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Random facts about ourselves.

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by TheKiddNerd Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:06 pm

Here alittle about me lol.... My name is Lo

-Im 17
-Im from Bossier City, Louisana
-I have 5 brothers && sisters
-I've just got divorced Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_rolleyes
(Got married very young)
-Im quite shy (Introvert)
-Im a goofball
-Im a Nerd lol
-I love candy && pizza
-Graduated from High School already && in college
-Love makinq new friends
-I Like scary movies && thrillers (Hide&Seek, CandyMan)
-I stay w/ my mom (It's only us two there)...So it's quite lonely at times
-I love Michael
-Alittle Eccentric && Random

-Im quite a sucker for fairytales
-A cartoon addict (Scooby Doo, Spongebob, Mr. Men Show, more)
-I love to read && write (poetry mostly)

So that's alittle about me Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_smile

Last edited by TheKiddNerd on Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:46 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I had to add somethings ;))
Bronze Member
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Aantal berichten : 65
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-17
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Bossier City, Louisiana

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by annieisnotokey Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:10 pm

TheKiddNerd wrote:Here alittle about me lol.... My name is Lo

-Im 17
-Im from Bossier City, Louisana
-I have 5 brothers && sisters
-I've just qot divorced Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_rolleyes
(Got married very younq)
-Im quite shy (Introvert)
-Im a goofball
-Im a Nerd lol
-I love candy && pizza
-Graduated from Hiqh School already
-Love makinq new friends
-I Like scary movies
-I stay w/ my mom (It's only us two there)...So it's quite lonely at times
-I love Michael
-Alittle Eccentric && Random

So that's alittle about me. I hope I didn't bore you Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_smile

Seriously, girl, you need to start using your Gs. lol!

Your first G is a gift from me:

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Letter_G
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by TheKiddNerd Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:28 pm

@ annie

Thanks for the G Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_lol
I just be pressing the wrong letter
most of the times. I guess I should
stop typing in the dark lol

Last edited by TheKiddNerd on Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Bronze Member
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Aantal berichten : 65
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-17
Leeftijd : 32
Woonplaats : Bossier City, Louisiana

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by I.Run.Away Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:31 pm

Hi everyone!
I am 25 and I live in Atlanta, Georgia.

I love dogs and am the proud parent of a fat pug.

I used to work at Disney World.

I played clarinet in the FSU Marching Chiefs.

I love to sip cosmos and watch 'Sex and the City.'

My favorite type of food is southern cuisine.

I am obsessed with Apple products. I am typing from my iPhone right now.
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Aantal berichten : 19
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:46 pm

GirlSaturday wrote:On the contrary, EVERYONE's life is uniquely interesting. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

As far as the American members on the site, I see that we have quite a few GRITS here.

GRITS = Girls Raised In The South Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_wink

neverlandprincess wrote:Ok my turn! I love things like this and that is funny because I do not have the MOST interesting life...but I always find random facts about other people interesting.
I am white. My first name is Sara but I go by my middle name "Danielle" and I have for my whole life-it was not a mid teen life change. I am oldest of 6 children and yes they are from the same parents who are still together (those two questions always follow). I live in a small town in Alabama where we moved from another small town in Georgia. Even though I am southern and always will be,I did live in Columbus Ohio (which I hated) for almost three years. I hated the cold icy wind and the flat landscape and the impersonal ways of people;however,I loved the school I attended (World Harvest Bible College) and the diverse friends I had from all over.
I was homeschooled my entire schooling and so are my brothers. I graduated when I was eighteen like everyone else in the world and I socialize well just like everyone else too. I love to write poems as well as opinions and I love reading. I would like to travel if I ever get out of debt.
I am 27 years old tomorrow and I keep forgetting about it because it seems that after I turned 21 all my cool Birthdays just went out the window. I was married and then divorced before I was 22 and I have been single ever since. I have been on one date since then and it really doesn't even count. Unfortunatly I am back at my parents home,and though it is only for the time being, I still battle guilt about it. I do work but it seems $ is so stretched over all the bills I am just never going to get away from where I am now. My car is in the shop and it SUCH a God given blessing that I got an incredible deal for repairing it.
I love coffee...like I could take it through the veins. I love the smell and I love to hear it brew. I used to work in a coffee shop and I really did like that job. Forget food -as long as I have chocolate and coffee...and cigerettes but I am trying to quit and I have not smoked since Friday night. I love to smoke but I don't like HAVING to smoke-you knwo feeling controlled by it. This is the second time I have quit-the first was 5 years ago (I started back this time last year). It has not been hard but I do miss it.
I am incredibly close to the two brothers that came after me. The next three I am still mainly their oldest sister. The two youngest siblings are both special needs,so I am highly sensitive to special children being mistreated or misunderstood. I cannot stand seeing people fully expect special children to perform as what they see as "normal". I also hate to see people expect their children to act as adults. I have no children.
I am considering going back to school but I am lost in all would like to do and I have a fear of waking up one day at fifty something and realize I never did any of it.
I love to write-wait I already said that-I love photography (as an art). I like people and generally get along with all people. People almost always think I am unbearably shy or just stuck up...neither is true. I was shy when I was a young teenager and that developed into being just being introverted and abusive towards myself. I got through that and I am no longer that way-but I am not a snob either. I just like to watch people and evaluate who they are before I am comfortable approaching them. Once I do everyone wants to take the credit for me "coming out of my shell". People usually are surprised about what they find out about me...I don't know why.
I love all kinds of music...if it is good. I did alot of self reflecting after June 25th. Remember I did not seriously consider a hoax until the burial...so I was devastated and surprised at myself for taking it so hard. My first memory of MJ was a Pepsi commercial,though I do not remember which one. The bad era-I was six and he made me blush. This was because I just thought he was sooo cute and was aware everyone knew that I did. I always loved him but for several years growing up I was only allowed to listen to "oldies"...so I heard all the J5 stuff-lol-and saw him on award shows. Early teen years and Lisa Marie news/HIStory hit. This is when I discovered MJ fully. I bought everything with him on it and made a point to learn all his songs from all his albums. This is when I started expereminting with creative writing. I love words and Michael knew how to use words.
Favorite MJ era -Dangerous/ Favorite song-ummmm at least ten off each album. FAv video-Remember the Time and STranger in Moscow.

