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Live and let live...

Eva R
The White Rabbit
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Kirsche Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:26 pm

hehe,thank you mjgirl86 Smile

It's very cool to see, how all the others look like, very cool Smile
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Eva R Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:29 pm

mjgirl86 wrote:Yeah, it's very cool!

StripedFeline is adorable! That outfit is cute!

Am I still cute? bounce hahaha just joking! I love you
Eva R
Eva R
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Eva R Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:38 pm

[img]Live and let live... - Page 2 537896883_5_S-9A[/img] that's also me at movie parc germany! Very Happy Love it there! Who also went there once? Very Happy
Eva R
Eva R
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by mjgirl86 Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:39 pm

Eva R wrote:
mjgirl86 wrote:Yeah, it's very cool!

StripedFeline is adorable! That outfit is cute!

Am I still cute? bounce hahaha just joking! I love you

Ha ha, of course you are!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers

And I love that photo of you down the water slide! Aww! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cherry
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Eva R Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:40 pm

mjgirl86 wrote:
Eva R wrote:
mjgirl86 wrote:Yeah, it's very cool!

StripedFeline is adorable! That outfit is cute!

Am I still cute? bounce hahaha just joking! I love you

Ha ha, of course you are!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers

And I love that photo of you down the slide! Aww! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cherry

yeah love it!! Very Happy That was a Dora attraction!
Eva R
Eva R
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by icy55 Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:49 pm

  • I've tried going vegetarian once, well not fully, I tried to refrain from meat and only eat fish. But I FAILED badly. It only lasted for 1 month! lol!
  • I dont know why but I've lots of friends, but out of those, I'm glad to have those few whom I will be able to talk to on the phone at 4am (so people, 4am phone calls are a good gauge of how many of those are true friends!)
  • I'm 21 already, but I've never been attached, my friends keep telling me that it's time because ladies have shelf-life, but guys dont. But I'm just not ready and NOT confident of myself yet! =)
  • When I'm around with close friends, I am talkative, when I'm drunk, I talk like a super soaker (machine gun), it's scary!

  • Other than Michael Jackson, part of my childhood belongs to VERY VERY
    SEXY AND HOT MAN, his name is RICKY MARTIN! I went crazy over him, and
    still am. And interestingly, Ricky Martin is also a great humanitarian,
    and his love for children is enormous too =D
Alright below is a photo of myself, hope you'll like it! By the way I love to eat!

Live and let live... - Page 2 Hamster1
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Eva R Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:50 pm

icy55 wrote:

  • I've tried going vegetarian once, well not fully, I tried to refrain from meat and only eat fish. But I FAILED badly. It only lasted for 1 month! lol!
  • I dont know why but I've lots of friends, but out of those, I'm glad to have those few whom I will be able to talk to on the phone at 4am (so people, 4am phone calls are a good gauge of how many of those are true friends!)
  • I'm 21 already, but I've never been attached, my friends keep telling me that it's time because ladies have shelf-life, but guys dont. But I'm just not ready and NOT confident of myself yet! =)
  • When I'm around with close friends, I am talkative, when I'm drunk, I talk like a super soaker (machine gun), it's scary!

  • Other than Michael Jackson, part of my childhood belongs to VERY VERY
    SEXY AND HOT MAN, his name is RICKY MARTIN! I went crazy over him, and
    still am. And interestingly, Ricky Martin is also a great humanitarian,
    and his love for children is enormous too =D
Alright below is a photo of myself, hope you'll like it! By the way I love to eat!

Live and let live... - Page 2 Hamster1

aHAHAHA!!! OMG! you look beautiful!!! lol! lol!
Eva R
Eva R
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by neverlandprincess Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:54 pm

Ok....wow this got alot of hits. I already did this a few months ago but as we do have a whole new crew that came in-oh well.

