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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:30 pm

When I did a little research on the significance of the roses and since most symbolic meaning on the color of the roses are more or less the same, I decided to look much deeper and came up with something much more complex. The mystery that surrounds the death of Michael Jackson, some will refer to it as a puzzle. To me it seems like a riddle something like a philosophical conundrum. What best explains a philosophical conundrum I figure will be by poetry. I will try my best to explain how I came about each poem but do help me where I failed to read between the lines. Most of what you will read are poems written by someone and also analized by another. I will post the name of the author for each poem. I get the symbolic meaning of the red and yellow roses from various sites and I've complied them together for better and easier reading.

History/Culture: by James Kilkelly ;
There can be as few as five..or as many as 60 petals on a rose. The flowers of most species roses have five petals, with the exception of Rosa sericea, which usually has only four. Each petal is divided into two distinct lobes and is usually white or pink, though in a few species yellow or red. Beneath the petals are five sepals (or in the case of some Rosa sericea, four). These may be long enough to be visible when viewed from above and appear as green points alternating with the rounded petals. The ovary is inferior, developing below the petals and sepals. It simply depends on the rose plant itself. Some hybrids have an average of 45. The tradeoff is that some of these hybrids have very little smell. Early Christians identified the five petals of the rose with the five wounds of Christ their leaders were hesitant to adopt it because of its association with Roman excesses and pagan ritual.The red rose was eventually adopted as a symbol of the blood of the Christian martyrs.Roses also later came to be associated with the Virgin Mary. In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where confidential matters were discussed. The phrase sub rosa, or "under the rose", means to keep a secret—derived from this ancient Roman practice. A red rose (often held in a hand) is also a symbol of socialism or social democracy; it is also used as a symbol by the British and Irish Labour Parties, as well as by the French, Spanish (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party), Portuguese, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Brazilian, Dutch (Partij van de Arbeid) and European socialist parties.

Answers.com - Occultism & Parapsychology Encyclopedia: Rose ;
The rose additionally symbolized silence. Eros, in Greek mythology, presents a rose to the god of silence. Things spoken under the rose or sub rosa were the secrets of Venus' sexual mysteries, later generalized to refer to keeping any secret. The use of red and white roses symbolized the sexually active and virginal goddess respectively and set the stage for the later Christian sexual symbolism possessed by the rose. That symbolism survives today in the predominate use of roses at weddings and as gifts for Valentine's Day.

In the East, it was believed that the first rose was generated by a tear of the prophet Mohammed, and it was further believed that on a certain day in the year the rose had a heart of gold. The red rose, it was said, would not bloom over a grave. It appeared on the family crest of Martin Luther, seemingly the ultimate source of the Rosicrucians' (members of an esoteric society or group of societies, who claim that their order has been in existence since the days of ancient Egypt and has over the course of time included many of the world's sages) juxtaposition of the rose and cross. Earlier it had been used in the symbolism of alchemy. Both pagan and Christian folklore cites the rose as a symbol of regeneration and love.

Red rose is the symbol of love and fidelity. According to the Greek legend red roses arised from blood of Adonis who was killed by a wild boar on a hunt. In Greek mythology red rose was a symbol for the cycle of growth and decay, but also for love and affinity. Red rose is dedicated to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and daughter of Zeus and also to Roman goddess Venus. In Christianity the red rose is associated with the Cross and the bloodshed.

“Yellow roses signify strong feelings of pure joy, gladness, happiness and friendship, but were once used to convey jealousy. Friendship is the main meaning of the yellow rose but it also signifies familiar love and domestci happiness. Yellow roses also symbolize fun and freedom. Today, the yellow rose is used to embrace a new beginning, apologize or express sympathy, and to say, "remember me" , "I am sorry', or "I care." Yellow roses are appropriate for marking the beginning of a new life together or for starting all over again. A Yellow rose with red tip indicates friendship falling in love.”

Then I came across this poem while surfing about the meaning of a Red Rose. This is only part of the poem and the poet seems to think it is significant to the Red Rose..

(The White Rose)
The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.