Sorry Rach-you said random facts and I think I gave a short bio. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_lol

GRIT for life!

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:50 pm

Here is me:

My name is Mary and I was born in Detroit, MI (MOTOWN BABY!) in 1970. I am 39 yrs old. I am 5'3" and proud as hell to say that I weigh the EXACT same as I did in high school....120 lbs.
I now live on the extreme east coast of South Carolina just above Savannah, GA......my first complaint? THE FLIPPIN HEAT!!!

I miss snow.

I live with my BF of 7 yrs. His name is John and he is 52. He has long hair and plays guitar.

Never married and no kids...although it was close (the kids) but it didnt work out.

I have an Alaskan Malmute named Missy who is the world biggest girly girl on the planet. She tip toes through the water after it rains....

I HATE spiders too, although I find them very fascinating. I dont mind snakes.

I love chocolate...especially Reese pnut butter cups.

I dont drink anymore...I got WAY too good at it.

I smoke.

I love love LOVE ice cream and eat it everyday.

I HATE brussle sprouts and love corn and broccoli.

I MUST have my Kashi Heart to Heart warm Cinnamon cereal with Vanilla soy milk and a bottle of NAKED Superfood juice smoothie every day too.

I have a fondness for bad weather. Thunderstorms and hurricanes especially.

I almost became a lawyer. Went to college for Criminal Law in New York State.

I used to play drums.

I too LOVE horror movies.

My fave movie of all time Is GREASE. Ive seen it over 100 times.

When I find out MJ is alive and I get to meet him, Im going to ask him to teach me to MOONWALK. And then ask for a slow dance and dinner. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_razz

I love that you have an alaskan malmute-I have always wante one.

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by mattie Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:55 pm

Hello Again.
I could not sleep thinking about to tel my story further or not?
Maybe you would think another person who makes up storys? i am telling the truth!
My brother lived the live from Mj and i also a little! Not the famous part but the part in Gary Indiana(was it not?)
My Grand farther was a musisian..played the violin..he was known as the blind musisian.
My father and my uncles they all were in the music bussines also there sons..it was al about music in my house wen i was a child.
I have stil a tape from myself performing on a wedding wen i was 6 years old
Later on wen i was older i did not want to do it anymore,and my father let it go..he never put a finger on us.
But my brother..i have no other memory than that he had to go and played the drums..in bars an al kind of performing everywere..he is 5 years older than me,so at least from 11 years or earlyer.i have to ask him.
My father playd the accordion..and he was a good musisian..always working.
My uncles played accordion and trompet..piano..saxofoon..and they had comic acts with dancing with some kind of livesize doll..my father also had comedian acts.
My Father made 3 reccords while playing the accordion and singing.
Our house was always filled with other musisians,my father also played sometimes with some famous people here in the Netherlands..as far as you can become famous in the Netherlands back than..it is much differend here than in the U.S.A
My childhood was also difficuld(from things related) and for my brother worse i think.
What i wanted to say..i know how it is..and that it is verry hard at times.
Thats why you maybe try to get back part of your childhood?
I can see were MJ went trough,and it was a lot harder on him.
It makes you what you are today..and we have it without the abuse part.
Thats why i feld always for MJ..and it hit me like..wen i heard all the sh...what they told about him..and later..Hartbreaking!
I hope you believe that i told the honnest truth here..It is not all fun wen you are from a tallented musisian family..it gives also a lot of hard and difficuld times..even wen they are not that famous!
I wanted to let you know..it is also a verry big part of my live!
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Aantal berichten : 61
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:57 pm

