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THIS IS IT-the Missing link

jade jackson
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:40 am

I think I found the missing link so let me know what you think. THIS IS IT at 1:07...look for black silhouette of body SITTING UP against white background of raised white sheet. White body bag APPEARS to be white sheet. Alerts on segment 1:07 to 1:17. Sequential commentary found below. Terminology KEY_'inside van' denotes person inside the van_'outside van' denotes person outside the van


Be cognizant of Ballet of uniforms...there are 4 types of Uniforms-helicopter uniforms, dark attendant uniforms, beige shirt uniforms, new dark uniforms=LAPD?

.04 note 2 beige shirt uniforms, 2 dark attendant uniforms, 2 helicopter uniforms-1 dark uniform removing gurney with blue body bag from coroner van
.19 all uniforms re-position to transfer body, 1 dark uniform tosses blue body bag back into van, Big beige uniform appears to be 'Director' that gives orders to other uniforms
.40 white body bag lowered by helicopter transfer board onto coroner gurney
.44 third helicopter attendant jumps from copter to ground and joins other 6 attendants, so now 7 attendants + white body bag
.45 One beige uniform goes to rear of van, other beige uniform heads towards front of van_1 dark attendant pushing gurney towards rear van, other dark attendant and 3 helicopter unifroms walk along side of gurney
.48 one beige uniform enters van rear while other beige uniform races to front of van, 2 dark uniforms, one at head and other at foot, guide gurney to van door, 3 helicopter uniforms form rear guard
.50-beige uniforms not visible, i dark uniform jumps into rear van, other dark uniform remains outside guiding gurney, 3 helicopter uniforms form rear guard
.54 body on gurney pushed into van, no beige uniforms visible, 1 dark uniform inside van, left side shadows, 1 dark uniform on ground, 3 helicopter attendants forming rear guard
.58 'dark uniform inside van' makes 1st attempt to close van door, other 'dark uniform outside' van stands behind right rear door, 2 helicopter uniforms form rear guard and one holds van rear door, no beige uniforms visible
1.03 'dark uniform inside van' removes hand from rear van door deciding not to close it
1.04 'dark uniform inside van' reaches out to pull rear door close, other 'dark uniform outside van' stands behind right rear door, 1 helicopter uniform holds right rear door, no beige uniforms visible
1.06 both rear doors of van partially closed to form a 'shelter' 1 'dark uniform inside van' + other 'dark uniform outside van' stands at tail end of van, 3 helicopter uniforms move in CLOSER to tail end of van to BLOCK rear view
1.06 'dark uniforn inside van' REACHES and SECURES BOTH hands on what now appears to be white sheet instead of white body bag
1.07 note 'dark uniform inside van' APPEARS TO LIFT WHITE SHEET and has one arm FULLY EXTENDED and SILHOUETTED against white sheet UNDER his arm, helicopter uniform moves in to CLOSE REAR DOOR more
1:07***THIS IS IT***'dark uniform inside van' raises the white sheet HIGH so you can CLEARLY SEE BLACK SILHOUETTE OF BODY UPPER TORSO AND HEAD RISING TO A SITTING POSITION.The other 'dark uniform outside the van' stands positioned at the right tgail end of van with his left arm fully extended to right rear door=see his white latex glove. The helicopter uniform continues to hold the right rear door partially closed, 2 other helicopter uniform move in to from rear guard, no beige uniforms visible_see right screen for 2 NEW dark uniforms entering the picture. LAPD?
1:09-note 'dark uniform INSIDE van' clutches WHITE SHEET to his chest
1:13 note interior of van now divided into two distinct colors/shapes. The 'dark uniform inside van', positioned at interior van rear has two arms clasped over white sheet. Juxtaposed to him, you can CLEARLY see the yellow hekicopter transfer board. NO PRONE BODY is visible and if you squint, you can see seated figure in right side shadows of interior.
1.15 'dark unform outside van' helps to pull out empty yellow transfer board. The 'inside dark uniform' clearly has white sheet tucked under his arm and uses his RIGHT hand to TRANSFER WHITE SHEET TO UNDER HIS LEFT ARM and uses his SINGLE RIGHT HAND to push EMPTY gurney guide rails into place so that rear doors van can be closed. The 'outside van dark uniform' begins to close rear van doors, 2 helicopter uniforms STILL form rear guard position while 3rd helicopter uniform 'chats' with the 2 new dark uniforms=LAPD?, no beige uniforms visible
1.17- dark uniform 'inside van' clearly has white sheet tucked under his arm as the 'dark uniform outside the van' closes rear doors, 2 helicopter uniforms return turn around and head back towards helicopter ; the other helicopter uniform chatting with 2 new dark uniforms=LAPD? all turn their heads towards rear van door
1:20 rear van door closed with inside dark uniform remaining inside van. The 'outside van dark uniform' walks towards of front van as chat group =1 Helicopter uniform and 2 new dark uniforms=LAPD break up their chat
1:25 'outside van dark uniform' enters side van door
1:32 2 new dark uniforms=LAPD? stroll away from scene
1:46 helicopter uniforms STILL standing around , nobody else around
1:55 dark uniform BACKS OUT of van side doors, OPENING BOTH DOORS
1:58 a different dark uniform ATHLETICALLY JUMPS out of van
2:01 NEXT, 1 beige uniform also EXITS side of van, 'outside van dark uniform' holdS van doors as beigey walks towards rear of van...and 'athletic dark uniform' now positioned INFRONT OF VAN STRIDING QUICKLY AWAY with a BACKWARD GLANCE, 3 helicopter uniforms STILL standing around
2:04 'athletic dark uniform' INFRONT of VAN nearly out view, 2nd dark uniform re-entering the van and beige uniform walking towards rear of van, 3 helicopter uniforms STILL standing around
2:08 dark uniform exits van again, 'athletic dark uniform'disappears from scene,1 beige uniform at rear van, 3 helicopter uniforms STILL standing around
2:16 dark uniform opens/closes rear van door, beige uniform watchs opening/closing door, 3 helicopter uniforms STILL standing around
2:19 'dark outside van uniform' heads towards drivers side and beige heads towards passenger side front van
2:24 unifroms re-entering van, 3 helicopter unifroms STILL standing around
2:31 Coroners van drives away
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:54 am

