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FF News: The Presidential Box--December 2025

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FF News:  The Presidential Box--December 2025 Empty FF News: The Presidential Box--December 2025

Post by footprints Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:20 pm

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Footprints Filmworks—The Presidential Box—December 2025—FF News—
This is an E I G H T Page FF News Brief Bulletin so the footprints team
suggests that you be nice and relaxed when viewing this bulletin. This
is an Exclusive Interview with South Africa’s golden president and
Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr. Omar Abdulla. Mr. Omar Abdulla is
president of South Africa since 2023 and his serving his second year in
office after serving on the 447 member South African government as
Minister of Finance. Mr. Omar Abdulla is President of South Africa
based on his overwhelming support from the South African community
clinching 81 percent of the more than 50 million voters in South
Africa. Mr. Omar Abdulla is known as “The Playboy President” earning
this title after dating some of the most gorgeous women in the world.
Mr. Omar Abdulla is known as the World’s Greatest President according
to voters on Today’s Times Magazine.

South Africa the country occupies S P A C E that of France, Spain,
England and Northern Asia. South Africa is rated the fifth most popular
country in the world after the United States, India, China and Brazil.
South Africa is known as “The Honeymoon Haven” hosting tourists who
choose to escape once they get married. South Africa is rated as one of
the most beautiful countries in the world according to voting polls on
FF News.

South Africa-The country occupies the Southern Tip of Africa and is
bounded by South West Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique,
and Swaziland and by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans- West and East.
South Africa entirely surrounds Lesotho and partially surrounds the F O
U R black states of Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei. (Before
their independence)

--Footprints Filmworks Advert--

The Country’s history stretches 250 000 years where President of South
Africa Paul Kruger and The Great trek had their tug of war on land and
commercial properties. The country has long been plagued by foreigners
who choose to escape from their daily chores and choose to relax in
South Africa’s warm climate. The Country has long been raising eyebrows
in local communities regarding forced links between Footprints allies
and ANC Nationalists. The Country is rated as a country of national
pride, accelerated growth, ever-growing technology and increasing
national interest.

As the year is 2025 many local communities are creating havoc as many
people choose to have their say about the country as a whole. A local
listener on SABC Radio Richie Valens said that South Africa should look
at growth internally rather than externally. South Africa which has the
first teleport service which allows listeners from anywhere in the
world to show their interest in the country can dial 911 and can speak
to President of South Africa or whoever’s name they type in the
database immediately, via voice prompts.

Valens asked Abdulla what he thought about the current Economic
Stimulus Plan, currently stating that the South African economy was
overleveraged and that financing from other countries should be opted
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--Footprints Filmworks—The Presidential Box—December 2025—FF News
Abdulla responded to Valens statement by saying that South Africa was
in a trade surplus due to the leveraging policy whereby government
Reserve Banks lends money to other Reserve Banks at no interest charge.
Abdulla added by saying that lending the money to other countries was a
policy that created “Friendly Ties” amongst nations, both locally and

When Valens asked Abdulla what this meant he said that the community of
South Africa was in “Friendly Ties” with second and third world
countries to force barter deals and trade deals.

While on channel 911 another caller Sakeena Joosub asked Abdulla what
he thought would be the longer term growth of South Africa including
growth in terms of improvement of facilities for correctional services,
improvement of facilities in the Laudium community, improvement of
facilities in the greater Gauteng area and improvement of facilities in
the medical centers.
Abdulla responded to Joosub’s remarks stating that the current Economic
community was in tatters due to the neglect from the current South
African Reserve Bank.

“South Africa has become a country like Japan. We cannot print more
money because the country does not need money; the country needs
support from our neighbors to sell our assets. The asset value of South
Africa is valued at R700 trillion rand, yet if she shed 10 percent of
our asset value we would generate double the income from our country’s
partners. “Abdulla responded.

Abdulla has long been admired by both South African government
nationalists and international allies. He has served on the United
Nations Board as Executive Director and served his five years required
to study at the footprints university. As South African’s once the
student has passed their 12 grade examination, it is compulsory for
them to study at any of the 9600 footprints universities in South
Although Mr. Omar Abdulla is serving his second year in office as
President of South Africa, he is challenged by a group of Muslim
Businessmen aiming at sabotaging his term in office and his businesses.
At a failed assassination attempt on Inauguration day October 25 2023
Abdulla escaped unharmed and was rushed to a nearby hospital where he
lived with Allah’s Grace.