GirlSaturday wrote:Black female
Single/no kids
48 years old
1st born
Born on a Saturday
Libra - October 15th
Dislikes tattoos... especially on females
Unable to watch horror movies
Marketing Professional
Warped/twisted/demented sense of humor
Loves bargain shopping, especially shoes and handbags
Introvert with a few extrovert tendencies
Hopeless romantic
Hates long-distance driving
Sports fanatic
Political junkie
Cannot swim yet LOVES beaches and water
Values friends and family
Thinks that Summer rainstorms are very sexy
Will NEVER live in a cold-weather snow state
Even temperment, not quick to anger
Hates "ism's" i.e race, sex, age etc...
Loves ME time
Admires natural talents found in others...that I lack
Very good memory
Does not handle death wery well
Hates war
Vivid imagination
I have dumped and have been dumped
Drinks/smokes/curses...and yes... while in college ...did drugs (marijuana)
Enjoys people-watching
Despises hypocrites and liars
Protector/defender of the weak and vulnerable
As nice as I am... that's also how equally nasty I can become when crossed

Ah-another lover of summer rainstorms-mmm I think that goes with being a hopeless romantic-and being even tempered without estrovert tendencies... Nice to know you GirlSaturday! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_sunny

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:00 pm

@mattie-why wouldnt we believe you? You have a profound story but it is not so unbelievable...welcome to the family btw.

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:02 pm

Oh yes...I also hate spiders. I did not know this about my self until I was about 20 and was playing Tomb Raider-she walks in a cave and a spider falls from the top of the cave and as it does my controller goes flying at the tv...I love LOTR and I cannot fathom the scene with the spider cave. I am not scared of bugs in general-or much else but something about em....

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:08 pm

LOL ... another pug mommy. Mine is a 7 yr old male named Simeon. Needless to say he rules the house.

I.Run.Away wrote:Hi everyone!
I am 25 and I live in Atlanta, Georgia.

I love dogs and am the proud parent of a fat pug.

I used to work at Disney World.

I played clarinet in the FSU Marching Chiefs.

I love to sip cosmos and watch 'Sex and the City.'

My favorite type of food is southern cuisine.

I am obsessed with Apple products. I am typing from my iPhone right now.
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Aantal berichten : 1450
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by mattie Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:22 pm

Hello Neverlandprincess.
Profound..that is what i was afraid off..and that people would think that i was trying to get attention.
But sometimes you want to scream..i know what he feld..even if you only lived a small part of it.
Thats why i escaped into my dolls i think..and understand were MJ is comming from as far as i can..because his story is even so far from mine.
I always loved his music..and grew up with my children and his music.
In the sixties i was a huge beatles fan(Paul mc Cartney)and Say Say Say came..and come together..i liked it more from MJ!
Thanks for your words and Greetings Mattie
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Aantal berichten : 61
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by WanaBstartnSthn Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:12 pm

Oooh! This is fun...ok here goes

I'm 21 years old

My birthday is June 24th

I am a cancer

I wrote a book once and my computer crashed and the book was lost forever Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_sad

I love spicy food! Oh yea!

I go on a "diet" every other week lol

I have a silly sense of humor but I can also have a sophisticated "Frasier" type of sense of humor too

I have 3 best friends, Thao, Lisa, & Michele

I'm not very artistic but I love to sing

I'm 5'3, not very tall but hey

I am the youngest of three siblings (All different mothers)

I am soon to be an auntie for the first time!! Yay! I love you baby Kennedy!

I get goosebumps whenever I see mice

I get goosebumps whenever I watch MJ performing live (on tape of course)

I use to watch "Moonwalker" everyday after school when I was a kid lol

I love PIZZA!!! OMG!!!!

Love love love my iPod touch I never leave my house without it

If I don't have my cellphone, I'll go insane

The Dangerous album is what got me hooked on Michael

I come on this site and MJHD EVERY SINGLE DAY from 8am until 11pm or later, except days that I'm working

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years but currently trying to get rid of him!