1. I do believe in God. I do read the Bible.
2. I don't say I am "religious" because that brings to mind rules and craziness. My relationship with God and Jesus is just that-a relationship and in turn like all relationships it reflects on my life and choices.
3. I am 27 years old and time is flying.
4. I love animals and cant stand to see people who have them and do not take care of them.
5. I love people and I try to find common ground with people so I can get along with them even if I do not particularly like them.
6.My weakness is that I always give people the benefit of the doubt-if that is a weakness-and usually it would have been better if I had just went with my first instinct.
7. I am divorced with no children and I have not been in a relationship since the divorce(other than "just friends" and one date with a man who I was giving the benefit of the doubt Live and let live... - Page 2 Fresse and then went back to my first instinct Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_mad HAHA!.
8. I love to read but I don't get to as often as I would like.
9.I love words and love to write-poetry,journaling etc.
10. My only focus right now is getting out of the small debt I got into over my college years. It is not much but it is enough that it is ruining my credit and I live at home again..... Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol So that is what I am doing right now.
11. I am southern and I am prouder of that then I used to be-especially after living in Columbus, Ohio for two years.
12. I went to a Bible College
13. I fell in love with Michael when I was six years old.
14.I cried at the end of the Memorial
15. I have one best friend that I met when we were both ten. I made a few good friends in college-a handful of good friends is great and even one real friend is better than a hundred fake friends.
16. I LOVE music and possible have close to two hundred cds in my collection-that doesnt include all the ones I traded over the years.
17. I am oldest of six kids.
18. My parents are the may/december couple.
19. I hate it when people talk down to their children.
20.I hate it when people expect their children to be mini adults.
21. My pet peeve is words such as a. yummy b. tummy c. cozy d. yum yum.(I just want to punch people when I hear these words.)
22. I love "The Mentalist"
23. I love the earth and I love animals but it concerns me that there are greater measures and more said about those issues then there seems to be for human beings.
24. I hate being called an extremist and accused of spreading hate when I put MY opinions on MY facebook page.
25. I hate confrontation but when the rubber meets the road and I have done all I can do in the giving and being peaceful realm I will take action to take care of myself (hence the divorce I suppose).
26. I want a tattoo
27.I want to be single but I don't want to be alone forever-know what I mean?
28. I love people but people assume I am really shy or a loner when they first meet me. This is because I am not one of those people that just approach you with a big handshake and my life story. I observe people before I amke myself known.
29. I LOVE being right Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
30. I love having the last word...maybe that is why I try to just be quiet.
31. I am accused of being defensive and maybe I am but I would rather be that sometimes then be OFFensive ALL of the time.
32. I don't like "know it alls"
33. I get tired of people talking about their various rights to offend people.Sometimes I just wanna say "be quiet and save it" seriously save it for something that matters.
34. I always have speeches in my head that I am going to give someone when I tell them off...but then I never do.
35. I am addicted to Farmville on facebook
36. I smoke like a chimney and I know it is wrong but so is microwaving your food
37. I take coffee intaveinously(prob didnt spell that right)
38. I like to color Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz
39. I collect everything....seriously when I saw the video of the raid at neverland-I thought "huh-if i stay single I am gonna end up with a house full of stuff like that...I already know this...Barbie,Disney,Books,antiques etc)

The only thing that really really urks me from people is the "who love MJ more contest"...I really cant handle the arguments "your not a real fan for x reason"....I also get tired of everyone slamming someone for posting a picture of Prince-it really bugs me. I have Aphrodite Jones book...I have posted about this book a jillion times...all this book is is proof that MJ was innoncent. No one here thinks he was guilty of course-but it gives everyone the oppuratunity to have factual information in their head to repeat to people who never thought he was innoncent. I think the same idea applies when someone posts a picture of MJs cute kids off youtube showing their vast similarities with their father including their skin color-a celebration I think. Those people constantly get bashed and it really bugs me. Most of the time there would be no fight if it were not sparked.

We all love him
We all want him
We all want the truth
We all want closure or justice
Live and let live -thank you for the oppratunity Souza

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by StripedFeline Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:17 pm

@mjgirl86 - Thank you! You're quite pretty yourself. Smile Oh, and Eva R is the cutest, ha ha.
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by MJLover1990 Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:32 pm

StripedFeline wrote:@mjgirl86 - Thank you! You're quite pretty yourself. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_smile Oh, and Eva R is the cutest, ha ha.

Now and what about me Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sad Haha just kidding Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol
You all look really good!
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by EternalMichael Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:54 pm

ok, my turn even if I don't post very often because I don't have a lot of time to search... but I try to help with MJ odd things researches...

- I'm not very religious... I pray God only when I am desperate. I believe in God only when I am lucky !

- I love junk food and crips and chocolate and cheese and pastas ! I eat meat but don't like it very much...

- I fell in love with Michael when I was about 7 or 8 ! ah ah and he's still the man of my life ! Live and let live... - Page 2 Herz but I assume that even if today I am obessed and addicted to Michael, I was not a huge fan of him. I was just in love with him and I've always loved his music. when he "died" I felt like I had lost my best friend because I love him for his incredible human being and it broke my heart that such a wonderful and kind man left us !

- I am always late (too) when I have to go to appointements or rendez-vous.

- when I wake up I love to watch cartoons while having breakfast (I'm just 26! lol) Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_redface

- I work as a horse riding teacher so I love animals (especially horses but all kinds of animals) and of course children !

- I have a beautiful dog called Barnabé and a mare called Jessica. I love them more than anything ! I'd rather to talk with them then with humans sometimes !!!

- I have a lot of friends but not close friends, only a lot of people I love... at work, on the internet and friends I met at school when I was younger.

- I love to sing but as soon as I begin to sing it's raining... if you see what I mean... Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol

- I'm still desperately single... I am waiting for Michael to come back and marry him ! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz

- People, who know me, love me... but I don't like myself... I can't stand to see me in mirrors or on photos... Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_porc

- I love English language although I am not very good at English... I don't know why, I love to speak English. (I'm French)

- when I am not in a good mood, I go shopping and buy shoes. yes ! shoes ! I love all kinds of shoes and when I find one I like, I buy it ! since MJ's "death", I have bought about 5 pairs of shoes (and a lot of MJ things) !!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_scratch usually, I just buy one per year...

- and to finish, I don't know what to say except that I love all the good humans... Live and let live... - Page 2 Herz

Thank you for this great forum !!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers
I love you believers !
I love you Michael ! I miss you !

Wow, you know what ? I feel better now... it's good to talk !
Thank you Souza for this thread ! I love it !
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by mjgirl86 Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:04 pm

MJLover1990 wrote:
StripedFeline wrote:@mjgirl86 - Thank you! You're quite pretty yourself. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_smile Oh, and Eva R is the cutest, ha ha.

Now and what about me Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sad Haha just kidding Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol
You all look really good!