~by John Boyle O'Reilly
1844-1890, written in 1875

I was curious as to why John Boyle assiociate the red rose with the falcon... I searched again for the significance of of the falcon and came upon another poem by William Butler Yeats and later analized by John Waters.


A week ago there was a post done by MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs titled "Crucifixtion", "Death", "Resurrection"..... I was commenting on it and some how I began chatting with mjjforever72 and she mentioned the Revelation. You may check out the conversation we had and a link posted by Human_nature about the revelation on that post.


My guess is that maybe Michael is really trying to tell us something. Check out Human_nature's post as well titled, Michael Sony speech JUne 15 2002. Human-nature was trying to get us to see the video numerous times coz I've seen her posting it a 3rd time. That was when I paid any attention to her video. That video brought about my search for the symbolic meaning of the roses. In the video you see someone handing Michael a bouquet of yellow flowers and he held it up. Maybe that was the reason he had the special guests attending (other than his families) wearing the yellow roses. Maybe to tell us to look up the video with the yellow roses so we'll be aware of what has been going on and who are involved.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

This part seems to rhyme with Michael's plight.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all around it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

This part could mean Michael will be back and see justice done... As mjjforever72 said to me while we were chatting, that the second coming is vengeful
. (In Revelation the second coming is not meek and mild but brutally vengeful upon his
return---the second earthly appearance predicted in Matthew 25, Luke 21, John 16 etc.
). Remember the symbolic meaning of a yellow rose means 'a new life'.

In John Waters' analysis he mentioned,
The image of a great cat, the
Sphinx, suggests a great independent spirit and
heretic leader in Egypt who lived at about 1350BC and
was called "the heretic Pharaoh." This man's name was
Akhnaton. The image of a cat fits this man because a
cat tends to be very independent minded and determined
once its mind is set. The suggestion Yeats is making
is that Akhnaton had something important to
contribute, which is heretical. When we examine
Akhnaton we find that he was a lover of nature, of
animals, and of children. He also introduced
naturalistic art which is a precursor of Greek
This may be stretching Yeats quite a bit,
but I thought I should throw it in. In this poem
Yeats himself is presenting certain ideas which are
heretical and might have offended some orthodox

The above blends well with Michael's character...

In the Video Michael said,
"WE must continue our drive until he is terminated" then he goes on to say, "The best is yet to come", this gives us hope that he'll be back when he is well planned. Figuratively speaking we will be saying, 'Michael's roses' when we see those red and yellow roses. As in 'rise'.

(Read this about Tommy Motola)


This may all be a coincidence but.. it seems to be in sync with what has been happening. Someone may disagree and bombard this post with rude and nasty comments. I have this to say, Michael may need us to see the truth of what is really happening. Before anyone pass judgement listen to Michael's song titled,'Cry'. Also take Rachel's advise and stop bullying! Those who does not believe that Michael is still alive, when you pop into this forum please do move on!

(Part of 'Cry' Lyrics)
You can change the world
(I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky
(Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one
(I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight

Then someone posted a thread on 'Tie A Yellow Ribbon' and it so reminds most of us of 'The Yellow Rose Of Texas'. I have got the lyrics from Elvis Presley since Michael's live seems so in sync with Elvis.


This is the link to the 'The Yellow Rose Of Texas' Legend.


I know you guys have been a lil stressed on all this so I've got some tunes for you to dance to lol... bounce
Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Lady-k10

This is for Michael.. Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Angel210

Last edited by summer+sc3nt on Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:06 pm

wow........ that is one deep post! The post that you refer to of mine, it was not meant to offend anyone. I hope it did not.
IF we're going w/ what you've written above, I still say that the message(s) are in the lyrics to Michael's songs.

