Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Red Velvet
Ms. Wendy
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Ms. Wendy Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:26 am

I know some of us really hate Rabbi for some reasons. But this book is about Michael, and well I couldnt resist myself to read it.

I havent finished this book yet. But even in the very early pages, i found something strange.

MJ said that the best things from the Super-Ultra-Mega stars is the fact that they all died early.
He mentioned about Beatles, and Marylin Monroe how people wouldnt adore and love them if they were died as an old people. How public would turn their back to them and ignore them as they were old. He said that was the most important key, to never let people bored about you.

He said he would love to live long but he would reach one point in his day when he want not to be seen anymore.He would find some kind of way to disappear, he would still continue his legacy to the children but "not visual anymore".

Anyone here read the book? What do you think when you read this?

Pardon me if I repost, and feel free to delete this post if this topic already discussed in another post..
Ms. Wendy
Ms. Wendy
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by GirlInTheMirror1 Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:31 am

Well, this could be a clue for a hoax, but also for not coming back. If he wants to be "remembered" as a young person, who died young, and help children while "being not visual", that would suggest that there is no comeback.
Who knows, maybe he planned it that way, but changed his mind?! Smile

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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Ms. Wendy Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:42 am

Yes..it's also my biggest fear. Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_mad That he want to stay "dead" for the world.
He is not planning any comeback. Im so sad when i get to that point.

Im so afraid to have an ending like an Elvis believers Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_pale (im not saying Elvis alive or dead, just pointing that he had many believers who resist with their proofs that he faked his death) after years and years still nothing happen. Elvis still died for the world.
Ms. Wendy
Ms. Wendy
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by IndonesianGirl Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:17 am

"remembered" as a young person ...
hhmmm ...

is that explain why .. they use a young michael photo on burial's books ???
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Harleyblonde Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:35 am

I have always said that. It is better for him to bow out while he is not too old and a has been and while he is popular, and what better time to depart the world than after getting everyone all excited about his concert dates. That was the first part of the hoax and if he does "comeback" I will be very surprised. Sorry guys, but this is what I think. A comeback for him will be very unwise, unrealistic and unlikely.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Melzy777 Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:53 am

IndonesianGirl wrote:"remembered" as a young person ...
hhmmm ...

is that explain why .. they use a young michael photo on burial's books ???
Yes, I think so too.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by raluka Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:22 am

I think the same...I don't think that he will be back...Imagine what would do the media to him. i don't think they will love him and receive him with open arms...Why would he start the tabloid nightmare again...This is hard for as, very hard but as long as these strange coincidences, inconsistencies, clues etc don't find solution we can keep out hopes alive. That what I will do. Everytime i get depressed I think of the ambulance pic, of the 911 call, helicopter, coincidences, slip up and I get back my hope...Maybe he will continue to send clues so we know he's just fine...I hope so..
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by ILuvUMoreMJ Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:59 am

Wow, he really said that in the book? All of a sudden, I feel like he's alive more than ever. Everything makes more sense if he really isn't coming back...the huge memorial, funeral, expenses, all the legal stuff, the family's reactions, etc. It makes me really sad to think we may never see him again though. Sad

Here's a question for you guys...if you knew he had no intention of coming back, would you still try to find the truth to blow the hoax open and reveal he's alive? I hope he's not worried we're going to ruin this for him. pale I bet he didn't expect his fans would be so persistent. Laughing

Last edited by ILuvUMoreMJ on Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by badloving Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:01 am

i know he said he didn't want to be seen old and with wrinkles Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_cry ....i think that is a good reason to dissapear....he is too much a perfectionist....
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Harleyblonde Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:12 am

ILuvUMoreMJ wrote:Wow, he really said that in the book? All of a sudden, I feel like he's alive more than ever. Everything makes more sense if he really isn't coming back...the huge memorial, funeral, expenses, all the legal stuff, the family's reactions, etc. It makes me really sad to think we may never see him again though. Sad

Here's a question for you guys...if you knew he had no intention of coming back, would you still try to find the truth to blow the hoax open and reveal he's alive?

Do you really think if we found out the truth people would believe us? To some we are just crackpots who cannot accept what they think is the "truth". My Mum in all this turn of events been reading up on Elvis and she now thinks both Michael and Elvis hoaxed their deaths but she said for all these years she thought the "Elvis believers" were nutters. Of course those who said he worked in their local takeaway etc were in fact nutters!
I think if we got very near to the truth we would all find a way to make it more private and not reveal too much and keep him safe.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by andrea_garay2005 Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:27 am

I don't think he had the heart to excite fans over the upcoming concerts and just "die" before making them. It's cruel! If he wanted to dissapear, why announce concerts? He could have done it quietly without that.
BUT...that's the point....he wanted the worlds attention before "dying", why?
I really hope he's coming back!
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by xirisjex Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:30 am

I read this too in the book..it made me think he is not coming back..
However the things written in the book are from 1999/2000/2001.
I believe that after the trial a lot of things changed for him. So who knows if he still feels the same way he did back then?