Oh, don't worry! You hot, too! I love all yall! And OMG, Icy!! HAHA, you are squishy cuuute. I must have you- NOW!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_albino Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cherry
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by MJLover1990 Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:06 pm

mjgirl86 wrote:
MJLover1990 wrote:
StripedFeline wrote:@mjgirl86 - Thank you! You're quite pretty yourself. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_smile Oh, and Eva R is the cutest, ha ha.

Now and what about me Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sad Haha just kidding Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol
You all look really good!

Oh, don't worry! You hot, too! I love all yall! And OMG, Icy!! HAHA, you are squishy cuuute. I must have you- NOW!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_albino Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cherry

Aw thanks Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by nlb Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:00 pm

neverlandprincess wrote:

21. My pet peeve is words such as a. yummy b. tummy c. cozy d. yum yum.(I just want to punch people when I hear these words.)
Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol I love this! One of my friends hates certain words like davenport, dungarees, pet peeve-so of course I do it on purpose to irrate her! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz

29. I LOVE being right Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
32. I don't like "know it alls"
33. I get tired of people talking about their various rights to offend people.Sometimes I just wanna say "be quiet and save it" seriously save it for something that matters.
Me too for all the above!
34. I always have speeches in my head that I am going to give someone when I tell them off...but then I never do. I seriously do this all the time too and then get upset with myself for not going through with it.

36. I smoke like a chimney and I know it is wrong but so is microwaving your food-I smoke as well and my father-in-law gives me grief about it all the time, usually while sucking down his case of beer. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_eek

38. I like to color Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz I have kids and buy them coloring books, but I also buy my own that way I don't have to share. Buy my own set of crayons too. Then me and the kids hang our pictures on the fridge. I'm 37 they range form 8-17 .Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin

The only thing that really really urks me from people is the "who love MJ more contest"...I really cant handle the arguments "your not a real fan for x reason"....I also get tired of everyone slamming someone for posting a picture of Prince-it really bugs me. I have Aphrodite Jones book...I have posted about this book a jillion times...all this book is is proof that MJ was innoncent. No one here thinks he was guilty of course-but it gives everyone the oppuratunity to have factual information in their head to repeat to people who never thought he was innoncent. I think the same idea applies when someone posts a picture of MJs cute kids off youtube showing their vast similarities with their father including their skin color-a celebration I think. Those people constantly get bashed and it really bugs me. Most of the time there would be no fight if it were not sparked.

We all love him
We all want him
We all want the truth
We all want closure or justice
Live and let live -thank you for the oppratunity Souza

Thank you for adding this bottom part, very well said. The "I love MJ more than you and am a bigger fan that you" is growing old and really is uncalled for, the vast majority of people that found this site and those like it is because they are fans and do love MJ. It's not a contest and no one wins a prize for loving him more or being his biggest fan. Just because we don't agree doesn't mean that we love him anyless or that we are a lesser fan. I also hear you about Prince, I totally get what you are saying and why threads like that are started. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_smile
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by H'aime Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:51 pm

1. I love meat (especially pork satay).
2. I love korean dramas.
3. I enjoy singing theme songs to old children's tv shows (DuckTales, Bonkers, Animaniacs)
4. I think the greatest way to bond with a person is to share a meal with them.
5. I can be somewhat indecisive.
6. I'm Christian.
7. I'm currently reading "Heliopolis" by James Scudamore.
8. I have a love/hate relationship with snow.
9. Besides Michael Jackson, my favorite singer is Billie Holiday.
10. My favorite album is "Destiny" by the Jacksons.
11. Buttermilk pancakes with fresh fruit, cinnamon and whipped cream is my favorite breakfast food.
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by cinderella Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:02 pm

okay I'll go =]

I'm a super girly-girl
I only eat chicken and fish...red meat and pork make me nauseous
I'm a hopeless romantic
I adore cartoons and books
I'm a big kid really...
Pageant girl =]
I LOOOOOVE writing
I am single and waiting for MJ =D *blushing*
I blush easily by the way
I hate close minded people
And I really hate RACIST people..MIXED AND PROUD!!!
I spend most of my time in a fantasy land and I pray that my reality will someday be just as amazing
I am very religious
Music is my life
For some reason I think freckles are beyond adorable
I am very in touch with my emotions
I love making friends but sometimes feel so lonely
I ADORE elegance and class =D
MJ has ruined it for every other man in my life LOL
I can be the coolest person to hang around, I'll make you smile when you need it and make you blush because I think it is cute/funny
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Aantal berichten : 27
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Kirsche Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:06 pm

cinderella wrote:okay I'll go =]

I'm a super girly-girl
I only eat chicken and fish...red meat and pork make me nauseous
I'm a hopeless romantic
I adore cartoons and books
I'm a big kid really...
Pageant girl =]
I LOOOOOVE writing
I am single and waiting for MJ =D *blushing*
I blush easily by the way
I hate close minded people
And I really hate RACIST people..MIXED AND PROUD!!!
I spend most of my time in a fantasy land and I pray that my reality will someday be just as amazing
I am very religious
Music is my life
For some reason I think freckles are beyond adorable
I am very in touch with my emotions
I love making friends but sometimes feel so lonely
I ADORE elegance and class =D
MJ has ruined it for every other man in my life LOL
I can be the coolest person to hang around, I'll make you smile when you need it and make you blush because I think it is cute/funny

is that the profile of MJ or is that really yours??

lol! sorry, just kiddin' Wink
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by 4evermichael71 Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:07 pm

I am neurotically neat, but I hate to clean

I have few friends by my own choosing.