Does that make sense?
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Human_nature Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:07 pm

Excellent post Smile

I want reply only with this smile with a big YES Smile

Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial 70382173
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Human_nature Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:12 pm

I have a dream

(Martin Luther King)

Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial 70382173
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Banessa Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:19 pm

This is a great post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and findings. I think there are many different theories circulating and we really don't know which are true and which are not. But I do think that together we can come closer to the truth! Besides we are not doing this for ourselves...we are doing it because IMO if Michael took as much time as to plan leaving clues for his fans, the least we can do is, trust that he know what he is doing and that the truth will come out sooner than later! Smile

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Human_nature Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:25 pm

I have this dream
(Michael Jackson)

Lyrics :

verse 1

some people say

I live in a fantasy

because I see the world


visions come to me

in my sleep

I closed my eyes

to see what God is showing me

close your eyes

and imagine with me

see the wonder

in every living thing

if we can life

the way it is in my dreams

love will take us to a place where

god can be seen

this is my dream

I have this dream

this i believe

the world a place for all humanity

if we could take love to it's highest level

more than the world has ever seen

I have this dream

verse 2

let's put Gods love on display

angel of love come my way

it really up to you and me

one world together in harmony

in my dream I see heaven

and the face of the one perfect being

I see people turning into angels

and God giving them their wings


I have this dream

this I believe

the world's a place

for all humanity

if we could take love

to it's highest level

more than the world has ever seen

I have this dream

repeat chorus

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Guest Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:43 pm

Michael my Darling, I hope you will get all your dreams for filled.

You know we miss you so much right?
You know we love and support you, not matter what right?
You know what you mean to us, dont you?
You know that we always belived in you?

You changed our lives.

Michael, we hope you are happy, wherever you may be hiding.
We pray to God every night, asking him to protect you, to help you recover, and get you`re strengh back.

When will you come back to us Michael??
Or just give us something to let us know that you are allright?
Just a little clue.

Michael we love you more, Dont you EVER forget that I love you

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Guest Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:57 pm

Where is he?? Sad

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by EarthAngel90 Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:10 pm

I nickname myself " Yellow Rose of Texas"(The Friendships and Hard Times and Good Times and Overcoming Big Obstacles) .. because I though it fit my life - and so far it has ... Michael , Sweet Earth Angel - we love you very much , I don't know you personally or physcially - But in Spirit - I felt like you were a Family Member all my life - we all love you , please see kindness in your heart to come back and Do get Better - I care about you in most loving way possible that Human Being can Express .... Get Better "Earth Angel" ... I will be waiting with all the love + support a girl can have!
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:07 pm

MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs wrote:wow........ that is one deep post! The post that you refer to of mine, it was not meant to offend anyone. I hope it did not.
IF we're going w/ what you've written above, I still say that the message(s) are in the lyrics to Michael's songs.

Does that make sense?

No dear you did not offend anyone... You opened our eyes in fact... Hugsssssssssssssss to you
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:11 pm

Human_nature wrote:Excellent post Smile

I want reply only with this smile with a big YES Smile

Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial 70382173

I thank you my friend. You helped me in writing this post... Hugs ya
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:25 am

Amazing work and thank you for posting this Very Happy I didn't think much about the significance of the roses that are embedded in them until now.

I came across this site that explains the significance of falcon and what it represents;


'Throughout history, culture and myth, Falcons symbolize superiority, spirit, light, freedom and aspiration. The Falcon is a solar emblem for success, victory and rising above a situation.'

'The fact that the Falcon is a solar beast leads me to believe that there is something in your life that you are highly passionate about, and the Falcon is asking you to take action on this passion. But be smart about it – don’t jump into something without doing research and planning. Make your passion a reality by persuing it methodically.'

what I believe could be significant to Michael are highlighted in bold. Michael may have foreseen what such culprits as Sony and AEG were trying to do to him and may have decided to take drastic actions to save himself, as well as gaining his freedom. And the second paragraph could be important as it is similar to what Micahel has been telling us all this time - don't believe everything the media says but look and search with our hearts ...

I don't know whether this is relevant or if I make sense at all LOL! Razz Embarassed
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:36 am

MJSmile4Us wrote:Amazing work and thank you for posting this Very Happy I didn't think much about the significance of the roses that are embedded in them until now.

I came across this site that explains the significance of falcon and what it represents;


'Throughout history, culture and myth, Falcons symbolize superiority, spirit, light, freedom and aspiration. The Falcon is a solar emblem for success, victory and rising above a situation.'