He also talks about P.T Barnum and his admiration for Howard Hughes...
I'm 50/50 on the subject, I think there is definetly a chance of him not coming back but then again I wouldn't be surprised if he did come back.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Skeletonjar Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:53 am

I have nothing against Rabbi's book.
Because it is Michael's words and I trust them and only them.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Truth_or_Dare Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:46 am

I read the book and that part doesn;t seem like part of the hoax for me..First of all he didn;t "die" so young or at the height of his career...he hadn't had a concert in over 10 years...and he was pretty much out of the public eye and it seemed that his career was over..It would have made more sense for him to go after the comeback tour with a big bang..not from drugs as an addict that was controlled by everyone...so if the "death" was planned to be permanent it seems he won't be remembered only for the good thing..Sure the fanbs will always love him and defend him but I'm talking about the other s who are not die hard fans or not even like him so much.
I really think this was planned so that he could come back. Imagine how he will be remembered when he really leaves us...He will make his mark on history again! That's a good way to go Wink !
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Red Velvet Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:58 am

I feel that as long as he was still hailed the Undisputed KOP (and he was) and considered to be "tha man" (and he was) and well respected by other artists (and he was) and in high demand for boatloads of money (and he was) then he really didn't need to "prove" himself with any long string of concerts and with no album to support it. He really didn't need to "prove" himself with an album either imo. I feel he has chosen this way for a reason.

Speaking of concerts not happening, the movie imo looked like they (the producers) may have told the dancers to prepare for 50 concerts, and later let them in on what was really going on.

The truth is, 50 concerts in one location over a period of months, is NOT a "great adventure" - it is gruelling work. MJ didn't tell them anything like that. Nor does 50 concerts in one location teach anything to "the world".

He told them that what they were doing was important and was for the world. I can't see him saying that about a 50 (or 10) concert run.

I don't believe from watching the movie, that MJ ever intended on doing any 50 concerts and I think by the movie's "wrap", the dancers knew that which is why they were looking so 'happy' at the 'funeral'. It looked more like a publicity shot, I feel, for that reason.

I feel he could "come back" but not as the KOP, but still not without the world accepting him as Michael Jackson. I can imagine him coming out somewhere and saying on no uncertain terms something to the effect of,

"on June 25th, 2009, the King of Pop was laid to rest. Some knew him as Michael Joseph Jackson. I would like to introduce myself to you as ...

who knows ... anything's possible...

He did say he wants to work "behind the scenes" and I get the feeling that's somehow what he's doing, I definitely feel that and I will go so far as to say I get the feeling he is "using" Smuley's book to help reveal many truths, along with a lot of other things that have and will come out since his "death" - and which he knew would come out because he knows (he learned after the trial) exactly what kinds of people he had been dealing with. I feel he is doing this all in part, to lay ALL of it, finally to rest and set the record straight in some way that only MJ can do.
Red Velvet
Red Velvet
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by ~Susie~ Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:19 am

I didn't read the bok, but from what I read it does look like it's a hoax. I don't know wether he'll come back or not. I still haven't figured that out. Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_tongue I don't really know if you heard that, but here in Greece reporters said that Michael may be alive in Amazon Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_question . They said there is a place somewhere in the Amazon where famous people who don't wanna be in the spotlight anymore and they go there for the rest of their lives.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by MJloveyou Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:35 am

I have read the book(almost finished), downloaded it, without the rabbi speaking.
Its very nice and good to read what michael has to say, and also interesting things, like hmmm did he think of faking his death already then??
You can download it here:


Have a nice read!
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by raluka Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:39 am

MJloveyou, thank u very much for the link. I can't wait to read the book Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_biggrin
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by MJloveyou Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:46 am

you're welcome
its beautifull I think, some things he said are similar of my life, I love him even more now...is that possible? yes it is haha.
I love you most MJ:-)
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by speechlessornot Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:57 am

I'd like to read the book. I've read parts of it and it is very sad but I want to believe in what Rabbi published and, even sometimes the revealed things hurt like hell, they were said by Michael and that was the truth in his life.
To Mr.Wendy :
That's my belief too : Michael is dead for the entire world but his children, family and very close friends. It's sad but what the hoax would be for if he come back to his previous life? He intended to escape from the 'hell''.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Mish1981 Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:13 am

I don't want to ruin the book for those who haven't read it but I will say, the Rabbi is VERY opinionated and makes his thoughts very clear on what he thinks MJ should be doing with his life. His interprutations of what MJ is saying are just that his opinions that need to be left out of it. I am sure at some point they and their children were friends, but he shouldn't have taken it upon himself to make such comments as he did in the book. My Aunt and I have both read it and by the end of the book, when MJ was done with the tape then so were we. There is a difference of giving one's opinion and out right telling the man he needed to get married, he needed to do this, he shouldn't have though of things a certain way, he was too child like etc.

In the very beginning, he talked more trash about Americans then anyone I had ever heard. It seemed to me that he classified everyone in the same category. There was no need for that! It doesn't matter where a person is from not all of us are made from the same mold.

Of course, that is just my opinion and I had to share
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Ms. Wendy Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:16 am

Perhaps he was changing his mind hopefully..Smile
Besides my friend said something pretty interesting to me..He said we should watch what happen next. There is a speculation that "This is It" is a long time project..3 years project to recover MJ's reputation from molestation and several bad issues..

After those project done perhaps he would come back, if he want to

But surely, the movie was not the last puzzle..There are much more to come
Ms. Wendy
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by MJloveyou Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:21 am

the link I gave is without the rabbi speaking, so its much better like that Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Icon_biggrin
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

Post by Vampyre Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:31 am

More reasons to believe he is alive. Whether he is coming back or not, he is (or could be ) alive and that is the most important.

Though it does not mean MJ couldn't have died for real. There's also that grim possibility.
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Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"?? Empty Re: Clue in "The Michael Jackson Tapes"??

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