)
This can also indicate a possible destination.
Since the album is also called, "Until the End of Time," Jamaica can also be the place where he is until he dies.
At the 2:32 (2+3+2=7) mark of his song California Love he says "live and die."
In the song Ambitionz Az a Rider with 1:06 left in the song, pac says "But I'm back reincarnated". (1+6=7)
so 209 could equal 2:09; 227 = 2:27, 107 = 1:07, could be markers in previous Michael songs? Example the song SHOUT?
Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions
Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how we're living.
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning,
But will we live to see the dawn.
the last part of his message reads
As with the Killuminatti, iN tHEORY, 72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell.Some things aren't meant for easy translation. But over tIme, it's possible to clearly see the light, if the mOMENT warrants. As the world turns and the clocks spin infinitely, tick tock tick tock, kEEP track of time and please kEEP WATCHIN'..............
he refers to the world turning, clocks spinning - could equal Karma - What comes around, goes around
He says t please keep track of time
if the keep = peek, then it would be we're peeking at time
72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory
72 hours = 3 days; within a 7 day theory, leaves 4 days? 3 day event perhaps, or perhaps 3 days prior to an event, what event?
Go back to the message:
tHE SUN RISES amidst the clouds, breaking the thickest of the wild blue yonder's momentary scab. It's a brighter day once the scab fickles and dissapates to matter.
Some things aren't meant for easy translation. But over tIme, it's possible to clearly see the light, if the mOMENT warrants.
We all must unite, to turn darkness to light,
And the love in our hearts will shine.
So, it could have to do with the concept then and not tupac perse?
and to me, back's references, and the concept, still tie into Michael's song Shout
going back to the beginning of back's message he says
tHE SUN RISES amidst the clouds, breaking the thickest of the wild blue yonder's momentary scab. It's a brighter day once the scab fickles and dissapates to matter.
tHE SUN RISES = shedding light
wild blue yonder's - it's clear, you can see what you could not see before
momentary scab -- these are the one's whom the truth is about to be shown about
the scab fickles and dissapates to matter -- makes me think of an illusion
and now the thought occurs to me, nothing to do with tupac, cause it's titled the new 7 day theory, the old one referred to tupac,
but this is new ..... the nEW = take off the t - leaves He, and the empahsis on EW = Knew - He Knew
Here is something interesting, if you take the numbers from the 6/25 post
62, 76, 813 or 21 and instead of writing them as he has,
but write them as you would if this were all one long number, you'd get the number
627, 681, 321
if you take this number in its parts they all have a divisor of 3
627/3 = 209
now if you look at the key, one of them is 29 take out the 0, and you get 29
681/3 = 227
321/3 = 107
Now in Tupac's 7 day theory, much of the theory had to do with things indicated at certain points within a song, for example,
In the song "Only Fear of Death," in his R U Still Down? (Remember Me),
Shakur says, "Never will I die, I'll be back" at the end of 2:41 mark. (2+4+1=7).
This states that he's still alive and he'll be back.
In the song "All Out" in his "Until the End of Time" album,
Shakur says, "I'm in Jamaica sipping..." at the 1:33 mark. (1+3+3=7)
This can also indicate a possible destination.
Since the album is also called, "Until the End of Time," Jamaica can also be the place where he is until he dies.
At the 2:32 (2+3+2=7) mark of his song California Love he says "live and die."
In the song Ambitionz Az a Rider with 1:06 left in the song, pac says "But I'm back reincarnated". (1+6=7)
so 209 could equal 2:09; 227 = 2:27, 107 = 1:07, could be markers in previous Michael songs? Example the song SHOUT?
Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions
Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how we're living.
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there'll be no warning,
But will we live to see the dawn.
the last part of his message reads
As with the Killuminatti, iN tHEORY, 72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell.Some things aren't meant for easy translation. But over tIme, it's possible to clearly see the light, if the mOMENT warrants. As the world turns and the clocks spin infinitely, tick tock tick tock, kEEP track of time and please kEEP WATCHIN'..............
he refers to the world turning, clocks spinning - could equal Karma - What comes around, goes around
He says t please keep track of time
if the keep = peek, then it would be we're peeking at time
72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory
72 hours = 3 days; within a 7 day theory, leaves 4 days? 3 day event perhaps, or perhaps 3 days prior to an event, what event?