'The fact that the Falcon is a solar beast leads me to believe that there is something in your life that you are highly passionate about, and the Falcon is asking you to take action on this passion. But be smart about it – don’t jump into something without doing research and planning. Make your passion a reality by persuing it methodically.'

what I believe could be significant to Michael are highlighted in bold. Michael may have foreseen what such culprits as Sony and AEG were trying to do to him and may have decided to take drastic actions to save himself, as well as gaining his freedom. And the second paragraph could be important as it is similar to what Micahel has been telling us all this time - don't believe everything the media says but look and search with our hearts ...

I don't know whether this is relevant or if I make sense at all LOL! Razz Embarassed

Yes my dear friend it sure makes sense to me... Thank you for the link. I love reading it. Altho some may not agree with it but at least we have some straws to clutch on. Everyone here who believes in Michael plays a vital role. We share ideas and one who tends to overlooked something will be detected by another. "United we stand"... Thank you this is a good one you've posted. sunny
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:56 am

MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs wrote:wow........ that is one deep post! The post that you refer to of mine, it was not meant to offend anyone. I hope it did not.
IF we're going w/ what you've written above, I still say that the message(s) are in the lyrics to Michael's songs.

Does that make sense?

Well you were the one who lighted the candle hunni... We might well be on our way to uncovering the unknown lol... You did not offend anyone. Especially NOT me. For those who believed in buddhism and what you mentioned in your post does seems like a recarnation. To those who are not will then look upon it as the repetition of history. No one could deny the similarities of events. I agree too the messages are in Michael's songs. It does makes a lot of sense since Michael used his songs to expressed himself.
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:35 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:
MJSmile4Us wrote:Amazing work and thank you for posting this Very Happy I didn't think much about the significance of the roses that are embedded in them until now.

I came across this site that explains the significance of falcon and what it represents;


'Throughout history, culture and myth, Falcons symbolize superiority, spirit, light, freedom and aspiration. The Falcon is a solar emblem for success, victory and rising above a situation.'

'The fact that the Falcon is a solar beast leads me to believe that there is something in your life that you are highly passionate about, and the Falcon is asking you to take action on this passion. But be smart about it – don’t jump into something without doing research and planning. Make your passion a reality by persuing it methodically.'

what I believe could be significant to Michael are highlighted in bold. Michael may have foreseen what such culprits as Sony and AEG were trying to do to him and may have decided to take drastic actions to save himself, as well as gaining his freedom. And the second paragraph could be important as it is similar to what Micahel has been telling us all this time - don't believe everything the media says but look and search with our hearts ...

I don't know whether this is relevant or if I make sense at all LOL! Razz Embarassed

Yes my dear friend it sure makes sense to me... Thank you for the link. I love reading it. Altho some may not agree with it but at least we have some straws to clutch on. Everyone here who believes in Michael plays a vital role. We share ideas and one who tends to overlooked something will be detected by another. "United we stand"... Thank you this is a good one you've posted. sunny

Thank you and I am really glad that I could be a part of the investigation Very Happy I feel helpless and it is frustrating to just sit and wait for the truths to come out Crying or Very sad Here is a video that I've found of Michael in his candid moments - he looks so cute Razz Looking at him smile and laugh gives me a glimpse of hope when I am down and on the verge of giving up Very Happy I hope u enjoy it Razz
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:50 am

MJSmile4Us wrote:

Thank you and I am really glad that I could be a part of the investigation Very Happy I feel helpless and it is frustrating to just sit and wait for the truths to come out Crying or Very sad Here is a video that I've found of Michael in his candid moments - he looks so cute Razz Looking at him smile and laugh gives me a glimpse of hope when I am down and on the verge of giving up Very Happy I hope u enjoy it Razz

You're welcome my friend and thank you too for the video.. I'll watch it after I post this reply. Now don't be discouraged. It's too early to give up. Negative news tend to be in the press these days. Although I'm not 100 percent sure about all this but I do feel confident about the what has been said. Wait till at least after Halloween .. that too we have to see what other members has uncovered. I'm not going to say if he'll show at all coz I feel it's rather too early to say as yet. I've been off my comp these days and need to catch up on what has been posted here. It does help to see what others has got on to about their theory. We'll take each day as it comes. Make today a positive one my friend... Just remember the news feeds you read of Michael's burial on his b'day... take it with a grain of salt as something always seems to be delayed.. like the toxy. results among others.. They some how always seems to stall for time. Hugs and hope you're smiling today. Michael will want it that way..