There's some random facts about me!!!
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by WanaBstartnSthn Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:15 pm

@ GirlSaturday, does that mean u don't like me?? I have two tattoos!
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:50 pm

LOL ...GS can like the person without liking the "body art".
Please. please please... do your thing and do not think about me or anyone else in the process. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

luvmjalways wrote:@ GirlSaturday, does that mean u don't like me?? I have two tattoos!
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Aantal berichten : 1450
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by The Little White Bird Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:29 am

Here are 25 facts about me. Why not leave me a few facts about yourself, thus making this site a highly factual hive of facts!

I am a walking hive of useless information, for instance did you know
In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license

2. I believe in heaven and its called a Cadbury’s cream egg

3. I used to own two rats called Bubble and Squeak. Rats like lager and curry.

My hair has a mind of its own and thus has an independent thought
process from the rest of my body. It never looks the same twice and
secretly mocks me. It’s prone to morph itself flat with a side parting
whenever I approach a female. It is my nemesis.

5. Shaving my
hair to defeat its relentless mocking doesn’t help as once shaved my
face looks like one singular gonad with a grin on it. No one likes to
look like a lone testicle. (fact)

6. I’m always expected to
organise parties, people invite me out last minute then expect me to
tell them where we’re going (it’s nearly always the pub) (I tell a lie,
IT IS always the pub)

7. I can only play the guitar if I make
the song up. Ask me to play a well known song and I’ll blag it by
making up the riff and singing the correct lyrics. Then I’ll tell you
that its from the artists rare live performance probably in Donnington
or Isle of Wight. You will believe me, I’m that convincing.

I’m planning on becoming an evil genius just so I can call my staff
‘Henchmen’ and say things like ‘Kill him, but bring the girl to me…’ or
‘Tie her up in my chamber, I shall attend to her presently’

It annoys me when people at work say things like ‘I couldn’t get up
this morning’ of course they could, otherwise they’d still be in bed.

11. I don’t believe in exercise, if God wanted me to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knee’s.

12. I’d like to live in a society where pizza doesn’t get to your house quicker than the police.

I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm
going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He
said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the
corners very well."

14. When I get real bored, I like to
drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and
count how many people ask me if I'm leaving.

15. I find it amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.

Some people say "If you can't beat them, join them". I say "If you
can't beat them, beat them", because they will be expecting you to join
them, so you will have the element of surprise.

17. When I’m
at a party, I always get stuck talking to the boring guy in the corner
(usually called Norman) I’m yet to find a foolproof escape plan.

I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know
this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great
respect, they don't even invite me

19. I believe computer dating is fine, if you're a computer

I think Chris De Burgh is Schizo. First he sings (and I quote) ‘I never
seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance, looking for a bit of
romance’ then not 30 seconds later he sings ‘Lady in Red, is dancing
with me, that’s where I wanna be, theres NOBODY HERE just you and me’
make your bloody mind up Chris.

21. I’m one of the only
straight men in the country that can dance without looking like I’m
trying to shake a ferret out of my trouser legs.

22. I think
Kiefer Sutherland should barge into the national TV awards with a gun
and start torturing people with forks and other implements at hand
until he gets an award for being Jack Bauer in 24. Now that would be
good telly.

23. I always read the takeaway menu meticulously before ordering the same thing that I always order.

24. During an evening out, i drink Sambuka like water then spend the next day drinking water like water.

My favourite film is Scarface (although I get funny looks from the odd
female who hasn’t seen the movie when I quote ‘say hello to my little
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
Silver Member
Silver Member

Aantal berichten : 185
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-09
Woonplaats : London England


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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:54 am


So you are that person...lol.

The Little White Bird wrote:Here are 25 facts about me. Why not leave me a few facts about yourself, thus making this site a highly factual hive of facts!

I am a walking hive of useless information, for instance did you know
In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license

2. I believe in heaven and its called a Cadbury’s cream egg

3. I used to own two rats called Bubble and Squeak. Rats like lager and curry.

My hair has a mind of its own and thus has an independent thought
process from the rest of my body. It never looks the same twice and
secretly mocks me. It’s prone to morph itself flat with a side parting
whenever I approach a female. It is my nemesis.

5. Shaving my
hair to defeat its relentless mocking doesn’t help as once shaved my
face looks like one singular gonad with a grin on it. No one likes to
look like a lone testicle. (fact)

6. I’m always expected to
organise parties, people invite me out last minute then expect me to
tell them where we’re going (it’s nearly always the pub) (I tell a lie,
IT IS always the pub)

7. I can only play the guitar if I make
the song up. Ask me to play a well known song and I’ll blag it by
making up the riff and singing the correct lyrics. Then I’ll tell you
that its from the artists rare live performance probably in Donnington
or Isle of Wight. You will believe me, I’m that convincing.