Go back to the message:
tHE SUN RISES amidst the clouds, breaking the thickest of the wild blue yonder's momentary scab. It's a brighter day once the scab fickles and dissapates to matter.
Some things aren't meant for easy translation. But over tIme, it's possible to clearly see the light, if the mOMENT warrants.
We all must unite, to turn darkness to light,
And the love in our hearts will shine.
So, it could have to do with the concept then and not tupac perse?
and to me, back's references, and the concept, still tie into Michael's song Shout
going back to the beginning of back's message he says
tHE SUN RISES amidst the clouds, breaking the thickest of the wild blue yonder's momentary scab. It's a brighter day once the scab fickles and dissapates to matter.
tHE SUN RISES = shedding light
wild blue yonder's - it's clear, you can see what you could not see before
momentary scab -- these are the one's whom the truth is about to be shown about
the scab fickles and dissapates to matter -- makes me think of an illusion
Last edited by Pammy on Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:19 pm; edited 7 times in total
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
This is an awesome post! thanks for analyzing and bringing this girl.
mjthelegendlives- Gold Member
- Aantal berichten : 424
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-01
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
The Thanks has to go to mjjcommunity User FRIEND , coz its his/her work from 2007!! I just found these posts and added them here because i find them IMPORTANT and the key to the truth!!!
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Pammy wrote:The Thanks has to go to mjjcommunity User FRIEND , coz its his/her work from 2007!! I just found these posts and added them here because i find them IMPORTANT and the key to the truth!!!
Ok thanks to Friend also, but I wouldnt have known this if you wouldnt have brought it
mjthelegendlives- Gold Member
- Aantal berichten : 424
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-01
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Little bit to much info to understand if i read it one time
I have to read it a few times hahah
I have to read it a few times hahah
MJFOREVER- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 928
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
i try to make it a bit shorter and just post the stuff which could be interesting for us now
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
i read it once and all can say is: I'm lost
now.. i don't understand nothing...
MJFOREVER i'm with u
i must to read it few more times too...
now.. i don't understand nothing...
MJFOREVER i'm with u
i must to read it few more times too...
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Pammy wrote:i try to make it a bit shorter and just post the stuff which could be interesting for us now
oh would be really great...
thanks in advance
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
This is fantastic! Thanks for posting Friend's 2007 (there's the 7 again!) post, Pammy.
I too have to take it in parts and analyze it for myself.
I'm looking forward to doing just that.
(just a note: In July I had an epiphany re Mike's reasons for all of this. In line w/ the Bible (or "God-like"), it had to do w/ being made fun of, chastized, trials and tribulations, "self-exile" to a "foreign land" (...desert is God's country..), clearing his name, crucifixion, resurrection, return.....IT was a lot more specific and indepth. I wish I could find that thread post! It was on another forum....)
I too have to take it in parts and analyze it for myself.
I'm looking forward to doing just that.
(just a note: In July I had an epiphany re Mike's reasons for all of this. In line w/ the Bible (or "God-like"), it had to do w/ being made fun of, chastized, trials and tribulations, "self-exile" to a "foreign land" (...desert is God's country..), clearing his name, crucifixion, resurrection, return.....IT was a lot more specific and indepth. I wish I could find that thread post! It was on another forum....)
:~ Our SEARCH will NOT be IN VAIN ~:
Last edited by MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs on Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total
MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
hungry wrote:Weird...
Does this "back" still post at the forum?
Last post of him was 17-03-2009, 05:49 PM about Stem Sell Research
wE must zoom past ideological fixations and impediments and persue these scientific avenues for both the betterment and solvency of humanity in THIS world.-------
There may be imperfections to both the methods and applications, but that shouldn't hinder us from travelling such paths and in the process, steadily trying to perfect it.-------
Too many children have already "Gone Too Soon"-------
Open your eyes to possibilities instead of cynisisms-------
Keep WATCHIN'.......