Frame by Frame is best view for the 10 seconds between 1:07 through 1:17
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Anika20 Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:27 am

wow! thanks for posting it, Did you read Gotham Chopra Twitter? On 10th July he said: "Had the most awesome dinner with that guy who ruled the world from behind the courtain" and what did MJ did in Dirty Diana's clip, must be that a clue??
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:35 am

Yes, Chopra Twitter was oblique!
Please let me know what reference is in Dirty Diana clip?

I don't know how to copy/paste single frame, do you?

It would be better to have picture of 1:07 frame with the black body silhouetted against the white sheet.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Anika20 Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:16 am

Hi White_orchid, Chopra wrote that on his Twitter and if you wacth Dirty Diana's clip what Mike is actually doing in directing the "world" (the clip) through behind the courtain...so I found quite suspicious his comment about the "amazing guy"

Ok, he could be talking about whoever he wanted BUT why did he type that? I meant..he was his friend, he knew and he knows many ppl think Mike is alive so, why would he have type that? what was him pretending? With his comment he's making ppl think Mike is alive! I really don't understand.

BTW he and Elizabeth Taylor said they didn't feel in the mood to go to Mike's Memorial because what they felt was something between them and not something public...ok, it seems comprenhesible, so what the hell?? if what you felt for Mike was so personal to go to his last show (the Memorial) why are you telling that on Twitter what is a much more public media???
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:23 am

GGggrrrhhh! I can't get frame to print.....the video moves fast so if you freeze frame at 1:08 and goto Full Screen view, you will be able to see dark silhouette against raised white sheet background.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can coppy/paste that frame! THIS IS IT-the Missing link Icon_eek
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:32 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:37 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:15 am

Many thanks! THIS IS IT-the Missing link Icon_eek THIS IS IT-the Missing link Icon_rolleyes

Be sure to adjust video to 'FULL SCREEN' for best picture.

Your version has camera angled differently, but you can catch glimpse at ....0:53 ....watch for dark contrast on white sheet. It happens fast.

The original post version angle provides clearer 'silhouette' at... 1:08.

Can you capture original version frame at 1:08???

Original version clearly shows black shadow silhouette rising upright against white sheet...very distinct on 'full screen'.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:27 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by THE JACKSONOLOGIST Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:52 am

God,,, I cant see it!!! The silouhette I mean!

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:54 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by THE JACKSONOLOGIST Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:56 am

I hate when other ppl see stuff on a vid and I cant!! LOL

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:04 pm

Thanks, Human Nature you are so sweet for helping! How did you capture frame? I will keep futzing with it until I get a good shot (should have got good shot 4 posting).

To see 'silhouette, you need to display FULL SCREEN and start clicking frame by frame 1:06_1:07_1:08.

