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Another Clue from TMZ?

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by suzzie Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:39 am

Another Day, Another MJ Creditor's Claim

Posted Oct 23rd 2009 12:15PM by TMZ Staff

Another Clue from TMZ? Michael_jackson_exBetcha didn't see this coming: Another creditor's claim has been filed against Michael Jackson's estate.

This time, it was filed by an accounting firm called Cannon and Company, that claims Michael owes $56,582 for services rendered earlier this year.

Actually, one of the invoices is from July of this year -- the month after Michael died.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/MichaelJackson/#ixzz0UrsX6x6c

Hmm, Michael hired them after he "Died"? Another Clue from TMZ? Affraid
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by amy Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:52 am

Another Clue from TMZ? Affraid Another Clue from TMZ? Affraid Another Clue from TMZ? Icon_eek Another Clue from TMZ? Icon_study Another Clue from TMZ? Icon_study Another Clue from TMZ? Icon_study

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by juliet Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:54 am

Verry, Interestttting. I just read it also earlier and actually I wasn't that surprise because I was waiting/anticipating for extra dramas for more confusion.
Yes, and I reread the date,too and I flipped my eyelids that it was about a July transaction.

Thanks SUZZIE. Another Clue from TMZ? Icon_arrow
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by WanaBstartnSthn Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:54 am

This is sooo weird....but how could Michael have done business with anyone if he was supposed to be dead? Unless of course, he had his people do it for him...idk
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by Rach Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:00 am

Just because the invoice is dated July doesn't mean that the work took place in July.

More often than not you get billed and an invoice dated AFTER the actual work has taken place.

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by WanaBstartnSthn Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:33 am

thanx Rach. That's what i was thinkin. TMZ knows we are monitoring their every move just like they are monitoring ours! They will word things all weird to get us wondering
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by emo_pinkt Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:35 am

Rach wrote:Just because the invoice is dated July doesn't mean that the work took place in July.

More often than not you get billed and an invoice dated AFTER the actual work has taken place.

True Smile
On the other hand I'm so happy that TMZ finally uses Nicer pics of Mj now.
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by Rach Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:37 am

I agree guys.

TMZ knows how to play us and how to get a reaction. Case in point, the supposed grammer "mistake" they made the other day when referring to the children's day out with Liz.

*Waves to TMZ!*

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by MJFoReVeRandAlways Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:02 am

Rach wrote:I agree guys.

TMZ knows how to play us and how to get a reaction. Case in point, the supposed grammer "mistake" they made the other day when referring to the children's day out with Liz.

*Waves to TMZ!*

You´re probably right, although I really hoped they were giving us hints.
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by Rach Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:06 am

I had a theory on this that TMZ aren't the brickman, but Joe is.

Before you all think I'm crazy let me explain why!

Now, we all know that Michael had a terrible childhood. His Father beat him horribly and IMO forced him to grow up way too soon and didn't allow him to have a childhood. It was suggested by Annie in her thread that Joe has a massive moral debt to repay to Michael. Well I think that Joe is Michael's brickman and not TMZ.

If you have followed TMZ for a while, you will know that back in April this year they printed this story:


It's about how a guy in a bar in new Orleans was supposed to be Tupac. TMZ basically stated that they thought it WAS Tupac. Have a look at the following quote:

"we still think yesterday's dude -- who was in a bar in New Orleans over the weekend -- is 2Pac"

This particular article got nearly 500 comments, most of them negative saying that TMZ were idiots (LOL!) and then the next day TMZ retracted the story saying that it wasn't Tupac but some random guy and they had basically been taken for a mug. I am in no doubt that TMZ haven't been taken majorly seriously up to this point, but after this story most people probably avoided them for celebrity gossip like the plague. Now as GirlSaturday pointed in another thread - what TMZ do have is the ability to reach the masses. A bit of celebrity gossip is most peoples guilty pleasure and they also have a TV show, similar to E!, which again allows them to reach the mainstream.

Now, coming back to the Tupac thing for one moment. I can't imagine that many, if any at all, media outlets picked up on this. As we have all discovered - believing in a hoax doesn't earn you much credability amongst most people! However, TMZ were not afraid to pick up on this. Even if it was just for a laugh and a joke.