I’m planning on becoming an evil genius just so I can call my staff
‘Henchmen’ and say things like ‘Kill him, but bring the girl to me…’ or
‘Tie her up in my chamber, I shall attend to her presently’

It annoys me when people at work say things like ‘I couldn’t get up
this morning’ of course they could, otherwise they’d still be in bed.

11. I don’t believe in exercise, if God wanted me to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knee’s.

12. I’d like to live in a society where pizza doesn’t get to your house quicker than the police.

I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm
going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He
said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the
corners very well."

14. When I get real bored, I like to
drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and
count how many people ask me if I'm leaving.

15. I find it amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.

Some people say "If you can't beat them, join them". I say "If you
can't beat them, beat them", because they will be expecting you to join
them, so you will have the element of surprise.

17. When I’m
at a party, I always get stuck talking to the boring guy in the corner
(usually called Norman) I’m yet to find a foolproof escape plan.

I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know
this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great
respect, they don't even invite me

19. I believe computer dating is fine, if you're a computer

I think Chris De Burgh is Schizo. First he sings (and I quote) ‘I never
seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance, looking for a bit of
romance’ then not 30 seconds later he sings ‘Lady in Red, is dancing
with me, that’s where I wanna be, theres NOBODY HERE just you and me’
make your bloody mind up Chris.

21. I’m one of the only
straight men in the country that can dance without looking like I’m
trying to shake a ferret out of my trouser legs.

22. I think
Kiefer Sutherland should barge into the national TV awards with a gun
and start torturing people with forks and other implements at hand
until he gets an award for being Jack Bauer in 24. Now that would be
good telly.

23. I always read the takeaway menu meticulously before ordering the same thing that I always order.

24. During an evening out, i drink Sambuka like water then spend the next day drinking water like water.

My favourite film is Scarface (although I get funny looks from the odd
female who hasn’t seen the movie when I quote ‘say hello to my little
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Aantal berichten : 1450
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-17

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by IndonesianGirl Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:42 pm

okay .. it's all about me .. i hope you're interested .. haha

My Real name is Trus'tee but call me Truztee
Im 18 years old
My birthday is October 25th
I live in Yogyakarta, Indonesia .
Im Scorpion
My favorite food is Indonesian Food, KFC, Cheese Cake, Tart, etc.
My Favorite beverages is Gatorade, mineral water, Fanta,
I have a brother and a sister
Im single (at this moment .. LOL)
I love to sing
Im 165 cm
I hate cockroach
I have to chicken at my house
I have only 55 Michael Jackson mp3's at my iTunes
I can speak Indonesian, Javanese, and English (not too good)
I love English Football
I hate racist
I can't live without God, breathing, cellphone, laptop, modem, money, MJ's music
I love humor ... and always trying to entertain other peoples
My favorite brand is Adidas, Apple, Rip Curl, Billabong, Rusty, Oakley, Nike, Quiksilver, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Lee Cooper, Levis, Reebok and etc.
My favorite sports is English Football, Futsal, Basket Ball .
I really hate terrorist (thanx God alot of them is death)
I love my city
I love to teach foreign people to learn my language or my tradition
I hate teaching my mom how to use facebook
My favorite colour is blue, black, white, grey
I hate math, physic, biology
I love adventure and action film (James Bond, National Treasure, etc.)
I hate gossips tabloid
I hate Martin Bashir
I hate MJ haters
I hate Chelsea FC haters
7 days at hospital and almost gone makes me remember to God .
I love Michael J. Jackson and The Jackson Family *Joe not on my list

Hugs For Jackson Family . *exclude Joe Jackson .. he's a Jackson too .. but i won't hug him

Love ya all !!!

Very Happy Very Happy
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by fanfromspain Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:15 pm

charmed6 wrote:I'm getting the idea in my head that not a lot of people like spiders?lol

I completely FREAK OUT when I see a spider, especially those big brown ones...
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Aantal berichten : 44
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by The Little White Bird Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:22 pm

I completely FREAK OUT when I see a spider, especially those big brown ones...

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 134980838_07d2d64054

Have you met my mate? His name is fluffy! lol
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
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Aantal berichten : 185
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by IndonesianGirl Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:24 pm

The Little White Bird wrote:
I completely FREAK OUT when I see a spider, especially those big brown ones...

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 134980838_07d2d64054

Have you met my mate? His name is fluffy! lol

woow .. i love this pic ... looks cute .. lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by phoenix Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:28 pm

The Little White Bird wrote:Here are 25 facts about me. Why not leave me a few facts about yourself, thus making this site a highly factual hive of facts!