I am a Catholic who thinks organized religion is out of touch with the way things are today.

I eat meat..even faux meat (pepperoni, salami)

I don't have a short fuse with my temper, I have no fuse.

I can be very sarcastic

I can't stand the entitlement teens and young adults think they have today.

I may be pushing 40 but I'm still a kid at Christmas

I can have a gutter mouth and mind if inspired

I want to turn back time to the 1980s and live there forever.

I love reading and film-to be taken where I've never been before.

I wish my parents wouldn't have recently divorced.

I am addicted to coffee, especially Gevalia's blueberry cream.

I can be shy but am for the most part beyond outspoken.

I am very political.

I believe in paying it forward whenever possible.

I love Michael Jackson with all my heart
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by cinderella Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:13 pm

Kirsche wrote:
cinderella wrote:okay I'll go =]

I'm a super girly-girl
I only eat chicken and fish...red meat and pork make me nauseous
I'm a hopeless romantic
I adore cartoons and books
I'm a big kid really...
Pageant girl =]
I LOOOOOVE writing
I am single and waiting for MJ =D *blushing*
I blush easily by the way
I hate close minded people
And I really hate RACIST people..MIXED AND PROUD!!!
I spend most of my time in a fantasy land and I pray that my reality will someday be just as amazing
I am very religious
Music is my life
For some reason I think freckles are beyond adorable
I am very in touch with my emotions
I love making friends but sometimes feel so lonely
I ADORE elegance and class =D
MJ has ruined it for every other man in my life LOL
I can be the coolest person to hang around, I'll make you smile when you need it and make you blush because I think it is cute/funny

is that the profile of MJ or is that really yours??

Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol sorry, just kiddin' Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_wink

Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol I don't think he is a girly girl or into pageants LOL
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Aantal berichten : 27
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Kirsche Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:20 pm

haha, no!!!! Of course not!! But some of the other points Wink

Anyway, i was just jokin around Smile

Welcome to the forum
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by maria-c Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:47 pm

Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_santaI do not eat red meat (beef)
Not like junk food
I wake up every day at 6:00 am, without Despret
It bothers me that people always late for appointments
I am happily divorced, my marriage lasted just 6 months, one month I discovered that I was not really in love, was desatre and it was my fault.
I'm obsessed with order and cleanliness
It infuriates me the mistreatment of children, the elderly and animals.
Belonged to a movement that is fighting for a law that once and for all terminecon uan bullfights in Venezuela. (this is part of the legacy that we leave the immigration from Spain to Venezuela). I am of Spanish descent, but I hate bullfighting.
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by TheKiddNerd Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:55 pm

And I really hate RACIST people..MIXED AND PROUD!!!

@ Cinderella

I must say we're in the same boat with this one.
I'm mixed with Italian & Black.
I totally understand where your coming from.
People should stop seeing people with their eyes
and look with their love.
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by icy55 Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:00 pm

TheKiddNerd wrote:
And I really hate RACIST people..MIXED AND PROUD!!!

@ Cinderella

I must say we're in the same boat with this one.
I'm mixed with Italian & Black.
I totally understand where your coming from.
People should stop seeing people with their eyes
and look with their love.

aye! me three! it's annoying and disrespectful. They probably think it's cool, but I just think that they are just ignorant and stereotyping.
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by TheKiddNerd Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:24 pm

I agree, I use to hate going to parent conference when I was in school. The other parents would stare at me then just stare at my dad. I use to cry all the time. I even stop going places with my dad for awhile. I'm glad I grew out of it and became proud of what I saw in the mirror.
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by neverlandprincess Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:07 am

@nlb-thanks for the comments Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sunny
@eva R-you are simply a doll Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sunny
@strippedfeline-you are so cute Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sunny
@youroutofmylife-I also hate all math related subjects in any form Live and let live... - Page 2 Suspect
@4evermichael-you are so my friend because of this line -it made me laugh I don't have a short fuse with my temper, I have no fuse.

I can be very sarcastic

@jacksonolagist-you always make me laugh-you and Annie btw-Annie are you ok?

@all the coffee drinkers- Live and let live... - Page 2 Herz

Things I forgot to add

1. I tend to be nervous so I need a calm man-maybe thats why I am single
2. I hate my job
3. I cant live without chocolate and caffeine-I will quit smoking before I quit coffee
4. Love Mickey Mouse
5. I have a tendancy to say "awwww" and it bugs people
6.I have a tendancy to grab people when I talk to them(I guess I am expressive) that also gets me in trouble
7.I love MJ
8.I love MJ
9.I love MJ
10. Went and seen TII for the third time tonight. still think it was all him
11. Love this forum and so far love being a mod and I love you all Smile


Aantal berichten : 1398
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by speechlessornot Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:15 am

Souza81 wrote:Sooooooooo........ bounce ........let's stop the fighting here and I am taking this thread as an example: https://mjkit.forumotion.net/post.forum?mode=reply&t=3676

Now let me tell you about me...

  • I eat meat

  • I think the bible was written by people who would be laughing their asses of if they knew how many people would still read it after 2000 years

  • I sometimes yell at rude spoiled kids

  • I'm always late

  • I forget people's B-days

  • I am very touchy when I just woke up

These are just a few of my bad habits.