--FF News Advert--

Whilst in office he is constantly challenged by Bantu and Shona rebels
aiming at forcing him to make decisions that he would normally never
approve off.

At a recent rally in Church Street thousands of protestors took to the
streets to the offices of the presidency claiming that Members of
Parliament were “Eating more than Sharing.” What this term meant in
South African Parliament was that the law was not playing its tune to
country citizens. According to South African Law citizens who do not
earn an income for three years will be banished to neighboring
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--Footprints Filmworks—The Presidential Box—December 2025—FF News--
President of South Africa Omar Abdulla said that the “Eating more than
Sharing” was a law just newly introduced that aimed at keeping South
Africans “At Home, and At Peace.” According to the “Eating more than
Sharing” law South Africans would need to live with a minimum of four
people per household. Newly-wed couples, homeless people, nomads, and
orphans will be taken in what is called the “The House of Cards.”
“The House of Cards” is the first of its kind ever created in South
Africa and is financed by The Old Mutual Group of Companies, South
African Airways, Pick and Pay and Footprints Filmworks. “The House of
Cards” is a development organization that aims at creating leadership
for inspiring Managing Directors, Business personnel, previously
disadvantaged South African’s and people who choose to learn from the
grapevine. For those persons who pose no income they can join the “The
House of Cards” which is a weekly payout of R5000.00 per week to the
individual seeking a job. The department that the employee works for
instructs the employee the chores that he or she should adhere to.

Current Managing Director of “The House of Cards” Zakkiyyah Adamjee
said that throughout South Africa the “The House of Cards” was working
well with South African citizens. We have more than 50 000 people who
have joined us in the last year and it’s improving day by day.
“The House of Cards” is in no competition with a similar concept of the
footprints university Adamjee added. The footprints university is a
free five year university to all South Africans, whilst “The House of
Cards” employs those graduates who choose to enhance their skills
further. Adamjee continued by saying that the R50 billion rand
initiative was co-sponsored by the government through tax incentives
and interest bearing accounts.

The South African community which has 10 million homes with 80 percent
of them leveraged through any of the big F O U R banks has been
experiencing down faults due to local council municipalities not
keeping up to their deal.

The country employs more than 35 million people in sectors of
financing, services, manufacturing and developing, technology synopsis,
mining and agriculture, youth education and training, military
programs, and many other sectors encapsulating a net growth of 25
percent on GDP per annum.

The seven hundred and eighty six sectors of the job sector of South
Africa is led by Minister of Interrelationships Jacob Pheledi who has
held this title since 2020. Pheledi(58) said that the Job sector of
South Africa was in “Safe Hands” and that job hunting among South
Africans was easy as the amount of employment agencies had increased by
12 percent since 2020.

--Footprints Filmworks Champion Cars Advert--

“To find a job that pays well is easy to find in South Africa. The
problem lies with employees who choose to change their jobs every five
years. This makes it difficult for the South African Interrelation
community as jobs are quickly shuffled around to improve service
delivery and efficiency.” Pheledi said.
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--Footprints Filmworks—The Presidential Box—December 2025—FF News—
The Exclusive Interview held with me and President of South Africa Omar
Abdulla was to be held at the Union Building’s on November 11 2025. I
was told to meet him at 8:00 am at the Union Buildings National
Gardens. My name is Jessica Knowles and this is my story with meeting
with one of the most admired leaders of our time.

When I met with Abdulla at 8:00 am, one of his wives accompanied him
for a morning jog and breakfast at the Tuscan Union Buildings.
Initially, Abdulla laughed at the questions I posed to him, telling me
that I should put my pen and paper away, and that I should join them on
their daily morning jog. I was a bit surprised a President who led an
economy of R700 trillion rand could be so funky and accommodating.
Abdulla answered a question I posed to him earlier about the South
African Crime rate, stating that crime had become something of the past
for South Africans. Abdulla said that the South African crime rate had
dropped by more than 60 percent in the last ten years, due to the
improvement of facilities for policemen and the correct method of
“Household Hands”

“Household Hands” was a campaign invented by Minister of Safety and
Defense Yusuf Smith that aimed at keeping criminals on guard. The
“Household Hands” was an initiative that joined murderers, killers,
money launderers and policemen to fight crime. According to the eight
grade of criminals that prowl South African streets and prisons all
grades from 3-8 were to be killed execution style or hanged. This law
adapted from the Arabian community is similar to the death penalty; the
only difference is that criminals are graded upon the crimes they
commit. All 0-2 grade crimes and criminals were to be set free from
prison and free to go home, to start fresh.