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
I'd love to read your post MJ_Fan_For _40_yrs.
Please post again when you find the thread.
Please post again when you find the thread.
mjssoulmate- Diamond Member
- Aantal berichten : 1043
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-06
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Again, Pammy, thanks for posting this!
What's that: ("Last post of him was 17-03-09, 05:49 about Stem Sell Research)
Stem SELL Research ??? S E L L ??
What's that: ("Last post of him was 17-03-09, 05:49 about Stem Sell Research)
Stem SELL Research ??? S E L L ??
MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
I have about 30 screenshots of "back's" posts. I'll be upload them today. Some are rather odd and the folks over on that forum seem baffled by him. Ha ha!
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
I posted this on MJHD.. maybe this will help you.. :-)
the numbers:
relapse…back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 PM
62 ..76…813…21
2006=62 =8 2+6
June 25 = 76 =13 june=6; 2+5=7-> 7+6=13
8+13=21 or 8 + 4 =12 (??)
29–> 9-2=7 here he substracted the numbers…because the second number is bigger?? I don`t know…
bye, sunrise
I posted this on MJHD.. maybe this will help you.. :-)
the numbers:
relapse…back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 PM
62 ..76…813…21
2006=62 =8 2+6
June 25 = 76 =13 june=6; 2+5=7-> 7+6=13
8+13=21 or 8 + 4 =12 (??)
29–> 9-2=7 here he substracted the numbers…because the second number is bigger?? I don`t know…
bye, sunrise
sunrise- New Member
- Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Woonplaats : Germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs wrote:Again, Pammy, thanks for posting this!
What's that: ("Last post of him was 17-03-09, 05:49 about Stem Sell Research)
Stem SELL Research ??? S E L L ??
oh sorry my fault... it´s Stem Cell Research.....
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
sunrise wrote:Hi,
I posted this on MJHD.. maybe this will help you.. :-)
the numbers:
relapse…back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 PM
62 ..76…813…21
2006=62 =8 2+6
June 25 = 76 =13 june=6; 2+5=7-> 7+6=13
8+13=21 or 8 + 4 =12 (??)
29–> 9-2=7 here he substracted the numbers…because the second number is bigger?? I don`t know…
bye, sunrise
ok... this is something i cant figure out... im not that good in maths and stuff like that so I need your help
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Me too, I just read all those numbers (and tried some of the math myself on paper too) and it my brain can't register it.Pammy wrote:sunrise wrote:Hi,
I posted this on MJHD.. maybe this will help you.. :-)
the numbers:
relapse…back @ Jun 25 2006, 11:54 PM
62 ..76…813…21
2006=62 =8 2+6
June 25 = 76 =13 june=6; 2+5=7-> 7+6=13
8+13=21 or 8 + 4 =12 (??)
29–> 9-2=7 here he substracted the numbers…because the second number is bigger?? I don`t know…
bye, sunrise
ok... this is something i cant figure out... im not that good in maths and stuff like that so I need your help
Something is wrong with me? :/
hungry- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 635
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-30
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
"these were the numbers from "back":
62 ..76…813…21
62: -> 2006-> 6&2->62 -> 6+2=8
(2006=62 =8 2+6)
76:-> june=6; 25->2+5=7(june25)-> 6&7->76 = 7+6=13
(June 25 = 76 =13 june=6; 2+5=7-> 7+6=13)
8&13=813 -> 8+13=21 (or 8 + 4 (3+1) =12 (??))
29–> 9-2=7 here he substracted the numbers…because the second number is bigger?? I don`t know…
62 ..76…813…21
62: -> 2006-> 6&2->62 -> 6+2=8
(2006=62 =8 2+6)
76:-> june=6; 25->2+5=7(june25)-> 6&7->76 = 7+6=13
(June 25 = 76 =13 june=6; 2+5=7-> 7+6=13)
8&13=813 -> 8+13=21 (or 8 + 4 (3+1) =12 (??))