Last edited by summer+sc3nt on Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:54 am

MJSmile4Us wrote:

Yes Michael always looks charming in all the videos. He has such an angelic smile. His smile makes you feel that everything is going to be all right.
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:21 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:
MJSmile4Us wrote:

Thank you and I am really glad that I could be a part of the investigation Very Happy I feel helpless and it is frustrating to just sit and wait for the truths to come out Crying or Very sad Here is a video that I've found of Michael in his candid moments - he looks so cute Razz Looking at him smile and laugh gives me a glimpse of hope when I am down and on the verge of giving up Very Happy I hope u enjoy it Razz

You're welcome my friend and thank you too for the video.. I'll watch it after I post this reply. Now don't be discouraged. It's too early to give up. Negative news tend to be in the press these days. Although I'm not 100 percent sure about all this but I do feel confident about the what has been said. Wait till at least after Halloween .. that too we have to see what other members has uncovered. I'm not going to say if he'll show at all coz I feel it's rather too early to say as yet. I've been off my comp these days and need to catch up on what has been posted here. It does help to see what others has got on to about their theory. We'll take each day as it comes. Make today a positive one my friend... Just remember the news feeds you read of Michael's burial on his b'day... take it with a grain of salt as something always seems to be delayed.. like the toxy. results among others.. They some how always seems to stall for time. Hugs and hope you're smiling today. Michael will want it that way..

It's my pleasure - his smiles are unforgettable Very Happy they make me feel at peace, too Very Happy

I was so relieved and ecstatic after reading one of the members' thread at MJHD that ET has reported that Joe's announcement that his son will be buried this Saturday is untrue. Very Happy Razz PLus, I had this tiny inkling that it was a lie adn just another ploy of joe's to get himself back in the media spotlight again. Sad It's eerie to think that he would be 'buried' on none other than on his BIRTHDAY??? I fear to think the kind of impact it would have had on his chilren if it was true - Prince, Paris and Blanket would then need to have to go through such a terrible ordeal to celebrate/mourn their father on his birthday? It is unthinkable and how could Joe say such a thing in the first place? Michael would be desperate to put some sense into his father by now, LOL! Razz October 30 is of course an important date but as u have suggested, I , too, feel that he wouldn't just make a comeback within a few months but we may need to wait a little bit longer for him to come back.

Awww thank you and hugs 2 u 2 ! Very Happy Because of such a wonderful and sweet loving friend like u , such a difficult day like today makes it easier to get thru Very Happy
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Guest Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:44 am

I dont believe they would burry Michael on his birthday. Like you said, that would be traumatic for the kids.

Michael is not a Jehowas Witness, so those who say that It would not mean anything, Yes it would, they have to respect that.

Why would the family suddenly, tell us where to burry him?

Last edited by MyBelovedMJ on Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:46 am; edited 1 time in total

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:51 am

IMO I think Joe and the media is making a stir again and how convenient that Michael's b'day is coming up? Sad
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:57 am

Joe Jackson is a horrid man! He has been since day one. He has done nothing but clowning around the Media since that fateful day. I bet when Michael's birthday draws near there will be circus for us to watch. I agree with you Joe and the Media alike are so insensitive to the children's feelings... Altho if the children does know of the hoax.. it isn't nice to let them read all that garbage.

They say that because days earlier they did mentioned that Michael is gonna be buried... I do bet we'll laugh our teeth off that day.. Wait and see what they're up to.
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:59 am

Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by Guest Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:47 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Ohhh How I wish, with all my heart and soul for this to happen.

Michael, its not Funny anymore, please come out of you`re hiding, we cant find you. Sad

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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:09 pm

summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

But I would definitely be there to witness it and be ready to give him a big hug and kisses to make up for the lack of real unconditional love he missd out on all these years
Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial M11_hugs_cats
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:26 pm

Joe Jackson is a horrid man! He has been since day one. He has done nothing but clowning around the Media since that fateful day. I bet when Michael's birthday draws near there will be circus for us to watch. I agree with you Joe and the Media alike are so insensitive to the children's feelings... Altho if the children does know of the hoax.. it isn't nice to let them read all that garbage.