Let me also tell you this about me...

  • I love all animals, except flies and mosquito. I admire vegetarians for their discipline, I myself could never be one, because I like my piece of meat for diner too much. I do check what kind of meat I buy and some kinds I will not buy or eat out of principle.

  • I can sometimes be jealous of people that do believe in God and can get hope and strenght from their religion, I myself are a Darwin believer and will never buy the Adam and Eve story, although I think some stories in the bible contain some good life lessons.

  • I love kids and I really hope to have some myself before my uterus shrinks to the size of a peanut, but I think that kids lately are to spoiled and rude these days. I'm not that old, but my parents raised me differently than a lot of kids are being raised now.

  • I'm always late, but I always make up by staying longer at work, and my friends know by now I'm always late, so they tell me to come at 9 if they expect me at 10.

  • I don't expect others to remember my B-day, I seldom celebrate them and although late, I will always call and congratiolate my friends with their B-day.

  • Before and after that horrible few days every month, I'm actually good company.

So am I a bad person due to my bad habits? Am I less educated because of them? Is someone else more then me if they don't have these habits? Can you convince me to act or think differently? The answer is no...

This simply makes me an individual and unique, like we all are. It's who I am. I don't want someone to convince me to believe in God, or to become a vegitarian, it simply wouldn't work, because this is my charachter, my nature. You can discuss anything in here, I am really not here to give you rules or anything, I just want to ask you all to respect each others habits, religion or whatsoever. There is nothing wrong with making people aware that things can be done differently, but do not try to push your habit or belief on someone else, because it would simply not work and it will only cause tension and locked posts from people who had different intentions with their topic.

If you want to discuss these kinds of things, please do so on other fora that were specially made for these kinds of discussions, this one is for discussing the hoax of Michael Jackson and all things surrounding that.

Thank you all for reading and please, live and let live...


Big hugs, Souza ! I think you might be my sister ! Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol I love and admire you ! be happy, girl !!!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by 4evermichael71 Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:50 am

neverlandprincess wrote:@nlb-thanks for the comments Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sunny
@eva R-you are simply a doll Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sunny
@strippedfeline-you are so cute Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sunny
@youroutofmylife-I also hate all math related subjects in any form Live and let live... - Page 2 Suspect
@4evermichael-you are so my friend because of this line -it made me laugh I don't have a short fuse with my temper, I have no fuse.

I can be very sarcastic

@jacksonolagist-you always make me laugh-you and Annie btw-Annie are you ok?

@all the coffee drinkers- Live and let live... - Page 2 Herz

Things I forgot to add

1. I tend to be nervous so I need a calm man-maybe thats why I am single
2. I hate my job
3. I cant live without chocolate and caffeine-I will quit smoking before I quit coffee
4. Love Mickey Mouse
5. I have a tendancy to say "awwww" and it bugs people
6.I have a tendancy to grab people when I talk to them(I guess I am expressive) that also gets me in trouble
7.I love MJ
8.I love MJ
9.I love MJ
10. Went and seen TII for the third time tonight. still think it was all him
11. Love this forum and so far love being a mod and I love you all Smile

LOL my "ex" brought it to my attention about the no fuse thing..guess that's why I'm single LOL
I love Mickey too!
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Eva R Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:12 am

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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by YveLoVesMJ Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:40 am

Hi and welcome to the new members.

I'm romanian - hungarian - russian - german - greek ^^

I'm atheist.

I'm vegetarian. Veganism isn't about and can't be about total purity. Any diet has consequences; we just wish to limit those consequences as effectively as we can.

I'm obsessed with my health and constantly worry that I have a serious illness.

I have few friends by my own choosing ( I find it hard to trust someone, usually ppl backstab you sooner or later).

I am the best person at keeping a secret, very trustworthy and loyal.

I hate/dislike: snoring (yes... I hate this one most for some reason lol it just drives me crazy); racism; politics; people who benefit from nepotism and act as though they earned everything; people who treat their parents rudely; the idiotic media who follows celebrities; people who don't even know you that well and tell you 'omg you've lost/ gained weight'; people who try to get 1 billion friends on myspace, facebook etc. for no good reason; having to justify why you don't like someone to someone who likes that person; WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs; people who lie about their music tastes; ppl who act nice but they talk bad about you when you're not around; people who suggest you should be in a relationship; summer; sunday; people who ask for a "honest feedback" but don't actually want it and make you feel bad about it; when people correct you but they are in fact wrong; crowded shopping malls; pop (I only like Michael); rap; hip hop; emos; manele (you don't want to know how stupid this music is); clowns; animal abusers; money; people who vote on things without any real knowledge of what they're voting for; people who are ignorant about what's going on around them; cigarettes; music nowadays; gossips; people who brag about getting drunk; MTV; reality shows; junk food; when ppl say 'it could be worse'; judgemental people; complying to social norms; narrow-mindedness; planes; fashion parades; greed; stereotypes; dissapointments; depression; materialistic people; war; the lack of individuality nowdays; big parties; all injustices; etc. This is not even 1% of things I dislike/hate.