29–> 9-2=7 here he substracted the numbers…because the second number is bigger?? I don`t know…
sunrise- New Member
- Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Woonplaats : Germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
... And we were expected to make up all these equations with those numbers?
hungry- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 635
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-30
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Math is definitely not my forte. I'm better at word problems and other riddles, but numbers scare me, lol.
mjssoulmate- Diamond Member
- Aantal berichten : 1043
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-06
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
OMG - I just can say...Oh sh*t....
Holy Cow....He is alive. He is sooooooooooooooooo alive...
Holy Cow....He is alive. He is sooooooooooooooooo alive...
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
72 hours previous the logic of a mOment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell.
Prior to the moment of reckoning, it seems all systems are a go. In theory, prior to putting it into practice, the 7 day theory is logically possible, but won't fully know until it is put into action.
It's now been put into action, guess we're still waiting on the time.
Prior to the moment of reckoning, it seems all systems are a go. In theory, prior to putting it into practice, the 7 day theory is logically possible, but won't fully know until it is put into action.
It's now been put into action, guess we're still waiting on the time.
Angel- New Member
- Aantal berichten : 14
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-14
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Back wrote in one of his posts that the theory started on 10/26/2006 .... Does anybody know what happened on that day in Michael History or what could have to do with him? I searched the net but couldnt find anything
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
- Aantal berichten : 2436
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 54
Woonplaats : USA
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
see the second post of BACK :
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
i was looking through the posts of BACK and found this one
I googled Whodini and found this:
what do u think? Its also a interesting post in my eyes because its about illusions
AND WHAT IS THIS??? Houdini, Whodini Thrill: Wake-Up Video Newsroom MTV 2009
has also to do with Tupac!!! Unfortunatly i cant see the video in my region . Can somebody please post it here ?
I googled Whodini and found this:
what do u think? Its also a interesting post in my eyes because its about illusions
AND WHAT IS THIS??? Houdini, Whodini Thrill: Wake-Up Video Newsroom MTV 2009
has also to do with Tupac!!! Unfortunatly i cant see the video in my region . Can somebody please post it here ?
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
The name of CONRAD ROBERT MURRAY is not real!
Just look. If we gather all the letters in his name together and place them in the order and throw out repeating one, we’ll have a set of letters : C, O, N, R, A, D, B, E, T, M, U, Y.
Some of the letters repeat in his name for several times.
One of the words, which can be made from these letters (under the condition, that some letters can be used several times) – is the word MURDER. The second word – CONTRACT. Also there are 2 restless letters B and Y, from which the word BY is easily made.
All together turns into MURDER BY CONTRACT.
No letter from this word-combination drops out of the name CONRAD ROBERT MURRAY and every letter isn’t superfluous.
Movie from 1958 Murder by Contract [url= ] [/url]
The film was shot in seven days in February 1958 in Los Angeles.
Produced by Orbit Productions, it was distributed theatrically in December 1958 by Columbia Pictures.
Columbia still holds the copyright on the film, which is dated October 1, 1958.[7]
scrolling down the page and click the number [7] and got linked to this page:
-----> visit Visit and
just another coincidence??
Just look. If we gather all the letters in his name together and place them in the order and throw out repeating one, we’ll have a set of letters : C, O, N, R, A, D, B, E, T, M, U, Y.
Some of the letters repeat in his name for several times.
One of the words, which can be made from these letters (under the condition, that some letters can be used several times) – is the word MURDER. The second word – CONTRACT. Also there are 2 restless letters B and Y, from which the word BY is easily made.
All together turns into MURDER BY CONTRACT.
No letter from this word-combination drops out of the name CONRAD ROBERT MURRAY and every letter isn’t superfluous.
Movie from 1958 Murder by Contract [url= ] [/url]
The film was shot in seven days in February 1958 in Los Angeles.
Produced by Orbit Productions, it was distributed theatrically in December 1958 by Columbia Pictures.
