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A personal story I must share with you all....

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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by MJAREYOUOK? Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:17 am

This is a long and likely boring post but please bear with me as it is a long story and I have just taken my night meds so I am sorry for being so chatty,for the mushiness and getting sentimental A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_redface

I have received some PM's from people asking if I was ok since I mentioned in my post regarding the extra lyrics in Thriller from TII and I had just posted about it because it slipped my mind due to the fact that I have been busy with many Dr's appointments.

I felt that I should share this with you all since I feel like I am apart of an MJ family and have met some great people here and feel I am amongst friends A personal story I must share with you all.... Herz

Here is my story....

I have been a fan of MJ's since I saw the Say Say Say music video with my mom on Much Music at the age of 5 and then I saw Thriller!
I was actually not scared of the video at all and was facinated by the dancing,beat of the song and the make-up.
My sister,whom sadly has passed on in 2005 at the age of 31,bought the Bad cassette and she wasn't into it and gave it to me.She created a monster because I wore that tape out playing Smooth Criminal and Human Nature just to name a few A personal story I must share with you all.... Party0049
Then he took awhile to release another album but I sweet talked and charmed my Nana to buy Dangerous for me when it came out since we were at the mall wasting time waiting for my mom to get off work.

I love the video for Remember The Time because he looked just so hot,especially at that Soul Train performance where he had to sit during it due to an ankle injury A personal story I must share with you all.... Jaw-dropping
He never toured Canada for some reason and in my late teens,I became involved in the music industry thanks to connections my mom had as a PR agent for Roy Orbison's brother and the tribute act he supported that featured Roy,Elvis and Buddy Holly.
I started as a photographer for bands such as Inxs,whom one of the members is a personal friend of my mom's and covered their Canadian tour until Michael Hutchence died in 1997 only to reband with a new singer in 2002 and I went on their North American tour with them as a photo journalist and as the Canadian Correspondant for their website.
I also was casted as an extra in a few of their music videos from the Elegantly Wasted album which was fun but I prefer to be behind the camera.
I went on to work for other bands and some were amazing to work with,some were true divas A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_lol
My career got cut back immensly when I decided to pursue a career in law enforcement,like my father or some type of career in the legal field and I had always wanted to be an entertainment lawyer and began to focus on applications,decisions and begin life after high school.I was accepted into the police academy and began training when I was diagnosed with cancer at 19 years old which I beat and was assured I would be just fine but after the treatments,etc I could no longer continue in the academy so decided to pursue photography/entertainment due to having the experience and perhaps continue on with my second choice of law after a break.Unfortunately,I wasn't cut a break and was rediagnosed at the age of 25 and had a major operation that changed my life forever as I can no longer have children and treatments and beat it but only for it to come back and spread to other organs and I am currently going through treatments,many meds per day and countless operations.
I almost died in 2007 when I was given Morphine after major surgery through a IV pump and I had never had it before and was deathly allergic and I flatlined/coded but was brought back and was in a coma for almost a week.I swear that all coma patients cannot speak or respond but I heard everything going on around me..the conversations with my family,the specialists,nurses and my mom set me up with my discman with a mixed MJ CD and it got me through alot and I wasn't giving up!!!
To date,the cancer is still here and is controlled and hasn't spread at all but the treatments,etc are grueling as are the meds,which most aren't covered under my insurance which is rediculous because I personally feel all cancer patients should not have to pay for their meds period.
I am a self confessed A personal story I must share with you all.... Reading nerd and have been reading all the MJ books I can get my hands on that have been released since his death and will post reviews in another forum so you can know which ones are the best and most truthful before you buy them if you haven't already.
I just wanted to tell you about myself because I am normally private about my illness but I feel I am amongst friends/family here and also MJ and his music,etc has seen me through alot in my life..the good times since early childhood and the worst through young adulthood to present which were the death of my sister and my illness and ofcourse the thought he had actually left us and was called hom tore me up and his music calmed me but at first could not listen to YANA but now it holds special meaning to me for some strange reason,esp the lyrics where he hears my prayers and if only he would come running when I say those 3 words A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_sad

Thanks for reading my story and I hope to make many friends but I already feel like I have and also found family here because nobody understands my strong beliefs he is still alive and you all do here since we also have the same interests and goal...pursuading MJ to please come out of hiding and return to us when he is ready or able to do so.