I think that most people would agree with me when I say that TMZ are been fed their information from somewhere. No matter what tiny bit of information comes to light, they have it first. Now I am going to go out on a limb here and say that TMZ aren't involved in the hoax, but they are been played. If you remember the articles that they printed after Michael's "death" was announced there was a quote stating that TMZ had talked to Joe and he had told them that "Michael wasn't doing good". This reminded me of the press conference at UCLA. Instead of going through a spokesperson or a lawyer, both Jermaine and Joe chose to speak to the media directly. Why? This isn't normal standard practice when someone famous passes away. Again, I come back to the Princess Diana subject. Her death was annnounced by the doctor that performed on her, and in the recent case of Stephen Gately passing away, his death was announced by a publicist for the band and I also believe by a member of the Spanish police force.

I think TMZ were chosen because people close to Michael know they are never going to be taken seriously. This brings me back to the O2 press conference. As you all know I don't believe it was Michael, and people always ask me "what did he have to gain from this"? I believe it was a test - to see if the media could be fooled into believing that it was him. No-one questions that it was. In fact I noticed in the aftermath of June 25th that when printing stories about Michael, many chose to use pictures from the O2 to accompany their articles. I think the same is true for TMZ. I can honestly see Joe (if not Joe then another member of the family because Michael cannot pull this off alone) sitting back and wondering who would be the craziest news source to pick this up and see who would roll with it? If you remember TMZ also printed the leaked Rihanna photos and everyone ran with it after that. I believe they have their sources, but in my mind there is no way they would have been able to get all of this information without having someone on the inside.

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Woonplaats : In my own little world :)

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by ilprincipe Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:16 am

I also don't think the latest TMZ report is some kind of clue

@Rach: Tupacs death is also a controversial topic...IMHO 2pac is still alive....
there were some topics on MJHD...and the opinions were divided....
similar like in the MJ case...you'll find a lot of stuff in the web about
2pac and if he's alive or not.

The death cases of Lady Di and Stephen Gately were more convincing than MJs "death".
I had a laugh today....In a german newspaper (tabloid) was a report about
Gatelys husband. He doesn't want to inherit the 10 Mio. Pounds....
the comment of the newspaper "Andrew Cowles is not so greedy like the jackson clan"

@Rach: You think Joe is the "TMZ-source" who feeds them with the news?
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by city.gal1 Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:19 am

Here's a bit of turnaround re: TMZ. It seems that the LA sheriff had tapped their phones in relation to the Mel Gibson case. Wonder how long they've been "monitoring" their phones.


TMZ's founder outraged over use of his phone records in Mel Gibson case

Harvey Levin plans to take legal action against the L.A. County Sheriff's Department over what he calls an abuse of power in its probe of a news leak about the actor's 2006 arrest.

By Richard Winton
October 21, 2009

The founder of TMZ.com has expressed outraged at revelations that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department obtained his telephone records as part of its investigation into who leaked information about actor-director Mel Gibson's arrest.

Harvey Levin, in his first remarks since a Times article revealed how sheriff's investigators obtained his phone records, said it was a violation of state and federal laws.

He also called it an abuse of power by a department embarrassed by TMZ's scoop of Gibson's profane and abusive behavior when he was arrested in Malibu in 2006.

"We are going to stand up for not just for us but because it is right thing to do. . . . It is outrageous what law enforcement has done here," Levin told a meeting of Radio & Television News Assn. members Monday night at UCLA. "I can only imagine the Pandora's Box this is going to open up to find out what else has happened."

Levin said he had no idea that the records had been obtained from his phone provider until the article earlier this month, but he plans to take some sort of legal action.

"It is a fight about the 1st Amendment, a fight about democracy," he said. "It is a fight about the freedom of the press. It a fight about the abuse in law enforcement."

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said his department consulted a prosecutor before seeking the sealed search warrant. He noted that a judge approved the warrant and the department believed it acted lawfully.

"We believe the 1st Amendment is vital to keeping this country free," Whitmore said.

Media law experts and journalism groups have expressed outrage that sheriff's investigators had obtained Levin's phone records during a leak investigation. Several said they believed that sheriff's investigators violated the law when they obtained a search warrant for Levin's phone records.