Columbia still holds the copyright on the film, which is dated October 1, 1958.[7]
scrolling down the page and click the number [7] and got linked to this page:
-----> visit Visit and
just another coincidence??
Last edited by Pammy on Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Interesting posts!
But I'm sceptical.
You don't think that the letters are just coincidental? We know Murray exists. There is a long line of court papers about lawsuits against him.
I just don't want to read something into everything.
But I'm sceptical.
You don't think that the letters are just coincidental? We know Murray exists. There is a long line of court papers about lawsuits against him.
I just don't want to read something into everything.
mjssoulmate- Diamond Member
- Aantal berichten : 1043
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-06
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
I´m not sure about Murray.... I dont know if he is real ... we talked about that before. Dont cha remember the video
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
mjssoulmate wrote:Interesting posts!
But I'm sceptical.
You don't think that the letters are just coincidental? We know Murray exists. There is a long line of court papers about lawsuits against him.
I just don't want to read something into everything.
Maybe the man is real but the name is not...
See- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-31
Woonplaats : Wonderland
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Just in case is there any comperason to JCC and his posts.... the old one ????
See- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-31
Woonplaats : Wonderland
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
There are better ways to explain how did he planned to hoax his death.
I got goose bumps in the sense that some are already indulge in believing this kind of theory.
This is tempting your minds in that deeper sense.
The simplest is to ask YOURSELF as a FAN..
"WHY would he FAKE his death"
-draw some evaluation, check some reports,
-then conclude.
I got goose bumps in the sense that some are already indulge in believing this kind of theory.
This is tempting your minds in that deeper sense.
The simplest is to ask YOURSELF as a FAN..
"WHY would he FAKE his death"
-draw some evaluation, check some reports,
-then conclude.
queenpanther55- Silver Member
- Aantal berichten : 151
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-18
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
These are weird!
Finduilas- New Member
- Aantal berichten : 24
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-22
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Weird? In which way?
I mean... sorry but in the meantime im tired of everything .... English isnt my first language and I try to do my best but I guess its the best i leave the work to others ...
i think its best that i just read what ppl have to write here on the forum and stop posting my thoughts ....I´m tired and depressed and spend my whole time on the net to search for the truth ....but everything i get is always not good enough.... so ok.... just reading and posting only answers to what others wrote. I´m having a bad time and i dont wanna hurt somebody on here ok, so please dont take it personally thanks
but one last question .... in the song History .... at the end there are a lot of voices saying dates of time. As I said before my english isnt that good and i need somebody please
with these dates. Maybe there is also a hint ? Thanks in advance ....I´m writing this because of the post from BACK
and i remember that when i FIRST read the Theo Illuminati Story the site wrote that as well (this was 2 weeks after Michael "died"....and now again?
I mean... sorry but in the meantime im tired of everything .... English isnt my first language and I try to do my best but I guess its the best i leave the work to others ...
i think its best that i just read what ppl have to write here on the forum and stop posting my thoughts ....I´m tired and depressed and spend my whole time on the net to search for the truth ....but everything i get is always not good enough.... so ok.... just reading and posting only answers to what others wrote. I´m having a bad time and i dont wanna hurt somebody on here ok, so please dont take it personally thanks
but one last question .... in the song History .... at the end there are a lot of voices saying dates of time. As I said before my english isnt that good and i need somebody please
with these dates. Maybe there is also a hint ? Thanks in advance ....I´m writing this because of the post from BACK
and i remember that when i FIRST read the Theo Illuminati Story the site wrote that as well (this was 2 weeks after Michael "died"....and now again?
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Pammy, you have done an amazing job researching this. Don't get discouraged because we voice our concerns and opinions. I'm not doubting the theory itself, I just don't think Murray is fake. I could be wrong, of course. I can imagine that all this time spent working on this leaves you depressed. Maybe take a little break and clear your mind. Luv ya!!!
mjssoulmate- Diamond Member
- Aantal berichten : 1043
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-06
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Thanks hun! I guess you are right with this and i should take a break but i´m afraid that i could miss so much news!! And there are every day so many new things i have to work off and im still not through all of this here LOL ...