I agree - no man could be as cruel as Joe - promoting his new record label when his son just 'died', starting ridiculous rumour about Omar being Michael's biological son, showing no emotions (maybe bcoz he has no heart at all, explaining his incapacity to shed a tear and his faked emotion on one of his interviews where he talked about Omar 'looks like a Jackson, dance like a jackson' shenanigan.)

I am anxious and fear at the same time what would happen on August 29th..maybe a swarm of journalists raiding Forest Lawn Cemetery? or maybe they won't so there will not be a photo like how there is only ONE photo of Michael on June 25th (ambulance photo)..

My heart breaks everytime I think about the kind of impact it will have on the children - they are innocent kids who r caught in thre middle of this drama. if this is a hoax and they know they can turn to their daddy for support, I will be so relieved. I think that's why he only let the kids watch cartoons bcoz I think it's an honest truth that nothing good ever gets to be reported on tv. definitely not for the children to see Crying or Very sad And as MJ says...

'Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
It's the hounding media in hysteria'
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by SmoothCriminal Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:56 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Lol that made me laugh and smile at the same time Smile oh how i wish that would happen Very Happy
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by SmoothCriminal Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:07 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Lmao my b-day is august 21st michael u could dance yourself outta my birthday cake
id probaly die of a heart attack there and then
Then he could sing me happy birthday and give me a hug and kiss I love you ......lol a girl can only dream Razz
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by EarthAngel90 Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:44 am

SmoothCriminal wrote:
summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Lmao my b-day is august 21st michael u could dance yourself outta my birthday cake
id probaly die of a heart attack there and then
Then he could sing me happy birthday and give me a hug and kiss I love you ......lol a girl can only dream Razz

LMAOXD - That made me laugh so hard - I would love he did that - one shocking gift 2 you , huh?! Very Happy
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:47 am

EarthAngel90 wrote:
SmoothCriminal wrote:
summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Lmao my b-day is august 21st michael u could dance yourself outta my birthday cake
id probaly die of a heart attack there and then
Then he could sing me happy birthday and give me a hug and kiss I love you ......lol a girl can only dream Razz

LMAOXD - That made me laugh so hard - I would love he did that - one shocking gift 2 you , huh?! Very Happy

LMNAOOOO now you made me laugh too.. He might want to get back at us for the 'Gold Pants' thread and as he moonwalks outta the huge cake wearing only *cough*... One big surprise for ya too eh! affraid
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:07 am


I agree - no man could be as cruel as Joe - promoting his new record label when his son just 'died', starting ridiculous rumour about Omar being Michael's biological son, showing no emotions (maybe bcoz he has no heart at all, explaining his incapacity to shed a tear and his faked emotion on one of his interviews where he talked about Omar 'looks like a Jackson, dance like a jackson' shenanigan.)

I am anxious and fear at the same time what would happen on August 29th..maybe a swarm of journalists raiding Forest Lawn Cemetery? or maybe they won't so there will not be a photo like how there is only ONE photo of Michael on June 25th (ambulance photo)..

My heart breaks everytime I think about the kind of impact it will have on the children - they are innocent kids who r caught in thre middle of this drama. if this is a hoax and they know they can turn to their daddy for support, I will be so relieved. I think that's why he only let the kids watch cartoons bcoz I think it's an honest truth that nothing good ever gets to be reported on tv. definitely not for the children to see Crying or Very sad And as MJ says...

'Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
It's the hounding media in hysteria'

Then speaking of Joe makes my blood boil! He should know that children are precious to Michael. Michael would help any unfortunate children. He'll never in his life deny any of his children his name and affection. That is so sick to even think that of Michael. Joe should know Michael never takes after him and never ever will! Well, we've read that Omer said that he isn't Michael's child. Omer only makes Joe looks like a fool by that statement. Michael knows what's best for his children and he brought them up wonderfully. That lyrics from Michael is so true of how they would do just to destroy someone.. They are so heartless. Remember Michael said in the video Human_nature posted.., "The best is yet to come"..

