Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators
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Wanted to introduce myself....

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Wanted to introduce myself.... Empty Wanted to introduce myself....

Post by MJAREYOUOK? Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:44 am

I just wanted to introduce myself properly and am sorry I haven't done so before.
I am Canadian and have been a fan of MJ's since I was about 9 years old and am now 28 and have been a staunch supporter of his through his trials and tribulations and the pain he has suffered from the media and haters.
I can recall not sleeping for 3 nights straight when it was announced he was victim to another "allegation" and sat infront of the TV watching as CNN covered his plane arriving in from Las Vegas when he had to surrender to police in the hangar at the airport and as always,being the polite gentleman he was shaking hands with the officers and them handcuffing him and taking him in to be booked Sad
I mean really,was that really necessary to handcuff him when he was being so co operative?
No it wasn't and they just wanted to embarrass him and make it look good for the TV cameras filming everything Mad
I also remember the distinct message he sent when he threw his arms behind him while handcuffed while being escorted into the police station.I believe it was a message saying "They may think they can handcuff me and have it shown on live TV and do this to me to embarrass me but I will not back down without a good fight"
I have been more of a silent reader but registered some time ago and decided to become a participant in the conversations when I have something I feel relevant to share,etc.
I thank the moderators and the people for making this website so we can express our feelings,theories and hunches because I started to suspect something wasn't "right" just after the memorial and hearing some inside info too as I work in the entertainment industry as a photographer,etc.
Some think I am crazy for falling for this "hoax" idea but there is way too many pieces of evidence pointing to him being alive rather than dead and also working in the industry,I have learned and seen that alot of the artists use "smoke and mirrors" in the careers to cover the scandals,etc that arise.The industry can make the most innocent,sweet person jaded and an egomanic in no time if they don't have strong morals and good people looking out for them.
I hope to make some great friends here and become part of the "family" here and hope one day soon we can celebrate as a family when we are proven right and can celebrate MJ's return! cheers

L.O.V.E. to all!!! sunny
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Wanted to introduce myself.... Empty Re: Wanted to introduce myself....

Post by Truth_or_Dare Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:46 am

Welcome to the forum MJAREYOUOK! Wanted to introduce myself.... Icon_flower
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Wanted to introduce myself.... Empty Re: Wanted to introduce myself....

Post by Gema Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:59 am

Welcome Wanted to introduce myself.... Icon_cheers and love 2 u 2 Wanted to introduce myself.... Icon_cheers
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Wanted to introduce myself.... Empty Re: Wanted to introduce myself....

Post by superflysister81 Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:04 am

Welcome !!!!! flower

L. I love you .V.E. to you!!!
Enjoy your stay

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