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
I listened to HIStory seveeral times, but I can't make out any October, 26th mention.
mjssoulmate- Diamond Member
- Aantal berichten : 1043
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-06
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
mjssoulmate wrote:I listened to HIStory seveeral times, but I can't make out any October, 26th mention.
The closest dates that I've found are this from:
2006 - 2008 > Awards > The 18th Annual World Music Awards > "We Are The World"
Michael sings "We Are The World" with a choir
November 15, 2006 at Earls Court in London, UK
L O N D O N . V I S I T . 2 0 0 6</A>
. November 13 : Out and About in London
. November 14 : Out and About in London
. November 15 : At the Hempel Hotel
. November 16 : Attending "Mary Poppins"
DreamsComeTrue- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 558
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-11
Leeftijd : 37
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Pammy wrote:Weird? In which way?
I mean... sorry but in the meantime im tired of everything .... English isnt my first language and I try to do my best but I guess its the best i leave the work to others ...
i think its best that i just read what ppl have to write here on the forum and stop posting my thoughts ....I´m tired and depressed and spend my whole time on the net to search for the truth ....but everything i get is always not good enough.... so ok.... just reading and posting only answers to what others wrote. I´m having a bad time and i dont wanna hurt somebody on here ok, so please dont take it personally thanks
but one last question .... in the song History .... at the end there are a lot of voices saying dates of time. As I said before my english isnt that good and i need somebody please
with these dates. Maybe there is also a hint ? Thanks in advance ....I´m writing this because of the post from BACK
and i remember that when i FIRST read the Theo Illuminati Story the site wrote that as well (this was 2 weeks after Michael "died"....and now again?
Quote BACK: Some things aren't ment for easy translation!
You don't have to give up because there are members in here that want to read about this and want to understand! I believe that you are working hard to put this here and to make us understand and I really apreciate it!
Don't give up! Keep posting! If you need any help, I'm's just I have to translate a lot of his words and it's a little hard for me to catch the whole sense...If it wasn't for the explanation, I would have been totally lost!
DreamsComeTrue- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 558
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-11
Leeftijd : 37
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
mjssoulmate wrote:I listened to HIStory seveeral times, but I can't make out any October, 26th mention.
I hope you know what i meant with HIStory.... First I was talking about the song History itself and later we have to
check our History FUTURE Books like BACK wanted us to do)
Now back to the song the end of the song there are a lot of ppl talking all over the place and i hardly understand it and thats the point
where i need your help, somebody who´s first language is english (wud b best) LOL Maybe there are mentioned a few dates
which could fit in this hoax....
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
...(just real quick: I think "back" is short for "I'M BACK"...)
(no need to comment...just a tought...)
(no need to comment...just a tought...)
MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY more thing:
Take the capital letters in tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY and rearrange 'em, what do you get?
(or I'm thinking Michael would say:)
Take the capital letters in tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY and rearrange 'em, what do you get?
(or I'm thinking Michael would say:)
MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs more thing:
Take the capital letters in tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY and rearrange 'em, what do you get?
(or I'm thinking Michael would say:)
MJFoReVeRandAlways- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 808
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-27
Leeftijd : 41
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
I just noticed the reference to Uri Geller. He is also Michael's so called hit list.
mjssoulmate- Diamond Member
- Aantal berichten : 1043
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-06
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Oh can someone please gimme the "hitlist"
Pammy- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 579
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-04
Leeftijd : 49
Woonplaats : germany
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
Pammy wrote:Oh can someone please gimme the "hitlist"
Yeah what is this hitlist I keep reading about could someone explain plz.....
See- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 621
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-31
Woonplaats : Wonderland
Re: tHE nEW 7 dAY tHEORY
WHAT? WHY? WEREN'T THEY FRIENDS?mjssoulmate wrote:I just noticed the reference to Uri Geller. He is also Michael's so called hit list.
Why doesn't he like Uri Geller?
hungry- Platinum Member
- Aantal berichten : 635
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-30
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