Silhouette is very clear at 1:08...
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by mommy Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:51 pm

How many helicopters were in the air that day? Just wondering THIS IS IT-the Missing link Confused because I remember Jonells video that had a different angle when she was commenting on "how many men are needed to move a dead body". She showed the coroners van from the side (passenger side), when I remember only seeing it from behind?
I'm not an american citizen and cant remember how is was when I stayed in the States 20 years ago, so my question is really if the network "share" footage or they all make their own - eg 4-5-6 helicopters in the air??
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:03 pm

Jonell is awesome, unsure of # helicopters, but definitely different camera angles!
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Anika20 Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:49 pm

yep, you can clearly see something inside the ambulance, it can be a white t-shirt, maybe?
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Guest Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:07 pm

Anika20 wrote:Hi White_orchid, Chopra wrote that on his Twitter and if you wacth Dirty Diana's clip what Mike is actually doing in directing the "world" (the clip) through behind the courtain...so I found quite suspicious his comment about the "amazing guy"

Ok, he could be talking about whoever he wanted BUT why did he type that? I meant..he was his friend, he knew and he knows many ppl think Mike is alive so, why would he have type that? what was him pretending? With his comment he's making ppl think Mike is alive! I really don't understand.

BTW he and Elizabeth Taylor said they didn't feel in the mood to go to Mike's Memorial because what they felt was something between them and not something public...ok, it seems comprenhesible, so what the hell?? if what you felt for Mike was so personal to go to his last show (the Memorial) why are you telling that on Twitter what is a much more public media???

Its Not Dirty Diana but Liberian Girl-in which Michael is directing;)

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:10 pm

Watch it again on FULL SCREEN and S-L-O-WL-Y click frame by frame... suggest start at 1:00 and goto 1:10.

Focus on the white sheet___then repeat and focus on the 2 dark uniform guys.

Human Nature was a real sweetheart and posted a screen shot on earlier post and you can see a white circle with 'silhouette headshot' . Repeat this on FULL SCREN to see it better.

Be sure to link from my original post. ..watch it a few times...you can easily see the dark silhoutte HEADSHOT against the white sheet.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Harleyblonde Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:20 pm

I dont know if I am alone in thinking this but I do not think there is a body at all going into the ambulance under the white whatever it is- I thought that as soon as I saw it on the day of his death. The feet are too flat- they do not stick up at all, my Mum is a nurse and has seen many deceased people (even people with tiny feet) and she says that never are the feet flat like that, and dont forget rigor mortis would have been setting in by then. I do not know weather to think it was him but alive or was it something under the white sheet to look like a body?
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Anika20 Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:24 pm

yesss sorry!!! Liberian Girl!! Smile thank you Smile Angie777
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:04 pm

Hi Harleyblonde,

Yes, there definitely is body-moving! SuggestURL below, FULL SCREEN, !:08-you probably have to watch it a few times because it is fast, but HEADSHOT SILHPUETTE is there!

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by jade jackson Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:14 pm

That's what I think, too. I don't think there was a body in the white sheet. It looked way too light and it kind of bounced a little when they put it on the stretcher. Also, I think rigor only sets in for a little while, then the body is soft again. I could be wrong. But whatever...I still don't think there was a body in that sheet. When I first saw it I thought it looked more like wood than a body. That's the way it seemed to me anyway. I am willing to look at it in other ways though, because maybe I am wrong.
jade jackson
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:29 pm

Definitely there....FULL SCREEN...S-L-O-W-L-Y...1:06_1:07_1:08...

1:08 look for dark silhouette headshot against white sheet!

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by mjssoulmate Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:40 pm

I can't see it either. The video is way to dark to distinguish between shadows.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by mjssoulmate Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:42 pm

Are you sure that head doesn't belong to the uniformed guy?
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by MJJ1982 Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:51 pm

Angie777 wrote:
Anika20 wrote:Hi White_orchid, Chopra wrote that on his Twitter and if you wacth Dirty Diana's clip what Mike is actually doing in directing the "world" (the clip) through behind the courtain...so I found quite suspicious his comment about the "amazing guy"

Ok, he could be talking about whoever he wanted BUT why did he type that? I meant..he was his friend, he knew and he knows many ppl think Mike is alive so, why would he have type that? what was him pretending? With his comment he's making ppl think Mike is alive! I really don't understand.

BTW he and Elizabeth Taylor said they didn't feel in the mood to go to Mike's Memorial because what they felt was something between them and not something public...ok, it seems comprenhesible, so what the hell?? if what you felt for Mike was so personal to go to his last show (the Memorial) why are you telling that on Twitter what is a much more public media???