Last edited by summer+sc3nt on Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by SmoothCriminal Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:26 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:
EarthAngel90 wrote:
SmoothCriminal wrote:
summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Lmao my b-day is august 21st michael u could dance yourself outta my birthday cake
id probaly die of a heart attack there and then
Then he could sing me happy birthday and give me a hug and kiss I love you ......lol a girl can only dream Razz

LMAOXD - That made me laugh so hard - I would love he did that - one shocking gift 2 you , huh?! Very Happy

LMNAOOOO now you made me laugh too.. He might want to get back at us for the 'Gold Pants' thread and as he moonwalks outta the huge cake wearing only *cough*... One big surprise for ya too eh! affraid

Lmfao Razz U crack me up hmmmm gold pants he would half too be wearing them so i can rip them off just joking michael i wouldnt do that unless u wanted me too tongue lol i better contain myself lol!
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by SmoothCriminal Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:31 am

EarthAngel90 wrote:
SmoothCriminal wrote:
summer+sc3nt wrote:Hoping againts hope... Michael will dance himself out of his birthday cake lol... Very Happy That will be a nice one for us dear Michael.. I love you tongue

Lmao my b-day is august 21st michael u could dance yourself outta my birthday cake
id probaly die of a heart attack there and then
Then he could sing me happy birthday and give me a hug and kiss I love you ......lol a girl can only dream Razz

LMAOXD - That made me laugh so hard - I would love he did that - one shocking gift 2 you , huh?! Very Happy

Hell yah that would make my birthday and christmas at the same time Razz Very Happy Michael if your reading this send me a pm and ill give u my number *Wink Wink*
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:36 am


Then speaking of Joe makes my blood boil! He should know that children are precious to Michael. Michael would help any unfortunate children. He'll never in his life deny any of his children his name and affection. That is so sick to even think that of Michael. Joe should know Michael never takes after him and never ever will! Well, we've read that Omer said that he isn't Michael's child. Omer only makes Joe looks like a fool by that statement. Michael knows what's best for his children and he brought them up wonderfully. That lyrics from Michael is so true of how they would do just to destroy someone.. They are so heartless. Remember Michael said in the video Human_nature posted.., "The best is yet to come"..

I couldn't agree with u more! Michael is the exact opposite of Joe. While Joe physically and emtionally abused his children, Michael showered his children with loving and affectionate words; while Joe told his children to call him by his name, Michael's children call him 'the best daddy in the world'; while Joe stole Michael's chidlhood, Michael did everything and still does to allow his kids to have the childhood that he never had... U r absolutely right and I congratulate Omar for dipping Joe in hot water after saying such despicable thing. Crying or Very sad I admire Michael and really believe that Michael is a perfect example of what a parent should be like. I really hope so too that truths will be revealed soon and that the best is yet too come. Very Happy Razz
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:42 am

LMNAOOOO now you made me laugh too.. He might want to get back at us for the 'Gold Pants' thread and as he moonwalks outta the huge cake wearing only *cough*... One big surprise for ya too eh! affraid

lol! lol! lol!
my adrenaline and heartrate would be through the roof if he did that, not that I am complaining of course Razz
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by summer+sc3nt Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:38 am

summer+sc3nt wrote:MJSmile4Us
Joe Jackson is a horrid man! He has been since day one. He has done nothing but clowning around the Media since that fateful day. I bet when Michael's birthday draws near there will be circus for us to watch. I agree with you Joe and the Media alike are so insensitive to the children's feelings... Altho if the children does know of the hoax.. it isn't nice to let them read all that garbage.

I agree - no man could be as cruel as Joe - promoting his new record label when his son just 'died', starting ridiculous rumour about Omar being Michael's biological son, showing no emotions (maybe bcoz he has no heart at all, explaining his incapacity to shed a tear and his faked emotion on one of his interviews where he talked about Omar 'looks like a Jackson, dance like a jackson' shenanigan.)

I am anxious and fear at the same time what would happen on August 29th..maybe a swarm of journalists raiding Forest Lawn Cemetery? or maybe they won't so there will not be a photo like how there is only ONE photo of Michael on June 25th (ambulance photo)..