I am a walking hive of useless information, for instance did you know
In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license

2. I believe in heaven and its called a Cadbury’s cream egg

3. I used to own two rats called Bubble and Squeak. Rats like lager and curry.

My hair has a mind of its own and thus has an independent thought
process from the rest of my body. It never looks the same twice and
secretly mocks me. It’s prone to morph itself flat with a side parting
whenever I approach a female. It is my nemesis.

5. Shaving my
hair to defeat its relentless mocking doesn’t help as once shaved my
face looks like one singular gonad with a grin on it. No one likes to
look like a lone testicle. (fact)

6. I’m always expected to
organise parties, people invite me out last minute then expect me to
tell them where we’re going (it’s nearly always the pub) (I tell a lie,
IT IS always the pub)

7. I can only play the guitar if I make
the song up. Ask me to play a well known song and I’ll blag it by
making up the riff and singing the correct lyrics. Then I’ll tell you
that its from the artists rare live performance probably in Donnington
or Isle of Wight. You will believe me, I’m that convincing.

I’m planning on becoming an evil genius just so I can call my staff
‘Henchmen’ and say things like ‘Kill him, but bring the girl to me…’ or
‘Tie her up in my chamber, I shall attend to her presently’

It annoys me when people at work say things like ‘I couldn’t get up
this morning’ of course they could, otherwise they’d still be in bed.

11. I don’t believe in exercise, if God wanted me to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knee’s.

12. I’d like to live in a society where pizza doesn’t get to your house quicker than the police.

I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm
going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He
said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the
corners very well."

14. When I get real bored, I like to
drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and
count how many people ask me if I'm leaving.

15. I find it amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.

Some people say "If you can't beat them, join them". I say "If you
can't beat them, beat them", because they will be expecting you to join
them, so you will have the element of surprise.

17. When I’m
at a party, I always get stuck talking to the boring guy in the corner
(usually called Norman) I’m yet to find a foolproof escape plan.

I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know
this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great
respect, they don't even invite me

19. I believe computer dating is fine, if you're a computer

I think Chris De Burgh is Schizo. First he sings (and I quote) ‘I never
seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance, looking for a bit of
romance’ then not 30 seconds later he sings ‘Lady in Red, is dancing
with me, that’s where I wanna be, theres NOBODY HERE just you and me’
make your bloody mind up Chris.

21. I’m one of the only
straight men in the country that can dance without looking like I’m
trying to shake a ferret out of my trouser legs.

22. I think
Kiefer Sutherland should barge into the national TV awards with a gun
and start torturing people with forks and other implements at hand
until he gets an award for being Jack Bauer in 24. Now that would be
good telly.

23. I always read the takeaway menu meticulously before ordering the same thing that I always order.

24. During an evening out, i drink Sambuka like water then spend the next day drinking water like water.

My favourite film is Scarface (although I get funny looks from the odd
female who hasn’t seen the movie when I quote ‘say hello to my little

OMFG i HATE 24 and Jack Bauer this is the worst thing ever right after LOST and Supernatural LOL and Sex and the city ..
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Aantal berichten : 547
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by The Little White Bird Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:32 pm

The Little White Bird wrote:
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="90%"><tr><td align="left">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote" align="left">I completely FREAK OUT when I see a spider, especially those big brown ones...</td></tr></table>

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 134980838_07d2d64054

Have you met my mate? His name is fluffy! lol

woow .. i love this pic ... looks cute .. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Not sure if he'd win top prize in a cutest pet competition though!
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by fanfromspain Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:33 pm

The Little White Bird wrote:
I completely FREAK OUT when I see a spider, especially those big brown ones...

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 134980838_07d2d64054

Have you met my mate? His name is fluffy! lol

Your mate? Please take that picture down, I'm gonna have nightmares tonight Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Sleep
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Aantal berichten : 44
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by The Little White Bird Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:34 pm

OMFG i HATE 24 and Jack Bauer this is the worst thing ever right after LOST and Supernatural LOL and Sex and the city ..

Q: How many cast members of lost does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Just one, but it will take them 24 episodes!
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
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Aantal berichten : 185
Registratiedatum : 2009-08-09
Woonplaats : London England


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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by phoenix Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:36 pm

The Little White Bird wrote:
OMFG i HATE 24 and Jack Bauer this is the worst thing ever right after LOST and Supernatural LOL and Sex and the city ..