Its Not Dirty Diana but Liberian Girl-in which Michael is directing;)

THIS IS IT-the Missing link Lol I was asking myself: Did I miss something....
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Harleyblonde Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:08 pm

Hi all, am so glad you all agree with me about the "body" under the white sheet, thought I was losing my marbles! there are lots of things that dont add up and I agree that it looks like a plank under the white sheet. Even a ballerina would not be able to have the feet as flat as that!
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:16 pm

Thanks Harleyblonde!

I checked videos again to check if my marbles ok and we are BOTH right!
Please see 2 URL examples below and the timed intervals show SHADOWS on white sheet proving that FORM and SHAPE.
Most of the non-timed intervals show the white sheet appearing FLAT.
Probably a lighting and camera angle thing!


This URL camera angle shows better 'head silhouette'. SHADOWS can be found at 0:32 thru 0:37.


This URL does not have good angle for 'head silhouette' but shows better SHADOWS at 0:13 thru 0:23 and again at 0:37.

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Harleyblonde Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:42 pm

Hi White Orchid, thanks, you really are into investigating and are very good and yes I see exactly what you see- everything is weird and doesnt add up, we have to put our thinking caps on tight- any ideas anyone?? Glad we still have our marbles but we need answers!
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Harleyblonde Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:51 pm

Also the very flat feet are puzzling me??? wooden planks do not have feet THIS IS IT-the Missing link Lol The best thought out plans/plots have flaws.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by mjssoulmate Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:14 pm

No, wooden planks do not have feet, but a dancer might be hold them that way if he's pretending to be dead.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:40 pm

You are so RIGHT mjssoulmate!

Dancers can point toes DOWN giving FLATLINE appearance, ...and TOE SHADOWS proving same TOES also pointing UP.



Review 3 CRUCIAL seconds in for 'silhouette' headshot against white sheet..
Go slow and PAUSE at each frame, S-L-O-W-L-Y at 1:06_1:07_1:08 and you will clearly see 'silhouette head' lifting UP.......FULL SCREEN DISPLAY....SLOW pause at each frame.

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Anika20 Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:44 am

I can't see the silouhette Sad
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by flory24 Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:00 am

i saw something here:THIS IS IT-the Missing link 84959995
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Anika20 Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:08 am

OMG!! is that a person??? O_O
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:10 am

I think it's just the arm of the person who moved the body.
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by flory24 Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:11 am

IMO appears to be a person trying to get out of something
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:16 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:18 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by flory24 Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:23 am

THIS IS IT-the Missing link 66582516i watch the both video several time, but to me that is not an arm..sorry is just my opinion.
that is just too big to be an arm
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:28 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by flory24 Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:34 am

i know there was 2 man: one inside and one outside , but what i want to tell is that the inside man arm seems to be to big for an arm

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by Human_nature Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:37 am

"Wherever. Whatever. Have a nice day."

Last edited by Human_nature on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by flory24 Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:01 am

ok sorry
my mistake...
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:29 am

Hi evrybody....thanks, Human Nature. your screen shots are great and I wish I was techie enough to take my own!

Problem is that your enlargement was at WRONG time...you enlarged 1:13 and I need 1:08 enlarged.

Would you be an angel and please, please enlarge 1:08 for us?????

Or can anyone please PM me the steps?
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by dunno_it Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:43 am

So there are 2 guys inside a van and no moving MJ?
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:55 am

3 moving guys:

guy inside van with white sheet
MJ shadow rsing up
guy crawling into rear van to reach yellow transfer board

We really need a another Human Nature big enlargement at time frame 1:08

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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by PepaBCN Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:57 am

And why must they use an alive person? Why didn't they use a mannequin all the time? Do they like make things even more difficult? That's what I never understood! THIS IS IT-the Missing link Icon_question
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THIS IS IT-the Missing link Empty Re: THIS IS IT-the Missing link

Post by White_Orchid Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:35 pm

THIS IS IT-the Missing link %3Ca%20href=THIS IS IT-the Missing link Frame216</A>" border="0" />

Red circle highlights the raising 'head silhouette'....against the white sheet held by inside attendant...and the outside attendant reaching into the rear van is too low and you can see 'glints' of his belt attchments further down.

Watch the FULL SCREEN video and you will see this 'head silhouette' disappear to the right, the attendant tucks white sheet under his arm and the rear van attendant remivess EMPTY Yellow transfer board!!!

Last edited by White_Orchid on Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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