I am a fighter and am determined to kick this awful disease in the @ss and I am strong willed and since I am home most of the time due to having my bad days but I have good days too but this has given me a project to work on to work out the clues,keep my mind off my troubles and also put some of the education and training I have experienced and learned through the academy and also seeing the entertainment business first hand,which can be shocking some of the lengths artists,PR people and managers will do to cover up things and some of the behaviour of some artists that the public think are so gracious,humble,etc.

I can honestly say that speaking to people that have worked with/for or knew him I was told he was just as we saw him in interviews or on TV which he portrayed himself to be which is loving,caring,humble and had a heart of gold and that is the 100% truth about his character,morals and heart and the tabloids are trash and so are all the nay sayers,bashers and haters in the media or even the general public who don't have a brain to think for themselves!

MJ is a genious,a perfectionist and was above all HUMAN!

He loved to laugh,loved jokes,did swear in private or in the studio if something didn't go right and did have a bit of a temper but he always apologised should he offend anyone and always pretty much gave reprimands to those around him with L.O.V.E. as we all saw!

The best part I heard about him though is he had a wicked sense of humour,loved dirty jokes,was like a little kid when it came to hearing gossip about others but would never repeat it and played practical jokes as we all know but some were so hilarious and over the top,they were not printable in books,etc A personal story I must share with you all.... Lol

Thanks for taking the time to read my life story.

I just wanted to be honest with everyone and felt very comfortable now to share this personal story after receiving so many messages from those whom showed their love and concern.

MJ,wherever you are,I have a feeling you read these forums so I just want to say thank you for being YOU and please come back to us soon because the world is a better place with you here! A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_cheers

A personal story I must share with you all.... Herz L.O.V.E. to all my friends and MJ family A personal story I must share with you all.... Herz
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by serendipity Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:39 am

Awww, thank you for sharing your personal story..sending my (((((hugs)))) to you. A personal story I must share with you all.... Herz We are a family here and we love one another, just like how MJ wants it to be... A personal story I must share with you all.... Herz Yeah, I wonder why MJ did not tour Canada? And by the way, have you heard about the Fuda Hospital in China that specializes in cancer? I've heard and watched former patients share their testimonies on how they got cured. It's so amazing! A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_cheers
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by katson45 Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:40 am

welcome mjruok ! love and stength to you! keep the faith....
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by serendipity Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:47 am

@mjareyouok, here's a link to fuda hosp. just in case you are interested to find out more about it: http://www.orienttumor.com/en_asp_new/index.asp
((((hugs)))) A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_smile
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by princesspea161 Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:34 am

mjareyou ok hello.

What an amazing and inspiring story and life so far. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. You have been through a lot but you have squared up to all your challenges with dignity and you truly are an inspirational person. Michael will be very proud to have a person like you fighting in his corner!

It is like a family here. I have moved from another site and the vibe here is much more positive, supportive and open-minded I must say.

I am (was) a nurse, and have been lucky enough to work with many cancer patients. If you ever need a chat on a down day or any advice pm me anytime. I'm never too busy for anyone needing a shoulder to lean on ok?

MJ is def the real deal and everything and more you said in your post. I believe he will go down in history as a kind of prophet of our time with his messages of love for the world.

We're all missing him badly and even though I've been a fan since I was about 8, I honestly didnt think his 'death' would hit me so hard.

Anyway you have lots of friends on here and I'm sure I'm not the only one who admires your openess and appreciates you deciding to share some very difficult experiences with us all. We are worthy of your trust and I hope we are worthy of your friendship too.

Huge hug.

xxx melanie xxx
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by DawnMarie1121 Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:56 am

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have only been on here a short time too, but these really are some of the most amazing people I've 'met.' Several of them have recently spent a lot of time making sure I was okay after losing some hope regarding Michael. They went through a great effort to come to my aid, a new member they really knew nothing about. They supported me and offered much kindness. I am now smiling again, thanks to them.

The people on this site genuinely care about each-other, even if they sometimes disagree. They are a beautiful group of people and I have no doubt you will fit right in. Welcome.
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by Grace Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:07 am


I am sending you all my love and thoughts of strength and warmth.
Your post is very much touching and you are a wonderful person.
Thank you for sharing!
I know you are deciding every day and every hour with the pains to not give up and fight. I was going through a 9 month IV therapy and I know little of what you are going through. But I also told my illness to go away every day and whenever I had those pains - and I could fight it.