I love/like: my family; Michael Jackson (he's my obsession ouch!); orchestras; playing guitar; watching documentaries; animes; winter, solitude; asian tv series; going to theatre; honesty; helping people; to make ppl. laugh; video games; polite and friendly people; open-minded people; playing tennis; traveling; drawing; deviant ART; to learn about new things; to discover new places; memories; the sky; surfing the internet; photography; psychology; JRock; to be a loyal friend; learning foreign languages; House; Stargate SG-1; etc. I have MANY things I love but I already wrote too much lol, I wonder if anyone will read what I wrote haha.

And I love you guys <3

Last edited by YveLoVesMJ on Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by jpresley Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:14 pm

MJILOVEUMOST wrote:Ok here goes:

- I tend to be impatient, I'm trying to work on it.

- I daydream....A LOT!!!

- I'll be married 7 years on the 16th Nov, been with hubby for 19 years, and we have a daughter who turns 5 in March.

- I have OCD tendencies. I am a neat freak - things out of place/alignment cause me great anxiety.

- I'm a health/gym nut - and yes I do eat meat...mainly chicken and fish.

- I'm a night owl, I love my late nights - hence I hate mornings.

- I used to have a gutter mouth, but I had to stop once my daughter started repeating my expletives lol. The odd swear word does tend to slip out now and then.

- I'm not a religious person - agnostic.

- I can't live without my computer and coffee. (oh, and I better say hubby and daughter) Razz

- I used to perform in amateur theater - mainly musicals which I had a blast doing.

- I'm sarcastic.

- I'm a procrastinator.


- I love Michael Jackson. Heehee. Razz

That'll do.

I thought it would be appropriate to tag on to my SSS! (sorry guys, inside joke/designation)

I'm the youngest of 4 kids, by 18, 16 and 13 years
My husband is 13 years older than me and we'll be married 10 years on March 4th, together for 14 (he robbed the cradle!)
I'm a conspiracy theorist
I love to read books (though haven't done much of that except for MJ related stuff since June 25)
I'm sarcastic (which hubby can't stand)
I'm a procrastinator (which causes me endless stress yet I still do it, er, don't do it. hehe)
I love drama shows: Law & Order SVU, House, etc
I'm a loner, prefer the company of a few people rather than a big party
Once you're my friend, I'm loyal to the end and will always have your back no matter what
I'm very opinionated
I love animals and have two pups and a kitty cat (all rescued)
The aforementioned critters have been a tad neglected since June 25
I HATE to dust, but the kitchen and bathroom must be clean at all times
I'm obsessive by nature
I was raised to be very religious, but am not because I can't reconcile the things I see in the world
I'm addicted to coffee and RedBull
I hate mornings
I'm on the computer way too much (should be cleaning house right now :-))
I was in theatre in highschool and graduated w/ a full scholarship to college for drama

I love.love.love.LOVA Michael Jackson with my whole heart!

This is me!
Live and let live... - Page 2 Utf-8BSU1HMDAwMjEtMjAwOTExMTItMTc1N
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by maria-c Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:10 pm

neverlandprincess, How do you let the cigarette and drink coffee yet? Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_santa
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by mjgirl86 Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:21 pm

I love learning about you all! This is really awesome! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz

So much L.O.V.E. in this place Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cheers
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by mumof3 Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:37 pm

All I can say is

I am a night owl
I hate the mornings and I am very grumpy then so my family keep away
I love my family they come first
I am a meat eater
I love animas and have many at home and hate any cruelty towards animals or children or old people
I like things tidy
I panic over silly things
I cant walk past a bar of chocolate
I have always worked hard
I will not take no for an answer I do not give in
I will not be bossed about
Have a handfull of good friends but sometimes they get on my nerves
I will always help my friends
I have always loved Michael
I have always listened to what he has to say
I have always believed what he says
I am stubbern
My family always comes first
I love my children
I am not that bothered about fashion
I try to be green but it is not easy

there we go thats me a bit grumpy realy
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Léa Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:12 pm

Kirsche wrote:So when everyone is doin this, here is mine:

1. I looooove Pizza and Chicken Wings
2. I do not believe in God but I believe in L.O.V.E. Wink
3. I love Animals, especially my little dog Maggie
4. Anyway I eat meat and I love steaks with BBQ Sauce. I tried to live without meat but it doesn't worked
5. I have my own style.....I love the 50's style also Wink
6.I'm a huge The Simpsons and King of Queens-Fan
7. I'm still very childish. I'm laughin' about every fart Very Happy
8.I'm pierced and tattoed and I also listen to Hardcoremusic, Metalmusic and Rock N' Roll
9. I've been listening to Michael Jackson since I was about 4 years old ( thanks to my brother Razz )
10. I don't like selfish people and I don't like people who are judging other people, just because they have their own or look different...
11. I love Walt Disney and Tim Burton movies and old Cartoons like Popeye and The Flintstones,hehe

hm , what else...I'm a nice person, haha!

And here's a picture with my little Dog Maggie ( that was from summer 2008 but I didn't change much...Maggie is now about 1 1/2 years old)

Live and let live... - Page 2 Dsc00210

I love your make up and hair ! is your tatoo the earth ?
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Secret Dove Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:37 pm

A little about me

1. I'm an early bird, up in-between 6Am-7Am. The earliest I've had to get up was 3AM for a horse show, not fun!

2. I love my family, they come first

3. I eat very little meat. Usually once or twice a week

4. I love animals. I own a 3 yr old black Labrador Retriever

5. I've been ridding horses for 16 years.

6. I own a lovely Quarter Horse Gelding named Ladies Man A.K.A Playboy. He passed away March 2007 from colic. He was my baby. I was lucky to have him in my life, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be the rider I am today. He saved my butt many times from being injured from a stupid riding error I made.