Abdulla said that the “Household Hands” law took some time for
government officials to pass, but in the long run it has paid off. In
2010 every three minutes two crimes had been committed in South Africa,
today we have an average of 15 crimes per day, which is a major drop
from 2010.

Although, Abdulla, myself and his wife had been jogging for 30 min, we
stopped for 10 min to have a glass of water, whereby he said, Jessica
what I’m about to tell you might change your life.
And I said, what is it that you have to tell me that can change my life, Mr. President.
I remember he came close to me and said, I was never this close to my
dreams and goals. There was a stage in my life where my family,
personal friends, The South African government and even my own
Ministers sabotaged and protested against me.

When I asked Abdulla what this meant he said that when he became
President of South Africa in 2023, a group of angry protesters took 500
000 copies of his bestselling memoir “My father, the president” and
burnt it in Soweto, Secunda, Laudium and Lenasia. This motivated me
that the world and the people who occupy the space they live in, don’t
keep up to their words.

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--Footprints Filmworks—The Presidential Box—December 2025—FF News—
Abdulla added by saying that the community of South Africa does not
appreciate the work that he and his 447 member Parliament does.

“Our government and people have become selfish when it comes to our
country. What happened to the days where we had patriots and strong
hearted men who walked our streets? When Madiba died in 2010, the
country found itself anew in terms of globalization and commitment to
our citizens” Abdulla said.
Although Abdulla has been President of South Africa for only two years,
his greatest success was achieving the treasured goal of listing his
blueprint company Footprints Filmworks on all major stock exchanges in
the world. As a local tabloid paper read:

“A millionaire at 21, A billionaire at 30, A Superstar Celebrity, at 35, A President of a country, at 40”

After the morning jog, Abdulla asked to have lunch at the Union
Building’s Hotel. He told me that he was going to buy a few Cuban
Cigars and continue discussions on the South African community and its
At the Hotel Café at around 11: 25am a flying helicopter F-18 comes to
pick us up as Mr. Abdulla has a meeting in Cape Town with the Minister
of Transport and Aviation Mandy White. I was asked to join him for the
day as I am busy producing a documentary on his life. His wives who are
sisters were asked to join him on the trip.

--Todays Times Advert0--

I was surprised that Mr. Abdulla had two wives who lived and travelled with him.
When we arrived in the country’s Capital, Western Cape, I was greeted
by Mandy White who said that all harbors, flights, tube train stations
and air tubes in the country had been stalled as the power shortage
from generators were too busy. According to White the country’s power
generators had caused the power shortage. South Africa which is one of
the highest producers of natural power was currently experiencing
“Sunbeam Radiation and Radioactivity.”

“Sunbeam Radiation and Radioactivity” was a natural element in the sky
that caused all power to cut off. According to the myth this technology
was invented by “The Illumanti”. The “Sunbeam Radiation and
Radioactivity” technology was eco-friendly and causes the earth to
require Maximum Potential. What this meant is that when the Sun, Earth,
Moon and Jupiter were parallel to each other, “Sunbeam Radiation and
Radioactivity” takes over. According to “The illumanti” when all these
elements are parallel to each other, all ozone cleansing takes place.
This meant that although the country might be out of power for a day,
all skin diseases and natural diseases including Cancers, HIV Positive
patients, mentally instable people, and ordinary patients would be

This was a legend that I read about in South African history and
perhaps today was the day that I would find out what is: “Sunbeam
Radiation and Radioactivity”

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“Jessica, I need to make an urgent call” Abdulla called out.
I was a bit surprised Mr. President of South Africa wanted to make a
call at this time when the city was out of power. After about half an
hour, he returned and said:
“Sorry, I cannot use my mobile; I had to place a bet.”
“A bet, about what?” I asked.

“If I’m right I can double the Country’s reserve in this day.” Abdulla said.
I did not know what this meant, or what sought of code this was, but I
could see that the power shortage in the country had caused him to
become frail and bleak.

I am a journalist for a local newspaper, and at this time I felt like
calling my boss and telling him that I was stuck with the President of
South Africa for the entire day. I was so excited to get to know the
Man behind the mask of the media.

--Footprints in South Africa Advert--

It was already 2: pm and still the power in the country was off, and I
could see that Abdulla was nervous about something. His twin wives had
gotten lost in the Minister of Transport offices Goggling reasons why
and when the power could come back on. I remember, Abdulla called out
my name and said:
Jessica, you wanted that interview, come and chat to me.