Q: How many cast members of lost does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Just one, but it will take them 24 episodes!


nowdays we do not have only C. Norris jokes but also ones about Lost and Jack Bauer hahahahaha
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Aantal berichten : 547
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by IndonesianGirl Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:37 pm

The Little White Bird wrote:
The Little White Bird wrote:
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="90%"><tr><td align="left">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote" align="left">I completely FREAK OUT when I see a spider, especially those big brown ones...</td></tr></table>

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 134980838_07d2d64054

Have you met my mate? His name is fluffy! lol

woow .. i love this pic ... looks cute .. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Not sure if he'd win top prize in a cutest pet competition though!

lol! lol! that's impossible ..
but personaly i love the pic .. not the spiders ..
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Makea Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:25 pm

I am 39 years old ( OMG!!! how old that looks!!! I´m just 22 or something........ Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Fresse )
I´m a virgo like Mike
I´m married since 3 years.
I have no kids.
I live in Gelsenkirchen since 7 Years,
I was born and grown up in a village 150 km far from here.
I have a little Dog (Dingo)
I loved Michael Jackson my entire live
(with only a few exceptions: Freddie Mercury, David Bowie)
I hate spiders Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Affraid ,
I love chinese food,
I love scary movies with Vampires and also Star Wars,
My fave Michael Jackson songs are Lady in my Life and Stranger in Moscow,
My fave Michael Jackson album is Bad,
My fave Michael Jackson videos are Remember The Time and Thriller
My fave Michael Jackson look is from the BAD time till the end of the 90´s.
I love Michael Jackson no matter what pants Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_tongue
I love FC Schalke 04
I never ever had the pleasure to visit Michael Jackson live in concert Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_sad
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Rach Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:29 pm

That massive fecking spider scared the crap out of me Sad

I hate them so much!!!

Aantal berichten : 3057
Registratiedatum : 2009-07-28
Woonplaats : In my own little world :)

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by NikkiKat22 Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:38 pm

I'm with ya Rach. That spider is freaky. I to hate spiders. but I will not kill them. I let them go free. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_smile
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by ~StarLight~UK~ Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:42 pm

I swear I had a spider as ''BIG'' as that in my flat yesterday!!! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Gives me chills, complete phobia........I was up on a chair for 30 mins!!!!

I had to phone for help.......what a girl! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:58 pm

Spiders get no love. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_sad

Perhaps they need a new public relations manager. I would create a wonderful promotional campaign telling the world just how loveable and cuddly spiders really are.
Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

Yeah yeah whatever...
I felt that way until bitten by a spider. My legs swelled to twice their size. I had nasty red blotches that made people stare and afraid to approach me. I was paralyzed and virtually unable to walk without immense pain. When I see a spider now, I do all that I can to crush it. Go ahead and call PETA or the other animal rights organizations because I do not care. Spiders must DIE. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_mad
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Aantal berichten : 1450
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Rach Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:01 pm

~StarLight~UK~ wrote:I swear I had a spider as ''BIG'' as that in my flat yesterday!!! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Gives me chills, complete phobia........I was up on a chair for 30 mins!!!!

I had to phone for help.......what a girl! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol I would have done that too Hon!

I was speaking to one of my friends today and she said there was one in her landing this morning that was the size of a beer mat! She had to catch it with a pan LOL.

Aantal berichten : 3057
Registratiedatum : 2009-07-28
Woonplaats : In my own little world :)

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by The Little White Bird Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:11 pm

Spiders get no love. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_sad

they need a new public relations manager. I would create a wonderful
promotional campaign telling the world just how loveable and cuddly
spiders really are.
Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

Yeah yeah whatever...
felt that way until bitten by a spider. My legs swelled to twice their
size. I had nasty red blotches that made people stare and afraid to
approach me. I was paralyzed and virtually unable to walk without
immense pain. When I see a spider now, I do all that I can to crush it.
Go ahead and call PETA or the other animal rights organizations because
I do not care. Spiders must DIE. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_mad

That would be the same as wandering around shooting poodles and small puppies just because a rottweiler once bit you. The vast majority of spider species are harmless and most don't even have the ability to bite. It was probably a recluse spider or black widow and even then they'll only bite if they feel endangered.
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by ~StarLight~UK~ Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:39 pm

Rach wrote:
~StarLight~UK~ wrote:I swear I had a spider as ''BIG'' as that in my flat yesterday!!! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Gives me chills, complete phobia........I was up on a chair for 30 mins!!!!

I had to phone for help.......what a girl! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol I would have done that too Hon!

I was speaking to one of my friends today and she said there was one in her landing this morning that was the size of a beer mat! She had to catch it with a pan LOL.

OMG the size of a beer mat! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_eek I'm sweating just thinking about that!