7. I'm probably the only person who doesn't mind going out in public smelling like a horse, wearing half chaps and spurs on my boots. The looks I get are funny! Razz

8. I'm a neat freak. I like everything to be organized, if it isn't, I freak out

9. I'm a perfectionist, especially when it comes to my riding. I like to give the horse I'm riding the best ride I possibly can. If I don't, I beat myself up over it and feel bad. They work so hard for me, the lest thing I could do is give them the best ride I can. It makes their job easier.

10. I love sweets. I can't get enough of brownies, cookies, cake and ice cream.

11. I love hard work, especially when it comes to horses. I'm always helping at the barn, feeding, turning in/out, grooming, whatever needs to be done I'll do it without a problem. The harder I work, the better!

12. I don't like to be bossed around, made fun of, judged, ignored, etc. I know I'm different, if you don't like it, that's fine with me. I'm happy with who I am and I'm going to change for anyone!

13. I love Country music. I've seen many country bands/artist's in concert. I've meet Rascal Flatts twice and Sugarland once.

14. I've always loved Michael. I listen to what he says, I believe him and love his message.

15. I don't have a lot of friends. Most of the people that have accepted me for who I am are the people at the barn.

16. I have a few injuries from riding/falling that constantly bother me. Bad knees, pain in shoulders, wrists, ankles, lower back, etc. I often wonder what I'll be like when I'm in my 40's +. No matter how many injures I sustain, it's all worth it to me.

If I think of anymore, I'll add to the list...

Here are pictures of some of the horses that I've ridden: https://s612.photobucket.com/albums/tt210/XSecretDoveX/Horses/
Secret Dove
Secret Dove
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Keiko Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:13 pm

I'll go! Forgive me, I don't post much, but I am an oldie! I remember MJHD before it even had forums!
-I eat meat, but only beef. I’m trying to get myself to enjoy chicken, at least…
-I always end up being too early!
-I do believe in God as a duality of male and female (Om and Azna). Not so much in the Bible. I’m very spiritual.
-I swear I’m just one gene off from being albino (very fair-skinned)!
-I have a very sarcastic personality, but you could probably sum me up with “She just hates stupid people”. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol
-I love theatre and classical music (everything except screamo, actually).
-I’m a loner by choice, but I have one very close friend (who unfortunately lives across the country) and am very close with family.
-I enjoy writing.
-I feel like I was born in the wrong era…I feel like I should have been born in the 60s-70s.
-For some reason, I adore the voices of men from around that time…you know, they just sounded different, more classy.
-I’m a perfectionist.
-I want to learn to play piano someday.
-I would love travel the world, but airplanes (flying/heights) scare the crap out of me. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_silent
-I tend to worry too much and put myself in “what if” situations.
-I love documentaries (as well as classic Disney movies, on the other side of the spectrum).
-I’m great at keeping secrets.
-I daydream. A lot. And when I’m not daydreaming, I absolutely adore sleep so I can dream there.
-I’m very shy, and I don’t like people that are overly-talkative and are constantly questioning me…however I become very outspoken when someone offends me.
-It’s very difficult for me to trust people…everyone backstabs you eventually.
-I love black and white photography and old films.
-I’m in the process of learning French…my teacher is not the best, so I’m hoping I can pick up with someone else later on in life!
-I grew up way too fast, but I don’t really mind it…I usually get along with people a good decade (or more) older than me.
-I am an only child and loving it! I was spoiled rotten, but thankfully I turned into a pretty well-rounded person! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_wink
-Lately, I have been a huge procrastinator.
-I tend to only have one-two primary interests at a time…they vary from month to month (Lately it has been here, of course!)
-I’m sorry, but I really do not like other people’s kids…there are a few in my close family friends I can tolerate…probably will not be having any of my own!
-I am very opinionated and I love a good debate.
-I’m very open-minded. (Why else would I be here?)
-I’m a very “green” person, to the extent it sometimes annoys my family and neighbors…I have gone through their trash before to recycle things. The earth is important to me. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_redface
-I tend to take things personally too much, as my self-esteem isn’t fantastic.
-I overuse ellipses and smilies, evidently. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_wink
-I believe I'm asexual.
-It would be my ultimate dream to learn to dance professionally…I’m still very young, but my joints disagree with my wishes!
-I usually don’t have a problem revealing things about my life…when someone wants to know something, I tell them! Hence the rambling...my apologies. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_redface
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by mjgirl86 Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:43 pm

Secret Dove wrote:

Here are pictures of some of the horses that I've ridden: https://s612.photobucket.com/albums/tt210/XSecretDoveX/Horses/

OMG, I love horses! I used to ride a beautiful horse named Jinx when I was younger. Horses are great...
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by cinderella Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:08 pm

TheKiddNerd wrote:I agree, I use to hate going to parent conference when I was in school. The other parents would stare at me then just stare at my dad. I use to cry all the time. I even stop going places with my dad for awhile. I'm glad I grew out of it and became proud of what I saw in the mirror.

omg me too, I got so sick of people looking at me and my parents really strange, it used to hurt me so bad but I finally became so PROUD of myself and my heritage. Your dad is italian?? Or your mom?
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by neverlandprincess Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:25 pm

maria-c wrote:neverlandprincess, How do you let the cigarette and drink coffee yet? Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_santa

Sorry? Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin What do you mean?