I had a whole list of questions prepared but it seemed that all my
questions and notes meant nothing because today I could actually speak
to him, and get to know what picks on the mind of the most powerful man
in the world.

I told Abdulla that I did not have any notebooks to take down notes,
but that I had the questions in my mind. I asked him, what motivated
him to be the President of one of the Wealthiest countries in the world.
At first, he laughed and smiled and said that he was constantly
challenged by his mentors and old pioneers to follow in their
footprints. I remember, he came close to me and said:
“I have been around long enough to be fooled, but I always get fooled by good hearts.”
What this meant I did not understand, but I could see the honesty in
his face and personality. He seemed relaxed that the entire South
African community was in his hands, and all that he could do was
remember the days when he schooled in Laudium.

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“I am a community leader at heart, perhaps I was lucky with what God
has blessed me, Perhaps I have been cursed, but what I do know, is that
my dreams always become a reality.” Abdulla Says.
At this time an international call came in on my mobile, and a strange voice asked for Omar.
“May I speak to your superior” the strange voice asked.
I immediately handed the mobile device to Omar, who said that he would
like some privacy and chat to the man in the strange voice.

Abdulla returned my mobile device and said that the power in the
country will be back in 30 min, and that if he was correct the stock
markets would rocket on the news about the power generators back in
progress and that medical pharmaceutical company shares will drop as
soon as the power comes back on.
When I asked him why the pharmaceutical company shares will drop on the
news of the power, Abdulla said that “Sunbeam Radiation and
Radioactivity” took place on January 25 2012 and within minutes small
investors on the JSE, CAC, FTSE and FFF became overnight billionaires.

I remember on that day, I short 1 billion future contracts on Pfizer
shares and I made 10 billion dollars of my own money. According to
Abdulla the legend of “The Illumanti” having inside ties with when and
why markets react in the way that they do.

I did not understand this mumbo jumbo share talk, so I said, Mr.
President, we have 30 min more before the power comes back, can we
perhaps continue with the interview as planned.
I asked Abdulla what his opinion was on the current Peace Treaty being signed between the eight nations General Assembly.

Abdulla answered my question by saying that the medical and technology
investment community of the global economy were experiencing major
overflow and that the medical and technology fields were the shares
that increased in value the most since 2008. Abdulla added by saying
that precious metals and raw materials had dropped by almost seventy
percent in value since 2008. Abdulla continued by saying that the Peace
Treaty was being signed by South Africa, United States, France,
Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China, and U.S.S.R . Abdulla said that
the treaty agreement would aim at fixing Forex currencies, Precious
Metals, Blue-chip companies and repo rates pricing to squeeze inflation.

Abdulla said the investment community in countries was slowly improving
as investors were starting to deepen their investment portfolio and
risk appetite to outrun bank returns. According to Abdulla the local
stock exchanges in the world had four times increased in value, over
the five year period. He elaborated the importance of Bankers and
Financiers to beware of getting stopped out off market trends.
This was friendly advice for me, as I always watch Abdulla on CNBC
talking about market trends. I remember on 29 December 2024, how
markets went bullish on a Monetary Policy meeting.

--The Presidential Box—December 2025—www.footprintsfilmworks.com
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--Footprints Filmworks—The Presidential Box—December 2025—FF News--
When we arrived on the F-18 back at the Union Buildings, Abdulla said
that he would like some time with his family and that I should take a
walk and views the 1105 Hectare Union Buildings. He said that he would
like to use my mobile as he had to make a call to the man in the
strange voice.
Abdulla(40) who has currently four children is reported to have been
said that he plans to have as many children as possible. In a recent
report in New York Times, he was quoted as saying that the next ten
years will bring another four children to our footprints team.
“Thank you, for your time Jessica” he said.

He handed me a shoebox and said that I should send him a proof of the
advert in 50 newspapers before I print it. I was a bit surprised that a
President advertisers in newspapers.
Before, I left his home, I turned back and said:
Mr. President, I believe that you are a Ferrari Fan and I have heard
rumors about you purchasing Ferrari Cars in the past decade or so.

--Footprints Filmworks Travel Tours Advert--

“I have always had dreams in my life Jessica. When I was 25, I had a
picture of a Ferrari in my room, and perhaps I collect Ferrari’s these
days, to remember my childhood dreams and passions.”
May I see your Ferrari Cars I asked him?
He said that it was a long walk to the Buildings Garage, but if she
opened the shoebox, she would make the walk easier for both of them.

So, I opened the shoebox, and guess what???

A One million rand note and the keys to a new Ferrari F430 Scuderia

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