My heart breaks everytime I think about the kind of impact it will have on the children - they are innocent kids who r caught in thre middle of this drama. if this is a hoax and they know they can turn to their daddy for support, I will be so relieved. I think that's why he only let the kids watch cartoons bcoz I think it's an honest truth that nothing good ever gets to be reported on tv. definitely not for the children to see Crying or Very sad And as MJ says...

'Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
It's the hounding media in hysteria'

I don't understand why people make a big fuss on Michael thinking so much of his childhood and playing children's game.. Then having his kids watch cartoons.. Did we not do that for our kids too? What is in a game...? Games are just that games.. I love playing games I played as a child and there is nothing wrong in that. Just because Michael does it, it's so wrong? The Media just want a dig at him... anyway I love reminsicing about my childhood too.. and if I don't have one I'll be speculating how it would have been had it been different. That is just being human ain't it.. BTW 'MJSmile4Us' I hope you're feeling positive today.. Hugs

Last edited by summer+sc3nt on Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)
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Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial Empty Re: Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial

Post by MJSmile4Us Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:48 am

MJSmile4Us wrote:
summer+sc3nt wrote:MJSmile4Us
Joe Jackson is a horrid man! He has been since day one. He has done nothing but clowning around the Media since that fateful day. I bet when Michael's birthday draws near there will be circus for us to watch. I agree with you Joe and the Media alike are so insensitive to the children's feelings... Altho if the children does know of the hoax.. it isn't nice to let them read all that garbage.

I agree - no man could be as cruel as Joe - promoting his new record label when his son just 'died', starting ridiculous rumour about Omar being Michael's biological son, showing no emotions (maybe bcoz he has no heart at all, explaining his incapacity to shed a tear and his faked emotion on one of his interviews where he talked about Omar 'looks like a Jackson, dance like a jackson' shenanigan.)

I am anxious and fear at the same time what would happen on August 29th..maybe a swarm of journalists raiding Forest Lawn Cemetery? or maybe they won't so there will not be a photo like how there is only ONE photo of Michael on June 25th (ambulance photo)..

My heart breaks everytime I think about the kind of impact it will have on the children - they are innocent kids who r caught in thre middle of this drama. if this is a hoax and they know they can turn to their daddy for support, I will be so relieved. I think that's why he only let the kids watch cartoons bcoz I think it's an honest truth that nothing good ever gets to be reported on tv. definitely not for the children to see Crying or Very sad And as MJ says...

'Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
It's the hounding media in hysteria'

I don't understand why people make a big fuss on Michael thinking so much of his childhood and playing children's game.. Then having his kids watch cartoons.. Did we not do that for our kids too? What is in a game...? Games are just that games.. I love playing games I played as a child and there is nothing wrong in that. Just because Michael does it, it's so wrong? The Media just want a dig at him... anyway I love reminsicing about my childhood too.. and if I don't have one I'll be speculating how it would have been had it been different. That is just being human ain't it.. BTW 'MJSmile4Us' I hope you're feeling positive today.. Hugs

I agree with u! Very Happy what's so wrong about reliving one's childhood? And the media makes it out to be so peculiar and wrong just bcoz it's 'Michael Jackson'. I also love playing games that I used to enjoy as a child and I have no regrets or ashamed of saying this. I also have some songs that are part of my 'guilty pleasure collction' that I love listening to bcoz they remind me of certain parts of my childhood and as far-fetched ( Embarassed ) as it may sound there are even some memories and events of my childhood that I would love to relive should there ever be an opportunity to do so. Very Happy
I admire Michael for the way he loves and cares for his children and u r absolutely right - there's nothing wrong with his decision to allow his kids to watch cartoons and as a matter of fact I fully support him. there are so many garbage talk which are mostly hurtful and lies that such trashy tabloids like TMZ and OK reports, which his children could certainly do without. I agree with u - that's what makes us human adn IMO childhood is the most precious and memorable part of our lives Very Happy
Awww thank you for asking and I feel much better than usual, and I feel so thankful and relieved that I have such a warm-hearted and sweet friend like u to rely on during the most difficult times, especially when I feel like losing hope Very Happy I love you Hugs 2 u 2 Razz
Significance of Colored Roses during Michael Jackson's Memorial 861439591_13690e962b
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