Sheriff's officials initially played down Gibson's arrest on July 28, 2006, saying it occurred "without incident." But a day later, TMZ posted a report about the actor's behavior. It detailed profane outbursts by Gibson, an attempt to escape custody and repeated threats against the arresting deputy.


Copyright ©️ 2009, The Los Angeles Times
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by Rach Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:20 am

Another Clue from TMZ? Lol @ the quote but "OUCH!" for the Jackson's!

Yes I do believe Joe is feeding them this information. If not Joe, IMO it has to be someone from the family. How else are they getting this information and why did Joe feel the need to call them or all media sources and let them know Michael "wasn't doing good". If it was just to let people know, why not call a more credible sourc like CNN?

Just thinking as well. Jermaine also stated in one his many interviews with Larry King that he was alerted by the media as to Michael's "passing". WTF? His own family didn't think to alert him to his own brothers death? Nope sorry, not buying that one!

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by city.gal1 Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:53 am

@Rach - do you really think that Joe is feeding them info? It may be possible of course, but he seems so "off kilter" if you know what I mean. I find it difficult to believe that he could be trusted with such sensitive issues/info. I'm not trying to debate your thoughts or negate them he just seems like a loose canon, not trustworthy -- unless it's part of his act. Who knows, anything is possible.
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by Rach Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:04 pm

city.gal1 wrote:@Rach - do you really think that Joe is feeding them info? It may be possible of course, but he seems so "off kilter" if you know what I mean. I find it difficult to believe that he could be trusted with such sensitive issues/info. I'm not trying to debate your thoughts or negate them he just seems like a loose canon, not trustworthy -- unless it's part of his act. Who knows, anything is possible.

Joe has a huge moral debt to repay to Michael. He beat those children so badly when they were young. To me it makes sense that he would want to make it up to him in some way.

Now Michael already proved he didn't need him in order to be successful. He achieved that all by myself and proves he was very business savvy. However, he simply wouldn't be able to pull this off on his own. He would need help from his family members. Maybe Joe wanted to step up to the plate and help him in the biggest challenge of his life after letting him down so badly throughout his childhood?

I can't say I am 100% sure it is Joe who is leaking this information to TMZ, but to me all signs point to someone in his family.

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by city.gal1 Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:08 pm

@ Rach, what you say makes sense and I agree that someone in the family has something to do with it.

For me, I just have a hard time with Joe. I don't think he's capable of sticking to the script if you know what I mean. Again, unless the odd way that he has of acting is exactly that, an act and part of the plan to throw people off.
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by Rach Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:10 pm

city.gal1 wrote:@ Rach, what you say makes sense and I agree that someone in the family has something to do with it.

For me, I just have a hard time with Joe. I don't think he's capable of sticking to the script if you know what I mean. Again, unless the odd way that he has of acting is exactly that, an act and part of the plan to throw people off.

Perhaps I am been reading too much into Joe but who is the last Jackson you would trust? Joe of course! No-one would ever believe this information came from him. If you wanted to trust someone you would go with Janet or perhaps Rebbie. This goes hand in hand with why were TMZ chosen? To me I think there has to be some connection between the two.

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by city.gal1 Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:15 pm

Rach wrote:
city.gal1 wrote:@ Rach, what you say makes sense and I agree that someone in the family has something to do with it.

For me, I just have a hard time with Joe. I don't think he's capable of sticking to the script if you know what I mean. Again, unless the odd way that he has of acting is exactly that, an act and part of the plan to throw people off.

Perhaps I am been reading too much into Joe but who is the last Jackson you would trust? Joe of course! No-one would ever believe this information came from him. If you wanted to trust someone you would go with Janet or perhaps Rebbie. This goes hand in hand with why were TMZ chosen? To me I think there has to be some connection between the two.

That's why I say it's possible that he acts the way he does because it's part of the plan -- maybe he's a better actor than I give him credit for. Another Clue from TMZ? Icon_smile
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by ILuvUMoreMJ Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:12 am

I'm pretty sure it's Randy that's feeding TMZ. It could be Joe as well, or even Latoya I guess. But they mentioned Randy calling them one time on the live feed. As far as I know Randy was the closest to Michael in the last couple of years...he was almost like his assistant. I could be mistaken though.

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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

Post by dexember Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:20 am

I saw that, I also saw something about MJ making a musical
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Another Clue from TMZ? Empty Re: Another Clue from TMZ?

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