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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by neverlandprincess Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:31 pm

@Yve I love this line: WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs
I read all your post because one of my pet peeves is when I write my heart out and nobody reads-it is a place for writing anyway. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin Alot of your dislikes are my own-made me laugh Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz

I have many more than I wrote-such as when people stab their plate with their forks.

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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by GirlSaturday Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:38 pm

WOW... I must be slipping. How did I miss this lovely thread of "show and tell".

I am ..

-an adult


-a helluva communicator

-arrogant and with good reasons

-a straight talker

-capable of running circles around small people with small closed minds

-a loveable and generous person

-THE one who remembers everyone's birthday and expects that MINE will be remembered.

-someone who loves to compliment others because you never know what hardships that people may be dealing with on a daily basis.

I am not...

-afraid of invisible people on forums

-one to back down from a good debate/discussion

-one who fights fair

-one to miss a grand opportunity to climb inside of a bully nobody's head and take a pi$$
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by neverlandprincess Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:42 pm

@saturday-dang girl I would want you in my corner Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cool

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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by GirlSaturday Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:50 pm

Btw- when is YOUR birthday? Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol
neverlandprincess wrote:@saturday-dang girl I would want you in my corner Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cool
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by neverlandprincess Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:53 pm

GirlSaturday wrote:Btw- when is YOUR birthday? Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol
neverlandprincess wrote:@saturday-dang girl I would want you in my corner Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_cool

Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol Sep 23

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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by yaya Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:58 pm

ok, my turn!

*i eat meat, excluding pork, most kinds of fish, and various other things
*i have 2 guinea pigs cuz i can't have dogs in my apartment. probably can't even have guinea pigs
*i believe in God and the bible
*i don't trust our government in the slightest
*i've been married for about 2 and a half years, and kept it a secret from my parents for about the first 3 months
*i have no kids, nor do i want any...at least right now
*i don't make friends easily cuz i'm shy, but the ones i do make i keep for life
*i met my best friend in college, and she now lives states away Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_sad
*i never had a good roommate experience in college
*i'm an artist
*i laugh at myself and others
*i enjoy walking around walmart with my husband laughing at random things, testing equipment, playing a quick game of soccer, etc.
*i love wearing leggings
*i enjoy figuring people out and the root cause of why they do things, etc. hence why i got my degree in psychology
*i love texting
*i love electronics
*i enjoy reading
*i love learning new things, especially about our government, secret societies and stuff like that
*i like sappy and trashy reality shows
*the last movie i watched in the theater was 2012 and i wasn't so fond of it
*i like comedies, drama, war, some romance, thrillers, horrors, mysteries, documentaries
*i've yet to watch a movie that genuinely scared me

i guess that's all i can think of for now! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by MJILOVEUMOST Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:10 am

jpresley wrote:I thought it would be appropriate to tag on to my SSS! (sorry guys, inside joke/designation)

I'm the youngest of 4 kids, by 18, 16 and 13 years
My husband is 13 years older than me and we'll be married 10 years on March 4th, together for 14 (he robbed the cradle!)
I'm a conspiracy theorist
I love to read books (though haven't done much of that except for MJ related stuff since June 25)
I'm sarcastic (which hubby can't stand)
I'm a procrastinator (which causes me endless stress yet I still do it, er, don't do it. hehe)
I love drama shows: Law & Order SVU, House, etc
I'm a loner, prefer the company of a few people rather than a big party
Once you're my friend, I'm loyal to the end and will always have your back no matter what
I'm very opinionated
I love animals and have two pups and a kitty cat (all rescued)
The aforementioned critters have been a tad neglected since June 25
I HATE to dust, but the kitchen and bathroom must be clean at all times
I'm obsessive by nature
I was raised to be very religious, but am not because I can't reconcile the things I see in the world
I'm addicted to coffee and RedBull
I hate mornings
I'm on the computer way too much (should be cleaning house right now :-))
I was in theatre in highschool and graduated w/ a full scholarship to college for drama

I love.love.love.LOVA Michael Jackson with my whole heart!

The SSS's strike again, L.O.V.E it! It's uncanny, who would have thought we'd both love Michael Jackson??!! Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_wink Live and let live... - Page 2 Lol
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Eva R Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:14 am

mine is sept. 24! Very Happy
Eva R
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by YveLoVesMJ Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:56 am

neverlandprincess wrote:@Yve I love this line: WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs
I read all your post because one of my pet peeves is when I write my heart out and nobody reads-it is a place for writing anyway. Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin Alot of your dislikes are my own-made me laugh Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_razz

I have many more than I wrote-such as when people stab their plate with their forks.

I'm glad someone read what I wrote hehe. Maybe you're a long-lost sister I didn't know about xD I also hate it when people stab their plate with their forks, it really gets on my nerves ;p Much love for you Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
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Live and let live... - Page 2 Empty Re: Live and let live...

Post by Léa Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:46 am

Keiko wrote:Live and let live... - Page 2 Icon_lol
-I’m in the process of learning French…my teacher is not the best, so I’m hoping I can pick up with someone else later on in life!

I'm french ^^

I would love to be fluent in a lot of languages... French is difficult, don't you think ? (I'm pretty glad I didn't have to learn it, because even being french, I make mistakes sometimes lol)
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