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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5) Empty Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

Post by fairy Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:41 am

Dear members of this great forum


We are a group of people originally from MJHD, who has joined together in the effort of really making a difference in this world. To do that we need to work together and we need to be organized about it. The founders and initial members are all very dedicated to Michael Jackson and see his many humanitarian deeds, donations and love for this planet as an example to uphold a human nature and love of mankind.We have had enough. We realize that there is an urgent need to do a huge amount in very little time. You do not have to be a MJ fan to join us and this is no MJ site as such but we do feel strongly about his mission in life and we try to keep this in his spirit and as his legacy. What more symbolic way of saying "help, do something, act, make this your mission" can he give than in his movie to show a little girl trying to save the last plant of the rainforest by digging it up with her bare hands right in front of a machine of destruction ready to take her down too?
Now this mission is not something accomplished easily.
Its hard work. A lot of people out there are not awake and we need to wake them up. Our actions must be reflected in everything we do. There are so many layers in this.
To make this work we need to work divided and united in the same time. Divided in the way that we each have our homecountry that we know best in regards to way things work, politicians, charity organisations, what is being done for the environment and where to find the ressources and whom to contact. At least what we dont know we can find out in our own language and culture. We can gather the people in each our countries to work for this mission.

This way of bringing awareness to the problems on a local scale will help us to unite as one voice when we put our local efforts together with other people from other countries having done exactly the same. Ideas will spread from one country to another..We need people in each country who are dedicated to this mission to pick up the drops and make this an ocean.
-What can I do in my daily life on a personal scale to help? (this involves our every day basis; like taking shorter showers etc)
-What can I do in my daily life to help others? (a topic each for the environment, children, others in need, animals)
-What kind of charities can we throw? (contacting people who want to donate the income of their work to the mission, like a concert etc)
-What charities do we support? (we have the list of charities MJ supports; thus keeping it in his spirit)
-What events will bring awareness?
-What do I do to spread the message?
- and probably a lot more.

"There is nothing that cant be done if we stand together as one"
Apart from the website we will have a webTV to show the world and eachother what great things we can accomplish together.And of course updates will be on the website and on the forum as well as in direct emails to our members.
Thank you for showing you care.

We love you

thefairy / the fab5

We are at www.stpmj.dk and mjmtc@live.dk

Michael Jackson:
"Everybody is doing a great job. Lets continue and believe and have faith and give me all your endurance and patience and understanding. But it´s an adventure; its a great adventure; there is nothing to be nervous about. They just want wonderful experiences. We wanna save this earth. We wanna take them places they´ve never been before. We wanna show them things like they´ve never seen before. So give me your all. I love you all and just know that we are family. Give some love back into the world to remind the world that love is important.. love is important. We all love together. We are all one. Lets take care of the planet. We have 4 years to do it right or else for us it will be irreversible and then we are done. I have an important message to give, okay ? And thank you for your cooperation. Thank you!"

LOVE theFairy


Last edited by fairy on Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong spelling)
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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5) Empty Re: Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

Post by Harleyblonde Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:44 am

What about the 3rd world? How many of you are doing as much as you can to help? As we are on this site now there are many dying and suffering from hunger and diseases that a few dollars would cure.

When Americans go to some third world country, some Latin
American country for example, and see people living in one-
room, thatched huts they are shocked. It is so completely
alien to anything they have ever seen. They think "What
desperate poverty! How terrible! These poor people!" For an
American it is a real culture shock. But what the American
doesn't appreciate is that probably 75% of the people in the
world live in this same way. Think of all the people in the
world who live in India, China, southeast Asia, Africa, South
America, all of the third world countries. In all these
countries the most of the people live in one or two room houses
with no electricity or running water; no indoor toilets; no
bathtubs, showers, electric ranges, refrigerators, washers,
dryers, telephones, etc.. These houses don't have the lovely
interiors and the modern kitchens and bathrooms that one finds
in America and there are no automobiles parked outside and no
supermarkets or shopping malls nearby. In fact, a very typical
house in the third world is probably 8 foot by 12 foot with mud
brick, mud wattle or flattened-bamboo walls, a packed earth
floor, a clay tile, corrugated metal or thatched roof and few
or no windows. There is no heating system and cooking is done
either inside or outside the dwelling on a three stone fire or
on an elementary wood, coal, charcoal or kerosene stove. There
are no toilet facilities either inside or outside the dwelling.
Water is fetched from some source some distance away and one of
the occupants of the dwelling (possibly a child) will spend two
or three hours a day scrounging for enough firewood for the
day. This is the way of life for countless millions today,
probably the most of the world's people. When the American
sees these primitive third world houses and the primitive
lifestyle that they imply he probably doesn't really realize
that this is the mode of life for most of the world. Nor does
he stop and realize that this very way of living, this
lifestyle of the one-room house with no electricity, running
water or modern conveniences, is the way the vast bulk of
mankind has lived for thousands and thousands of years. This
is the way the masses lived back in ancient times. The ancient
Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, Assyrians, Chinese, Indians,
etc. all lived this same way. The construction materials and
the way they built their houses may have differed from one
place to another but their basic lifestyle was the same. None
of them had electricity, running water, refrigerators,
televisions, telephones or supermarkets. They had to go to a
well or some water source to fetch their water, they had to
wash their clothes on some stones in a creek, they had to
prepare their meals from scratch and cook them on some
rudimentary wood stove or fire. There were no toilet
facilities like we have today. That is the way the ancients
lived and that is the way the masses of humanity have lived all
through the ages. The modern lifestyle of the three bedroom
house with hot and cold running water, electricity, and all the
modern conveniences is a thing of only the last seventy five
years. And then it has only appeared as a way of life of the
masses in the advanced industrialized societies. The most of
the modern conveniences hadn't even been invented a hundred
years ago. Thus when one looks at things in perspective one
realizes that it is not the one-room, thatched hut in India or
Ecuador that is the oddity. The real oddity and amazing thing
is the millions and millions of three and four bedroom houses
up here in the United States with all the modern, plush
luxuries and two cars out in front. The real wonder is the
millions and millions of Americans who all live like kings,
each in his own palace. That is the real wonder. Those living
in the one-room hut in Ecuador are just living in the way that
has been the norm for the common man throughout the ages. Many
billions of people have lived out their lives in that same way
with no thought that they were living in poverty or that they
were even poor. Even in the matter of food the Indians living
in the one-room hut in Ecuador probably eat about as the common
man has probably eaten throughout the ages --- a diet
consisting mostly of cereal grains, roots and vegetables and a
relatively small amount of meat. It is only in modern America
where people think it is necessary to have plenty of meat and
all the tender delicacies of a king every day.
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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5) Empty Re: Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

Post by Elibri Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:07 pm

A great initiative, please join everybody, the more the merrier!!
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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5) Empty Re: Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

Post by fairy Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:12 pm

Elibri wrote:A great initiative, please join everybody, the more the merrier!!

Yes thank you!
And we need more people from Holland as well.

Lots of love theFairy
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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5) Empty Re: Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

Post by fairy Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:55 pm


This is from UN conference 1992 when she was 14, but she started a children´s organization to help the environment when she was 8. And she is still at it.

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Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5) Empty Re: Make That Change and Help Save the Planet Foundation (thefab5)

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