How nice you could be close to INXS - I love their music.
It's part of my youth as well.

God bless you and keep wearing out many more tapes of MJ...

Smiles and much L.O.V.E.
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by SPAKKLE29FUL Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:29 am

MJareyouok, you have all my love, respect to you always you surely are a A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_queen among us
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by just_friend Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:46 am

awww, sweetie!
You are amazing! thanks for being with us!
Send you my love and wish you to beat it! We are here with U, you can count on us!

hugs and love,
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by KPNUTS Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:04 am

thanks for your moving story. You have found a place where you can feel at home on this forum. I'm sending you love and hugs.

Like you, I believe that the image of Michael portryed by the media is completely false. I've come to realise over the past few months that he is (because I believe he is still here) a unique person. He cares passionately about the world, and his message will become loud and clear very soon to everybody.

I'll be thinking and praying for you. Wishing you strength and courage.
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by icy55 Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:09 am

Inspirational. You go girl! A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_biggrin
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by Truth_or_Dare Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:37 am

Thanks for sharing your story with us MJAREYOUOK! It takes courage to do that if you're the kinds person that usually doesn't. You're a very brave girl for fighting like you do and I'm sure you're gonna beat the cancer completely; wth an attitude like your yours it's the only outcome possible A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_biggrin
Stay strong and loving like you are and always know that you have a family here that you cam always count on! If you ever need anything pls feel free to pm me and I'll do the best that I can to help!

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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by anotherpartofme Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:48 am

flower I love you!!!!
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by SPAKKLE29FUL Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:51 am

reading this thread has truly warmed my heart and made me proud to be a member of this family ,i came here in search of the truth about mj cos i knew that he was alive and like many of you none of my family or friends would believe me .they still dont more fool them.in our quest to find the truth ,we have not only learnt to respect ,listen understand and not judge each other, we have also shown compassion ,support and so much love not only for mj but for one another.i have noticed if someone is feeling lost and sad which face it has happened to us all at one point,i see a thousand hugs and many words of kindness and encouragement sent., there way .it goes to show each and everyone of us has kindness and love in our hearts and because of one man we have learnt to use it ,this really has made me a better person and really opened my eyes to mjs message about our planet yes we are the world and as long as we believe and love there is nothing we cannot do as long as we do it together ,thank you for listening MJareyouok Respect once more,you are certainly not alone you now of thousands of brothers and sisters holding your hand . i think mj would be proud of us,
ps i can be serious sometimes ,
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by HealTheWorld Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:43 am

What a moving, heart-warming story that was,it was really brave to share that all with us. Keep fighting, I hope from the bottom of my heart that you'll get better. Love and hugs to you.. A personal story I must share with you all.... Herz
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by lisap27 Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:05 am

*hugs* u sound like such a strong person!!

Keep going & keep the faith

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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by maria-c Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:06 am

A personal story I must share with you all.... Icon_santa God bless you and thanks for sharing your story, struggle, struggle, and as you say give it a kick and put it away in your life
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by looking4truth Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:12 am

So sweet. Thanks for sharing. Sending love, hugs and prayers your way! Smile
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by MJsAngelEyes1987 Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:38 am

MJAreYouOK: WOWIE!!!! Absolutely incredible story!!
Very inspirational indeed! Thanks for sharing! Smile
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by Christiana Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:59 am

Thanks for sharing your story with us, MJAreYouOK!! I'm glad I took the time to read it so I could get to know you a little better. Hugs to you, big time, as you kick that disease's A$$! Cancer runs rampant in my family and it reaches so many people. Sad

So glad you we are all a part of this special MJ family!
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by GirlInTheMirror1 Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:05 am

Thanks for sharing. You go, girl, and may everything become alright for you!

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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by mjssoulmate Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:12 am

Thanks you for sharing your story. I'm sending all my love to you! Keep the faith. You can beat this awful disease.
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A personal story I must share with you all.... Empty Re: A personal story I must share with you all....

Post by MJAREYOUOK? Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:56 pm

Thanks so much for all your love and support!
It does get hard at times when I have bad days but now I feel blessed to have such a great big group of family/friends whom believe also in what I do and that MJ has brought us together.
This whole mystery and MJ is like a ray of sunny in my life because I know in my heart he is reading all this and knows how much we support him and one day the king will come back to us!!

Much L.O.V.E to all!! I love you
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