My friend used to put out milk bottle tops because she thought they came in for a drink! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:45 pm


I want the message to get back to the spider colony or whatever it is called. Do not venture anywhere near HER. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Kopfschuettel

The Little White Bird wrote:
Spiders get no love. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_sad

they need a new public relations manager. I would create a wonderful
promotional campaign telling the world just how loveable and cuddly
spiders really are.
Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_cheers

Yeah yeah whatever...
felt that way until bitten by a spider. My legs swelled to twice their
size. I had nasty red blotches that made people stare and afraid to
approach me. I was paralyzed and virtually unable to walk without
immense pain. When I see a spider now, I do all that I can to crush it.
Go ahead and call PETA or the other animal rights organizations because
I do not care. Spiders must DIE. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_mad

That would be the same as wandering around shooting poodles and small puppies just because a rottweiler once bit you. The vast majority of spider species are harmless and most don't even have the ability to bite. It was probably a recluse spider or black widow and even then they'll only bite if they feel endangered.
Diamond Member
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Aantal berichten : 1450
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by The Little White Bird Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:52 pm


I want the message to get back to the spider colony or whatever it is called. Do not venture anywhere near HER. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Kopfschuettel

I don't think you thought your plan through hun. If you stamp on them, they would be slightly too dead to deliver any messages! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_bounce
The Little White Bird
The Little White Bird
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:09 pm

Papa, Mama, Teenie and Baby spider lived together in the spider colony. Teenie spider was always restless and looking for mischevious things to do. Papa and Mama spider always warned him about going to visit humans. Humans were afraid of spiders and would cause them great harm if not careful. Teenie wouldn't listen. One day he ventured outside of the spider colony to visit GirlSaturday.
She saw Teenie and smashed him against the floor. She left him there for two days . On the first day that Teenie went missing Mama asked Papa to join her to search for their lost spider. Papa was worried of the outcome but agreed to join Mama. Papa saw it first and tried to shield Mama from the horror of what had become of Teenie. Too late. She and Papa stood over the remains of Teenie and swore that they would never again venture to where humans lived . Too late...GirlSaturday saw the two of them and ....you know how the story ends. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_twisted
The Little White Bird wrote:

I want the message to get back to the spider colony or whatever it is called. Do not venture anywhere near HER. Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Kopfschuettel

I don't think you thought your plan through hun. If you stamp on them, they would be slightly too dead to deliver any messages! Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Icon_bounce
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Rach Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:11 pm

@ GirlSaturday

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Your little stories and anadoctes never fail to make me smile!

Aantal berichten : 3057
Registratiedatum : 2009-07-28
Woonplaats : In my own little world :)

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by GirlSaturday Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:15 pm

Thanks Rach. I needed that today more than ever. I'm having one crappy weekend and I am in one funky mood. Hanging out with you guys is helping quite a bit.

Rach wrote:@ GirlSaturday

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Your little stories and anadoctes never fail to make me smile!
Diamond Member
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Aantal berichten : 1450
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Rach Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:17 pm

GirlSaturday wrote:Thanks Rach. I needed that today more than ever. I'm having one crappy weekend and I am in one funky mood. Hanging out with you guys is helping quite a bit.

Oh no Sad Can I do anything to help?

I know how you feel. I had a bad WEEK and it has taken me so long to get out of this funk.

You know where I am if you need me Smile

Aantal berichten : 3057
Registratiedatum : 2009-07-28
Woonplaats : In my own little world :)

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Harleyblonde Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:26 pm

There is an abundance of huge spiders in the UK due to weather conditions according to the news. I have seen about 6 in the past few days in my living room. I will not kill them, I usually catch them and put them in the garden but these are HUGE!!! The other night there was the biggest I had seen and I just grabbed my handbag and fled to bed-it was only 9pm. Even now I am sat with my feet up.
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:21 pm

OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD-I cannot get back on this forum!

Aantal berichten : 1398
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:22 pm

I mean this thread! (see what that picture did to me)

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by Rach Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:23 pm

@ Neverlandprincess

Until this thread moves onto the next page I have to scrowl down with my eyes closed Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Aantal berichten : 3057
Registratiedatum : 2009-07-28
Woonplaats : In my own little world :)

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by annieisnotokey Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:28 pm

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 3358526612_f5b521f2ac
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:31 pm

Rach wrote:@ Neverlandprincess

Until this thread moves onto the next page I have to scrowl down with my eyes closed Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Lol

Thank God I am not the only one that it was intense for.

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by neverlandprincess Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:31 pm

@ Annie-thanks for the happy cartoon unrealistic spider

Aantal berichten : 1398
Registratiedatum : 2009-09-05
Leeftijd : 41
Woonplaats : Alabama,USA

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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by annieisnotokey Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:32 pm

neverlandprincess wrote:@ Annie-thanks for the happy cartoon unrealistic spider

See? Not all spiders are scary!
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Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Empty Re: Random facts about ourselves.

Post by NikkiKat22 Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:33 pm

Random facts about ourselves. - Page 3 Funny-pictures-your-cat-is-scared-of-spiders
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